The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2147: Physical control

At this moment, it was Luo Ji's Druid army that attacked the Europa aircraft carrier.

Of course, to be more accurate, it should be the elf druid in the elf druid army!

Because only the eldest druid can change the size of the eagle spirit form and the bear spirit form.

As long as you raise the ‘elven druid’ and the branch item ‘soul link’ of this unit to the third level at the same time, you can unlock new branch items and shape control!

This is a spell that can only be mastered by the Elven Druid.

The transformation of transfiguration has a normal body shape. For example, the transformation of the eagle spirit is generally a giant eagle of two to three meters.

With this as a premise, whether you want to use the ‘body control’ to make the giant eagle shape smaller or larger, you must continue to consume extra mana.

At the same time, you can't deform without limit. Normal eagle body shape is basically the limit of their current eagle spirit becoming smaller. Of course, the range of limitation and the strength of strength are also related.

In the form of bear spirit, the largest shape change at present is the highest officer of Elf Druid's army, Colonel Klad. His bear spirit is transformed into the largest body, which can approach 15 meters!

Standing in front of such a group of giant bears, for ordinary humans, they are no different from a hill.

In the navigation room, a group of Europa guards took the automatic rifle in their hands and fired wildly at the four bears descending from the sky.

However, the firepower of their automatic rifles was a bit too inconspicuous. They hit the bear's rock armor, and the pieces of bullets were mixed with crushed stones. The bullets were scattered around, but they were not injured.

In the form of bear spirit, they are definitely thick-skinned front tank units. If they want to hurt them, at least they need heavy weapons, such as automatic rifles, the threat is too small.

Therefore, at this time, they also did not care about the Europa guards at all, and saw that their eyes swept away, and they took the bear's paw with horrible power, so they patted the Europa officers and the high-tech equipment in the house.

At the same time, on the outside aircraft carrier deck, by virtue of the impulse falling from the sky, all the eldest druids were also pinpointed.

At the moment of landing, they directly crashed an Europa fighter plane, and even the aircraft carrier deck directly below them were knocked out of a small pit by them. The destruction efficiency was quite high.

041, 042 two aircraft carriers were attacked at the same time. The elves druids attacked the navigation room. Although it played a role, on the Europa side, a whole fleet was supported by a complete and huge system.

In other words, the moment the radar system found them, the entire information was synchronized and could not be stopped at all.

Even with some of the images taken on the aircraft carrier at that time, the Admiral of Croatia can directly move to view ...

So at this moment, the Admiral of Croatia clearly saw the group of eagles dived from the air and the subsequent changes.

At that moment, there was no need to think about how the other party got into this position.

After learning about the situation, the Croatian admirer frowned directly into the word "Sichuan".

The magic side's troops are really a headache!

"Let the closest aircraft carrier, the fighter plane block the sea area in the past, and let the early warning aircraft adjust the detection range for the size of the eagle creatures!"

After making this adjustment, I am afraid that some of the early warning aircraft ’s radar is lively, but there is no way to do it. If this is not the case, the special forces on the opposite side cannot be prevented.

As for the attack, the Croatian admiral did not let the Europa maneuver. In the final analysis, how to do it? Do you hit it with a missile?

Damn it! Those guys are now on the deck of their aircraft carrier. How many missiles are there? Are they going to bomb their aircraft carrier deck?

At that time, the opposite side has not yet started, and their aircraft carriers 041 and 042 lost their combat effectiveness because of their own missile attack, which is too funny.

So in this situation, not only can Europa fighters not easily operate, the nearby guided missile destroyers cannot act lightly, it can be bad.

Unlike the embarrassing Europa side, during this period, the eldest druids who attacked two enemy aircraft carriers at the same time did not stop for a moment.

According to Colonel Klad's intention, the eldest druids, who maintained the transformation of the bear spirit, carried out almost crazy destruction on the deck of the aircraft carrier.

Unless the attack is launched from below the sea, otherwise, it is difficult to sink an aircraft carrier!

In comparison, it is not so difficult to make an aircraft carrier incompetent.

Everyone knows that an aircraft carrier itself does not have any combat effectiveness. The existence of an aircraft carrier is to allow fighters to go to sea and fight at sea.

In order to achieve this, an aircraft carrier needs an entire aircraft carrier formation to provide services to it, and protecting its safety is the primary task of an entire aircraft carrier formation.

Under this premise, what do you need to do to make an aircraft carrier incompetent?

It is very simple to say, that is to destroy the aircraft carrier's runway and a series of corresponding equipment ~ ~ so that the fighter cannot take off and land!

However, if you smash two pits casually, you can easily make up for it. Therefore, in order to make an aircraft carrier leave the field for a long time, they must at least destroy the point where the other party can't be repaired at sea.

This task was unexpectedly not so easy.

And this whole process is not quite flat.

In the roar, four naval helicopters came galloping. Naval helicopters originally deployed in the carrier formation to perform anti-submarine missions came in handy at this time.

Ignoring the anti-submarine torpedoes and deep-water bombs hanging above, the machine guns placed under the helicopter, once fired, would still pose some threats to the eldest Druids who maintained the transformation of the bear spirit.

Facing this situation, Klad ordered all of his eldest druids to reduce their size, in order to increase flexibility and avoidance, while continuing to damage the runway.

However, he was quickly performing the metamorphosis, and with a bright eagle cricket, Klad changed directly from the bear spirit form to the eagle spirit form.

The giant eagle, close to three meters in size, flew all the way down the runway on the aircraft carrier and quickly approached one of the Europa naval helicopters.

Perceiving the approach of Klad, the naval helicopter's first response was to increase its flying height.

To this end, Klad also increased his flying height.

At the same time, on the missile destroyer responsible for protecting the security of the aircraft carrier, a missile quickly flew out!

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