Luo Ji originally thought that he could play two or three games with the opponent.

It turned out that he thought too much.

In the case of occupying the home court advantage and playing defensively, he will be beaten in one game, and he will lose a lot in the second game.

Under this premise, Luo Ji decisively packed and ran away.

I slipped ~

In order to run out of the attack range of the opposing cruise missiles and carrier-based aircraft in one breath, Luo Ji took his army to march overnight, and he dared not stop for a moment.

Halfway this way, two stormy eagles flew back.

They were covered in blood at that time, and they were startled by the soldiers around them, and then they called for medical soldiers to examine them.

Below that wing, many parts were covered with flesh and blood, and it was clear that they were injured by the opposite missile.

After all, it's not easy to avoid all the tracking missiles.

This injury can't be ignored, according to the medical soldier's diagnosis, it seems that a lot of bones have been injured, and there may be bone fractures.

Fortunately, these two stormy giant eagles are orc units, and enjoy the bonus of orc civilization items. Combined with the healing techniques of the elven sacrifices, they can recover after a period of rest.

Luo Ji, who confirmed the situation, was relieved.

Then he took out his small notebook, took a few notes, and reminded himself to turn back and remember to get up with the top army of ‘elf high priests’.

In the past years, in addition to upgrading the Dark Elves, Luo ’s Elf Points were mainly used to upgrade the Elf Archer, the top arm of the Gray Elves, the Royal Griffin Knight, and the Wood Elf. The top genie Elf Druid, and a series of extensions to these units.

The points are not enough at all, so, as a top-level unit, in the two choices of the "elf druid" and the "elf priest", he prefers the "elf druid".

The idea of ​​Luo Ji at that time was actually relatively simple.

If the spell is strengthened, the sacrifice of the elves can also be performed. As for the healing spell, the medical development of other peoples is actually very strong, they can complement each other, and it is not particularly urgent. Therefore, it is better to use the points for the more powerful top-level arms.

As a result, after experiencing this wave of casualties, Luo Ji inevitably remembered the 'Elven High Priest'.

However, it is estimated that this is a common problem for every player. If he upgrades at that time, if he is an ‘elf priest’, then when fighting this battle, Ji Ji will probably remember ‘elf druid’.

Take notes and confirm the status of your troops. After a short break, the troops rushed into action again.

After all, he still doesn't know how far the maximum combat distance of the opposite Europa fighter is. In case of accident, it is better to stay away.

The wingman civilization, the entire terrain of the border, he has sent people to check before, basically there is no suitable terrain for the fighter to land and take off.

In other words, as long as he continued to retreat beyond the combat range of the opposite side, those Europa fighters would not be able to take him. In the end, he could only deploy troops from the rear and send army troops to kill them.

However, it takes time for the army to come up from the rear, arrive at the port, and advance to shore.

During this time, the Croatian general who realized that he had been counted, did not look so good.

Caution is not a big mistake, but he was pitted in the opposite direction, which would inevitably make people uncomfortable, not to mention pitting him, or the guy who had mocked him before.

Over the next few days, the Croatian admiral was in a hurry.

He is now at most sending out the Marine Corps to follow the army to occupy the port city of the winged civilization. As for the ships transporting their army troops, in order to avoid being affected by the battle in the front line, these ships are staying A safe area in the rear.

Now that I have received news from the frontline forces, this is just beginning to move forward.

Although they had arrived at the fastest speed, it still took almost a week to reach the port and then landed.

Stefano Jabanna's Army Force is undoubtedly a fully mechanized force.

After each landing ship officially landed, a large number of main battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and transport armored vehicles continued to drive down from above.

During this period, a gray eagle hiding in the port city and watching the situation quietly flew away quickly.

At this time, although the eldest druids have not yet recovered their combat power, some of them are in a good state of recovery, and there are no problems in carrying out some reconnaissance tasks.

Opposite Europa troops, even if they knew that they had the means to change into birds, it would not be possible to prevent them completely, because there are too many bird creatures in the sky, how can they be prevented? To do so, the soldiers would be restless.

So for this situation, while feeling very helpless, the Croatian general also made some adjustments.

That is, under normal circumstances, you only need to watch out for flocks of birds.

As for the combat status ...

No matter how many there are, all will be shot!

The eldest druid who flew away from the port city quickly did not dare to return to normal size in a short time. UC Reading

Because of the sky above this port city, there are still many Europa aircraft patrolling back and forth.

In order to avoid exposing his whereabouts, he simply maintained this form all the way, and after several circles, he returned to their temporary camp and reported the front line news to Luo Ji.

Counting time, the efficiency of the Europa side is higher than what Luo Ji expected.

This made Luo Ji's complexion look obviously dignified.

According to his initial expectations, it was better to delay time until the reinforcements of Gaosu arrived, and then let the troops of Gaosu directly deal with the opposite, and he shouted a wave of six six six next to fight a dozen Soy sauce or something.

But now it seems that the opposite movement is a bit fast.

Although he can continue to retreat, the mechanized army forces on the opposite side will only move faster than him once they are in action.

In other words, from the moment the opposite Army unit landed, the distance between them had begun to be drawn closer.

"Brother, help ..."

After receiving this news, Gao Su knew the situation even if he did not guess.

So he replied directly ...

"It can't hold it up, you just use it in advance and ensure your own safety first. I'll get the rest."

Gao Su's answer was quite straightforward. At the same time, Luo Ji told Gao Su in detail the latest situation on his side, and then fell into a moment of contemplation ...

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