The answer Mia gave was cruel.

But even more cruel is that this is an indisputable fact!

Mage is a very talented profession.

If you do n’t have enough talent, you can hardly take that crucial step even if you have more time to cultivate.

Nowadays, the professional system and development of the Master of Civilization of the Realms of the Realm are actually very perfect.

Every child, before the age of ten, must go to the Master Association for qualification appraisal. This article, Luo Ji, even wrote it into the law of his civilization, which is the obligation of their citizens.

If qualified students are found, they are sent to a mage college for study. The academy generally teaches them meditation and some basic knowledge about magic and mage. At the same time, some basic courses in ordinary schools are also taught.

After graduating from Mage College, you can get a title, Mage Apprentice.

Mage apprentices are not junior mages, because the college just helps them lay the groundwork.

Specific spell practice will be sent to the Master Association.

The mode is simple, that is, let a mage accept the apprentices to guide those mage apprentices.

In order to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, and also to allow the instructors to do their best, Luo Ji also arranged a reward mechanism for the mentors.

Every successful junior mage teaches, besides being able to earn contribution points, he can also get rich bonuses.

Forget about the bonus, for the mages of civilized civilizations, contributing points is a good thing.

Under normal circumstances, only those mages who have made excessive contributions, or who have done battle on the battlefield, can earn corresponding contribution points.

And these contribution points can be exchanged in the Master Association for many good things that you can never buy.

For example, the spiritwood staff of high vintage, and the first-order magic core of each attribute, etc.!

Therefore, everyone's enthusiasm is still very high.

But even so, over the years, the development of his profession, Civilization Mage, has remained average.

For this matter, Luo Ji also approached Mia and talked about it. She wanted to find out what was wrong. After all, Mia was the president of the Masters Association and a spell scholar. In this matter, She has the most say.

In this regard, Mia gave the answer quite simply.

That is, their "Mage" occupation of civilizations from all walks of life is too young and their accumulation is not enough.

Mage, originally a slow-growing profession, but the mage industry, slower to form, it needs to be accumulated from generation to generation. If you want to improve, it will take hundreds of years of development.

From this point of view, the master's profession and Luo Ji's civilization of all walks of life are not very compatible.

If it is a normal elven civilization, it would take thousands of years to develop to the silver level, and their mage career must have taken shape.

And what about Luo Ji's civilization from all walks of life? He has too little time to accumulate. His foundation is so thin. It is still early to develop.

In the camp, after almost two days of coma, the Nieder Hogner bear child slowly woke up. Under the action of the elf elixir, the toxins in his body were basically cleaned up. As for the exaggerated injury on his body, he thought It will take some time to recover.

In this wave, the bear child, Nieder Hog, can be said to have been beaten in various senses. At this time, when seeing Luo Ji coming, among the pair of dark golden dragon pupils, he brought the first A bit pitiful look.

Looking at it, Luo Ji couldn't help but feel funny, but on the surface, he still had a face.

"This time, you know how terrible?"

Hearing this, Nieder Hog, who was so pitiful, suddenly looked like an eggplant frosted, and stunned ...

After all, it was the child he brought up in one hand, and looking at its appearance, Luo Ji was also a little soft-hearted, just when he was about to encourage a few sentences.

Nieder Hog, who pulled his head, maintained the poor appearance, opened his mouth, and took a big bite of the barbecue next to him, and then ate it, during this time, the two cheeks also bulged. Click it.

Weak, pathetic, and helpless, but particularly edible.

I asked Luo Ji to take it all to the mouth, and then swallowed it back again, suddenly no emotion, just like that.

Another day later, General Rodrín drove the giant soldier, and rushed to Luo Ji with a part of the combat-powered gargoyle and flying golem.

I did not expect that General Luo Delin, who had settled the battle himself, was also a bit surprised at the time, but quickly adjusted it, and then directly signaled his gargoyles and flying golems to assist Luo Ji's troops, hunting and fleeing Europa Forces.

In fact, in many cases, the two armies confronted each other and fought a battle. It didn't take much time. After the fight, it took time to hunt down and clean up those deserters, commonly known as aftermath.

This is really troublesome, and it often takes months for a search. You just can't ignore it.

After all, those scattered enemies, once hidden, are hidden threats and must be cleaned up.

During this period, Luo Ji certainly did not intend to be idle.

He contacted Ye Qingxuan and traded a batch of detectors capable of testing radiation.

Then the soldiers of the Orc Corps put on protective gear and rushed to the battlefield where they had previously fought.

Orc soldiers' full-grade antibodies are extremely abnormal, and together with protective equipment, they can almost ignore the effects of radiation.

After testing and confirmation, it turns out that the pollution level is indeed not as high as that predicted by Luo Ji.

After all, from the opening to the end, there were not many opportunities to fire on the opposite side.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for Luo Ji.

After all, there are many attractive loot on that battlefield!

Whether it is those main battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, or self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, all the weapons and equipment opposite it are of research value to his civilization.

Luo Ji, who was previously destroyed by Xun Yingyu's hand, also traded back.

It was just that the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft had a self-explosive device inside ~ ~ and it was very thoroughly exploded. It failed to study anything.

However, these weapons and equipment on the battlefield are not the same. As long as he can successfully get back a few samples, in the next few years, the efficiency of his military development in all civilizations will definitely be greatly improved.

Of course, the premise is that there is no nuclear pollution on those things.

Now, in addition to finding that the front side battlefield has a lot of low levels of radiation pollution from weapons and equipment, the rear command camp has even found some weapons and equipment that have not been affected by radiation at all, making Luo Ji overjoyed!

In this matter, Luo Ji had greeted Ye Qingxuan when he was trading the detector.

So this time the transaction was very smooth.

Luo Ji quite simply divided the pollution-free and contaminated spoils into two batches, traded them in, and then after a few more words, they ended the conversation.

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