The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 217: Advanced square

The wind was mad, the horseshoes burst into flames, and the cavalry troops that rushed up were seen. Buzhgude gave a command, and the people who took the majesty went quite simply.

After a while, similar things have not known how many times have happened. He is consuming Bai Ze, Bai Ze is also consuming him, and each other is a little helpless, but they can not find a breakthrough.

On the way back to the tribal camp, Bai Ze has been frowning. He is thinking about where the problem is. In the face of this kind of opponent, if you change it to Luo Ji, according to the guy’s mind, you will soon think Come out with a solution? At the thought of this, Bai Ze is a bit uncomfortable.

Think carefully, in addition to the wave of raids that I just hit when I arrived on the grassland, I succeeded in catching Batu. The battle afterwards seems to have been quite uncomfortable...

Between the thoughts in my mind, it seems that I have captured some kind of information. The look of Bai Ze suddenly stunned. "It turns out, is this the case?!"

At this moment, I suddenly understood that the key Bai Ze's face was swept away. The whole person had a feeling of suddenness and openness. He knew where the problem was and how he did it!

Then two days passed, accompanied by a sharp whistle, and Buzhe Gude, who was rushing with his own people in the distance, snorted and grinned. The reaction of this wild horse tribe really changed. It is getting faster and faster.

However, just as he thought, as usual, with the advantage of riding and shooting, when the stalking was completed, the distance was close, and the opposite of the squadron made him frown directly.

I saw that at this moment, outside the Mustang tribe, a large number of shield axemen armed with shield axe are forming an iron wall square array waiting for you! And Bai Ze riding a white horse, with his cavalry troops standing next to the square.

This smashing is really making Buzhe Gude a little confused. "Bai Ze, guy, what do you want to do?"

For the Shield Axe, this army, Rayong left a deep impression on him. However, as long as he has prepared in advance, the weakness of this unit is obvious, that is, the speed is too slow, with two legs thinking Want to hit them? That is simply dreaming.

Just when Buzhgund thought about it, another sharp whistle rang, which made his whole person subconsciously vigilant, and while his eyes swiftly swept around, he also loudly reminded the people behind him. "Everyone is careful, don't care!"

Although I don’t know what the opposite is, I’m still struggling with the grassland on the horseback.

However, this seriousness has not been able to maintain a second, and the sneer that did not hold back directly caused a chain reaction, which caused a large group of people to break the power...

"Hahahaha, hello, I am not mistaken? Is this idiot wanting to walk with two legs?"

"Hey, don't say that, they might feel that their legs can run faster than the horses on the prairie?"

"Is this idiot thinking about laughing at us like this? Hahahaha..."

In the face of the ridicule and ridicule of these prairie people, although they did not hear it really, they looked at the other person who was almost laughing, and basically could guess it, but it didn’t matter, the well-trained Axemen It will not be shaken.

And for some time, in the hands of the prairie people, the cavalry units that continually eat crickets are different. The shield axemen are basically only responsible for the defense because of the limited speed of movement. When the enemy hits, they will meet, and if they do not call, they will give it to The cavalry troops went to do it.

Therefore, their state is kept quite well. After hearing the whistle instructions, one by one obeys the order, raises the round shield in their hands, maintains the shield posture, and begins to advance step by step.

However, the speed of advancement is really daunting. It is really a step by step. Even if ordinary people walk normally, they may be a little faster than them.

For the grassland people who are basically wary of a 'speed', it is no wonder that they will laugh out in the face of this slow advancement.

However, Buzhe Gude’s expression was full of doubts. The speed of the other’s advancement was indeed slow and laughable, but in this slow-moving advancement, he was inexplicably felt. A strong sense of oppression! That feeling is like telling him that no attack can break up their formation and break their defenses!

However, the slow speed of the other party is also a fact. According to the speed of advancement, even if they are standing still, the other party has to spend a while to advance to them.

The question is, how can they not move? According to the speed of your armpit, you can easily pull the distance again...

Think of it Buzhe Gude's brow is also wrinkled and tighter. As an old rival, he does not believe that Bai Ze will do this meaningless thing. There must be something wrong here!

Still nervous, I saw him waving his hand, "put the arrow!"

At the same time, the grassland people who heard the order took the hornbuckle behind them and began to open the bow to the square that slowly propelled in the distance.

Capture the action of the other side, as the commander of the Axe Axe Forces. At this time, Luo Yong, who is standing in the square, decisively ordered, "All the shields!!"

Without any hesitation, the Axemen raised their shields at the same time. From a distance, their formation was like a huge shield wall. The uniform movement made the distant Buzhud feel. Unexplained for a while.

A round of volley was easily resolved by the shield wall of the iron wall, which made the expression of the grassland people with some ridicule and ridicule on the face begin to become somewhat unnatural.

However, this is not enough to make them feel shaken, and there are still many people in the prairie who still do not agree with it. What can they do if they are blocked? As long as the speed can't catch up with them, then the other party will only be beaten!

In fact, even Bu Ri Gude thinks this way. The defensive power of the shield axe square against the long-range attack really makes him a little surprised, but what about it? If the other party can't get close to them, they can't threaten them. This is a fact that cannot be changed. The most need to be vigilant, it is still the cavalry unit led by Bai Ze!

However, the cavalry unit headed by Bai Ze, from the beginning, has been staying in the rear to watch the drama. It seems that the linkage has not been moved.

Strange, this is really weird! The doubts in my heart made Buzhgud’s two eyebrows almost twisted into a ball. "Bai Ze, what is your idea?"

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