The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2177: ,Older gingers are more spicy

Looking at the five majestic battleships in front of him, his face was full of sighs.

At that time, on the Taihe Hall, a group of top craftsmen in the civilization of Wanjie almost seemed to be in front of him.

Decades ago ...

"Is this the latest black sail battleship 'system' design?"

Above the throne of Taihe Hall, Luo Ji looked at the design in front of him with interest, although he didn't understand it very much, but this did not hinder his mood at the moment.

Combining the characteristics of their civilizations and the development of so many years, this dark elven's black sail warship has also been upgraded many times.

This thing, to put it plainly, is like a huge magic weapon. It is driven by a large number of spell spells as the skeleton and elemental power as the energy source.

It is well known that the high elves and the gray elves are the first-rate masters in such things as carving spell spells and making spell weapons.

Therefore, when it was decided to make the black sail warship, naturally, the improvement work was given to the top elven craftsmen of the high elves and the gray elves.

The dark elves with ordinary spell talents, the spell spells they researched, couldn't get into the eyes of these top craftsmen, and they could even be said to be full of problems. They were counted by the elves and artisans of the high elves and gray elves.

Of course, the countdown comes back, but no one can deny that the dark elves who originally designed this black sail battleship are indeed geniuses.

Without the design drawings provided by the dark elves, it would be impossible for the high elves and the gray elves to build a black sail.

With this design, the top elven craftsmen of the high elves and the grey elves began to make large-scale improvements to the 'system' of a whole black sail warship.

At the beginning, this series of work was quite smooth. The upgrade of the 'system' laid the most solid foundation for the qualitative change of the black sail warship.

Next is the construction of an entire hull.

The important core keel is made of high-level spirit wood.

Over the years, Lingmu is the best vehicle to carry and transmit the power of elements. This is also undisputed, but then, the problem comes ...

"Your Majesty, the outer structure of the black sail warship should still be made of spiritual wood. In this way, the integrity of the entire hull will be stronger, and the inscription and connection of the entire mantra can be smoother and more integrated. The main thing is, the spirit wood is the best material to improve the casting efficiency and effect! Why not? "

The one talking at this time was Harlem, the top elf craftsman of the gray elf family. At the same time, his words also made everyone behind him agree with the elf craftsmen who agreed with him.

In this regard, the Luo Ji sitting on the throne also nodded subconsciously, but had no time to think about it. He was clearly distinguished from the other side, and Carl, the top craftsman who divided into two waves of high elves, stood out. .

"If you change the material, the inscription and connection of the spell will not be smooth. That only shows that your skills are not good. You have to go back and practice for another 800 years."

When I first came across the opposite sentence, it was difficult to imagine that the two goods had cooperated so well when they jointly designed the black sail battleship 'System'.

This group of talents really turned out to be faster than anyone once their ideas don't agree.

However, as the top elven craftsman with the deepest qualifications in the world of civilization, Carl really has the qualification to say this sentence.

Then, without waiting for Harlem to speak, Karl had already spoken again ...

"It is true that the destruction of the integrity of the material will affect the spell effect to a certain extent. However, if the elemental alloy is used in the outer hull part, the defense of the battleship can be significantly improved ..."

"Master Karl! The defense of the BlackSail is based on the shield, not the hull. To enhance the effectiveness of the shield to improve the strength of the shield, that is the correct way! Instead, to increase the strength of the hull? ? "

Before, Karl was stunned by a wave of technically unattainable Harlem. He saw the opportunity and responded politely.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished it yet."

Karl said these words, his expression was full of ease.

"Elemental alloys are more defensive. This is just one of the advantages. At the same time, everyone should know that the elemental alloy stores the power of elements. After exhaustion, it will absorb natural elements and slowly recover. If the external hull is cast with an element alloy, it is equivalent to equipping the black sail battleship with a second energy point! Not only can it save energy consumption, but it can also greatly extend the high-intensity combat time of the black sail battleship!

Speaking of Carr here, the expression on his face was full of pride.

Think about it, after all, this elemental alloy is also one of his masterpieces, which he and the craftsmen of the dwarven clan developed together.

"At the same time, different spells can be engraved on the elemental alloy, so that the functions of the black sail warship are more diversified. Therefore, I think that the use of elemental alloys is more harmful than good!"

I have to say that Carl's goods are still quite hot, but Harlem is not stupid. As an elven craftsman, can he not know the role of elemental alloys?

When these two guys argued, they also felt so endless.

Facing this situation, Luo Ji, who was sitting on the throne, yawned boringly, and then beckoned to Aike next to him.

Aike suddenly realized that he quickly took out a small jar from the corner next to the throne, then opened it and passed it.

Immediately after, she saw Luo Ji grabbing a handful of melon seeds from the jar as usual, and then calmly sulked.

After squaring one, Luo Ji frowned.

"How are they spiced, salt and pepper?"

In this regard, Ike fell innocently to the next empty jar, saying that it was gone.


I was too lazy to tangle and make up for it.

At the beginning, everyone said that their Majesty ’s behavior of smashing sunflower seeds at the North Korea Conference ~ ~ ‘This is not good, right? ’And now, everyone is used to it ...

By the time Luo Ji ’s melon seeds were almost the same, the following people were almost noisy. From the results, Jiang really was old and spicy, and Karl was superior.

After weighing, Luo Ji finally adopted Karl's plan.

After making the decision, he did not forget to ask the Finance Minister's opinion.

"Mr. Wang, what do you think?"

Luo Ji was clicked to his name. From entering the Taihe Temple to the present, he has been shrinking from the corner to the sky. By the way, considering how many years he has to retire, the Finance Minister looks blank.


"Understand, Minister Wang said there is no problem, this is the case."


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