The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2180: Wind element magic cannon

Maintaining the astonishing speed in the wind and waves, the group quickly reached the destination of the trip.

Holding a telescope and looking at the aircraft carrier floating on the sea, Luo Ji's face was full of pain.

"It's a pity, it's a pity ..."

That ’s a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. Even if it ’s half-destructed, just picking up a ship and going back is enough for Luo Ji ’s research on civilizations for many years.

Now it is all nuclear pollution, and the level of pollution is particularly serious. It is almost to the point where living people are not near, and people suddenly miss it.

This incident makes Luo Ji more and more depressed, want to turn his head, simply do not look, see the heart is not upset.

However, he is going to conduct an attack test of the guided missile, and the semi-destructed nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is the target for the test.

OK, it's even more depressed now.

"Hurry up."

Depressed Luo Ji, could not help but urge.

With such a rush, his soldiers noticeably accelerated their movements.

According to Luo Ji, first test the second-order magic guided gun.

Although he has figured out how to use the magic cannon from Ye Qingxuan, his Majesty's soldiers, after all, are operating for the first time. In order to avoid any unexpected situation, first take a second-order test, which is also a precaution For the sake of it.

Of course, there is a more major reason is that the consumption of the second-order magic cannon is less than that of the third-order ...

Yes, that's true.

The second-order magic guide gun was soon prepared. Starting from the placement of the magic core on the energy plate, the entire operation process almost attracted everyone's attention.

General Rodrín them, needless to say, even Luo Ji is no exception.

Really speaking, Luo Ji also saw for the first time that the magic gun fired.

At this moment, the elf soldiers who were operating the second-order magic cannon were obviously a little nervous, following the steps told to them by Luo Ji, step by step, after finishing, they had not forgotten to confirm again.

At this point, Luo Ji did not urge any more.

After everything was ready, Luo Ji waved his hands, and the second-order magic guided guns began to recharge.

On top of the azure gun barrel, dense layers of small mantras were progressively layered on, and kept lighting up. Finally, a force of the azure wind element that was almost visible to the naked eye quickly gathered toward the muzzle.

Gradually, everyone standing nearby seemed to hear a sharp noise.

Regarding this kind of voice, General Rodlin's three did not know how to describe it for a while, but Luo Ji had already heard it. The voice was like his shadowless knife, waving to the extreme, that thin The blade like a cicada wing constantly tears the air and makes a sharp noise!

Speaking late, then fast!

Luo Ji thought about the time between flying around, the second-order wind element magic cannon had already fired strongly.

In the blink of an eye, I heard only a sharp sound of breaking the air, and the attack had flew out. It was not a cannonball, but a azure spiral war spear.

Obviously, those who design and manufacture this wind element magic cannon also know that the biggest characteristic of wind spell attack is the speed and penetration.

Therefore, when developing the mantra used by the magic cannon, they intentionally designed the attacking form of the wind magic cannon into a spiral war spear, in order to give play to the characteristics and advantages of the wind element, and further Increase its speed and penetration!

The spiral war spear spewed out from the air, and while flying through the air, it was rotating at high speed. The horrible speed seemed to directly penetrate the air, so that Luo Ji and others who had been paying attention to this second-order magic cannon at the time, Can only vaguely see a cyan blur of light and shadow.

Then, with such a glorious effort, a roar came from a distance, making them clearly aware that the attack was hit.

It was faster than they expected.

Luo Ji quickly raised his telescope and looked at the semi-destroyed aircraft carrier in the distance.

However, the aircraft carrier's hull was damaged everywhere. Luo Ji, who had missed it just now, looked up and looked left and right. After looking at it for a long time, he didn't see the attack of his magic gun. Where have you been.

"Fire another shot."

This time, Luo Ji did not pay attention to the side of the magic guide gun, directly raised the telescope, and stared at the aircraft carrier in the distance.

After receiving the order, the elf soldiers, who were relieved because of the shelling hit, acted quickly.

Hitting such an aircraft carrier with a length of more than 300 meters and still not moving is not worthy of boasting. On the contrary, if you miss it, it will be shameful.

With a hit experience, the elf soldiers were obviously more confident after operating again.

The second artillery fired quickly, and this time the Luo series was finally clear.

An instant azure spiral war spear hit the side of the aircraft carrier's hull in one shot.

Luo Ji could vaguely see that the armor plate on that side of the ship was definitely punctured.

As for the specific effect?

The distance is too far away, and even if you look at it with a special high-precision military telescope in his hand, it is difficult to make accurate judgments.

No way, you can only send someone to run.

Luo Ji, who had long considered this situation, came out this time with soldiers with hawks on board.

After the level of the "survival of the fittest" is full, the soldiers of the orcs are basically not afraid of nuclear pollution.

After simply explaining the situation to the Hawkman soldier and specifying the exact location of the shelling, he flew directly and flew quickly.

After listening to the report of the Hawkman soldier, the look on Luo Ji's face changed obviously.

The second shot of the second-order magic gun directly penetrated the aircraft carrier's armor plate, creating a mouth of about three meters in diameter, and after successfully breaking armor, it penetrated about five meters, and the surrounding must Everything in the range is almost completely crushed by the power of the wind element that has been scattered!

The carrier ’s armor defense capabilities do not need to be repeated here. To be honest, the performance of this second-order wind-based magic guide gun is somewhat unexpected.

Should I say, is it really a cannon?

Although it is only second-order, the power it shows seems to be stronger than some of his 300-year-old wizard magic arrows.

However, after thinking about it, maybe because of the ‘penetrating’ characteristic of the wind system, it may be possible to penetrate the armor of the aircraft carrier.

After all, if you put all the magic guide guns together, this wind-based magic guide gun is equivalent to an armor-piercing shell!

There is no nonsense, just put on the third-order magic guide gun and fire ~ ~ According to the feedback of the Eagleman soldiers, this firepower improvement is significant.

Although the armor-breaking mouth is only more than four meters, after the armor-breaking, it has penetrated nearly twenty meters! Wherever I go, everything is crushed!

According to this power, if you can hit the enemy ’s aircraft carrier ’s powerhouse or command room, you will definitely have a chance to die.

However, in general, such important rooms, the surrounding armor plates are probably thicker, and this has to be taken into account.

At the same time, this wind element magic cannon is different from the fire element magic cannon with a large range of damage. The entire attack range is narrow, and if it is not hit at a critical location, the damage that can be caused is estimated to be very limited.

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(End of this chapter)

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