The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2186: , Leave you!

In the next few days, in order to increase the odds, Luo Ji carefully sent out the eldest Druid to conduct in-depth investigations.

正式 After collecting all the information that can be collected, this is the official start!

At this moment, with the release of a command by Luo Ji, on the three angry sea-class aircraft carriers and Gaosu's landing ships in the rear, various air forces blasted into the air, towards the West Sea border line of Stephano Jabanna Swept away.

As it was said when discussing tactics, this battle, even if the radar equipment cannot be detected, they cannot hide it.

With the crash of two reconnaissance planes, their presence was completely exposed.

At this moment, the eight nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in the rear alert the masterpiece.

On the carrier deck, Europa fighters equipped with four heavy-fire artillery guns, one after the other, took off one after another in the shortest time, and formed an attack formation in the air, at the fastest speed, toward the enemy's Borderline airspace rushed.

The battle broke out at the same time. At the same time, the situation was tense in the general command room of the rear naval base.

"Report General, A3, seven induction mines were triggered and detonated, and the number is still increasing!"

When I heard this, Admiral Frankie, the highest commander of the garrison in the West Sea, quickly checked the lower left corner of the huge electronic map, and then issued an order ...

"Send a reconnaissance aircraft and four anti-submarine helicopters to confirm the situation in the past."

说话 As he spoke, General Frankie skillfully operated the touch screen computer at hand, and after confirming the number of fighter jets remaining on the eight nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, he spoke again ...

"Make the 071st Air Wing ready to attack."


As a result, his order was just issued, and before he could take a breath, the commanding bases of the Europa soldiers who were responsible for operating the instruments and monitoring the entire territorial waters had once again made a sound.

"Reports and reports on generals, induction mines in areas B1 and D6 have been triggered and detonated!"

"Report General, the induction mines in F2 area have also been triggered!"

"General, G4 ..."

In the face of this series of situations, General Frankie's face remained unchanged, and he said in a deep voice ...

"According to my previous instructions, each area where the situation occurred, all sent out the same configuration, go to confirm the situation."

Regarding the enemy's means of confusing audiovisuals, General Frankie was rather disdainful of the means that fools could think of. He would not be so easy to recruit, and it would be impossible to relax his mind.

In order to target the possible underwater forces of the enemy, the number of anti-submarine helicopters in Stefano Jabbana's naval forces has also begun to increase significantly, enough for him to use them.

After the order was issued, a reconnaissance aircraft and anti-submarine helicopter closest to the location of the situation took off.

At the same time, the air forces on both sides of the sea area officially launched the first round of confrontation.

Through the images transmitted by many Europa fighters, General Frankie saw the two ground-air giant soldiers appearing somewhere on the front battlefield at a glance, and then sank.

不用 Needless to say, he has regarded the two strategic ground-to-air giant soldiers as the biggest threat!

"Go ahead and launch the" Goddess "missiles directly to destroy the enemy's two giant soldiers. You must not let them rush in!"

At the order, a square of missile arrays deployed on the ground was opened somewhere on the ground of the navy base, and a series of specially made 'destroy' missiles were launched at this moment.

Don't forget, this territorial sea is their home field!

Although compared with the previous main fleet, the western territorial sea now has only eight carrier-based aircraft carrier battle groups stationed in the defense, but in contrast, they now have the home field advantage, with a complete set of equipment and fierce firepower behind them. As a backing of their naval base, and even further back, there is a whole fighter plane at the air base for him to move!

If the main army of Gaosu is overwhelmed, this force is not worth mentioning, but now the main army of Gaosu is not here. The number of golems is less than 20,000. Three strategic-level giants Divine soldiers, although fierce fighting, but after all, it is difficult to fight with two fists, this wave, but not as good as it looks.

In just one round of confrontation, Hundreds of 'Destroyer' missiles have already whistled. General Rodrín and Major General Huang Feiyu joined forces to gain a greater range of defense.

巨 Two giant soldiers spread their palms at the same time, and four huge refining formations suddenly took shape, and the 'Destroyer' missiles within a certain range disintegrated.

Broken to half, Major General Huang Feiyu frowned slightly ...

靠 "Fuck, these guys, in a round of launch, even mixed with missiles of three structures, it will really cause people trouble."

"Various changes are inseparable from their ancestors. No matter how they change, they can't change the design!"

In comparison, General Huang Feiyu, who also has a bit of ridicule in his tone, has a lot of dignity in General Rodrin's tone.

I have just finished the decomposition and haven't had time to reorganize. The second round of `` Destroyer '' missiles have already launched towards them!

In the face of such a battle, General Roderin's face changed slightly.

At this moment, obviously, there is no time for him to reorganize.

As the thoughts fluttered around, General Rodlin just wanted to give up the reorganization and concentrate on dismantling those 'destroyed' missiles to disintegrate the enemy's attack.

However, unexpectedly, at this moment, he stood against his back, and Major General Huang Feiyu guarding the other side ~ ~ but shouted directly ...

"General, continue! This wave of missiles is handed to me !!!"

In the low roar, Major General Huang Feiyu, who has been refined, now has an exaggerated chain hammer in his hand!

At the moment of refining, Major General Huang Feiyu controlled the giant soldier's hands, grasping the thick chain directly, and exerting force with both arms, turning the huge chain hammer in his hand.

The chain hammer turned faster and faster, and even exaggerated a booming muffled sound, and finally flew out in the rage of Major General Huang Feiyu!

"Leave you !!!"

The huge swing, coupled with the exaggerated centrifugal force, made this giant chain hammer suddenly amazingly fast at the moment of release, just like a small meteor flying in the opposite direction, directly hitting the piece of flying shot The 'Missing' missile.

The detonation of these missiles requires the activation of a detonation device and has a specific reaction process.

Under normal circumstances, even if hit by a bomb in mid air, these missiles will not be allowed to explode early.

However, this obviously does not prevent the explosion that Major General Huang Feiyu threw out.

In the thunderous roar, a mushroom cloud spread directly in the air!

Within the scope of the blast impact, other missiles were naturally involved without any accident.

Suddenly, beyond the impact range, the explosion of nuclear radiation was also enough to abolish those remotely controlled guided annihilation missiles on the spot.

After losing the remote control guidance, one by one, he lost his sight completely, and only flew with the propulsion device and inertia. It is naturally easy to avoid it.

PS (PS: Code word is not easy, please support Chuang | World Chinese website, QQ reading and starting | | point Chinese website genuine!)

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