The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2188: Chase under the sea

A large number of deep-water bombs are dropped like crazy without money.

I have to say that Stephano Jabanna's means of attack have always seemed to be rich and wealthy, which made Luo Ji envious.

In the face of such an offensive, Major General Boros, driving a giant soldier, certainly cannot be obedient.

As soon as his palms opened, the train turned on, and he had just dived deep in. He was worried that there was no weapon in his hand, and the other party sent him something.

However, compared to missiles, this deep-water bomb is always a little worse.

Combining some of the materials on his body, to deal with these anti-submarine helicopters, there is no need for a big guy. Burrows directly made a machine gun for himself and started firing wildly.

During this period, General Frankie said directly ...

"Launch the 'Goddess' missile!"

No one questioned his orders, and here, Frankie obviously had the highest command!

A piece of 'Destroyer' missile flew at a high speed, so that Major General Boros, who had just solved the anti-submarine helicopter, was a little stingy.

Major General Burrows is introverted and usually has few words. In this case, if you change to Major General Huang Feiyu, you will inevitably ridicule and shout, 'Oh, I'm thinking about the meaning of this deep-water bomb. Here comes the missile? ’

Of course, introverted personality, introverted personality, that hand movement, but not half ambiguous.

To a certain extent, Major General Burrows left out his slightly second-person character, and in fact he was the master of personal ruthlessness.

In the face of the 'Goddess' missiles that came from the air, the giant soldiers spread them on the palms of their hands, and then spread out quickly. After he had completely refined these 'Goddess' missiles, he would deal with the nuclear power. Carriers, it is much easier. Whoever refuses to accept it will directly reward him with a 'True Trident'.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that the missile destroyer trying to escape, he has instructed the Siren to deal with it.

In the current situation, although he has to concentrate on dismantling the 'Goddess' missiles and has no time to distract him, he thinks that it should be almost done.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a sudden movement below the surface of the sea, which made Major General Rose's face change!


I saw that at this moment, twenty-one linear torpedoes were cutting through the current and were shooting at him at a rapid speed.

It's not the attack of the opposite missile destroyer, it's the attack nuclear submarine! !!

Europa's nuclear submarine was almost killed by the naval warfare soldiers in Gaosu, so when they met them, they basically retreated.

But I never expected that in this case, the attacking nuclear submarine on the opposite side actually took the initiative!

Major General Boros, who was decommissioning the 'Destroyer' missile at that time, was suddenly attacked by enemy torpedoes. This situation clearly caught him off guard.

In the next second, a series of violent explosions blew up a whole piece of seawater into the sky.

In the general command room, General Frankie stared at the picture in front of his eyes. This wave, if he can successfully destroy the naval warfare giant soldier, the next battle will definitely be a lot better.

However, after the series of explosions ended, scattered debris can be seen on the surface of the sea, but no trace of the sea battle giant soldier was seen.

In response, General Frankie frowned and quickly ordered ...

"Let all the ships with underwater reconnaissance aircraft nearby drop all the underwater reconnaissance aircraft. I want to lock that naval warfare soldier!"

At the same time, under the sea, Major General Burrows was slightly pale.


At a critical juncture, although he made an emergency evasion and tried to dive into the deep ocean at one breath, he still couldn't completely avoid those line-guided torpedo attacks.

And those wire-guided torpedoes are clearly tailored to their giant soldiers. Not only have they adjusted the locking and tracking methods, but they are also more powerful than those torpedoes they have seen before.

At this moment, I saw that the huge body of the 100-meter class of the naval warfare giant had two more eye-catching cracks, all concentrated on the fish tail part of the lower body of the giant soldier.

This damage directly affected the movement ability of the giant soldiers in the water.

Gritting his teeth, maintaining the sinking state, Major Boros controlled the giant soldier to roll up the huge body, and then put the palms with the formation into a crack, trying to use the material on his body. Repair the crack urgently.

In the meantime, a large number of underwater reconnaissance aircraft dropped have already discovered his existence!

Looking at the image, the damaged giant soldier, even General Frankie, was obviously excited.

You know, not only in this game, but also in even longer history, the giant soldiers who were successfully destroyed by them are also few in number.

And every giant soldier that was destroyed was recorded in the textbook of the military academy!

Of course, according to General Frankie's current status, naturally he doesn't care about that vanity ~ ~ The thing he cares about now is that in history, so many generals haven't done it, he is about to do it!

"Always lock the coordinate position of that giant soldier and send it directly to all attacking nuclear submarines nearby, so that they all dispatch!"

In this wave, Frankie apparently wanted to mobilize large-scale combat power and give this damaged giant soldier a fatal blow.

Major General Buros, who discovered the existence of the underwater reconnaissance aircraft, naturally realized that his position was absolutely exposed.

It takes some time to repair the Titan, even if it's temporary.

Before that, Major General Boros who did not want to take risks, the first reaction was to want to temporarily retreat.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the rapid sound of the current had already taken those wire-guided torpedoes and shot at him again!


Those nuclear submarines are dying one by one from a long attack distance, and in the case of locking the coordinate position, they need to be hit without even moving the position.

The helpless Major General Boros can only start refining to resolve, but the whole situation is not optimistic at all.

"The Siren Statue ..."

He now undoubtedly needs the help of the Siren.

Relying on the induction of mental power, he quickly locked those scattered monsters.

Next, Major General Boros did not control the Siren Golems to protect himself. Those Golems without self-consciousness were too stupid to protect him.

Therefore, his next move is to directly give orders to the Siren Golems to attack the Europa nuclear submarine lurking in the deep ocean!

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(End of this chapter)

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