The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2202: And ceremony (2)

The answer given by General Roderin gave Luo Ji a moment of dread. He had never encountered a situation like this.

However, his brain turned quickly. After two seconds of stunning, the whole person quickly reacted ...

"So, that giant soldier is, to some extent, equivalent to your body?"

"Is such that."

General Rodrin nodded.

"However, only when we are driving the giant soldier, the soul will be on the giant soldier, and other times, it is still in our body."

"So the giant soldier is damaged, so will your soul be damaged?"

"Not at all."

General Rodrín opened his mouth while shaking his head slightly ...

"Major Burros has a damaged soul and a damaged giant soldier, but not directly."

Speaking of this, General Rodrin groaned for two seconds, as if thinking about how to say this thing ...

"At the time, there were two parts in the tail of the naval warfare giant. They almost broke. Major General Buros should have dealt with the emergency at that time, but in that case, continuing to fight will still add a lot of burden to himself After the burden has accumulated to a certain extent, this has caused damage to the soul. "

After hearing this, Luo Ji, who had sorted out his thoughts, showed a clear face.

"Understand, it is an indirect effect."


"What are the consequences?"

I understand Luo Ji a little, carefully asked, the soul is damaged? It's not wonderful to think!

"In severe cases, it may die, or it may become a vegetative, or it may be a memory loss, an affected mind, and similar things have happened before."

After speaking these words, the atmosphere in the room became obviously heavy.

Just then, Major General Huang Feiyu's voice sounded ...

"Well, don't be so pessimistic. After that, General Rodlin and I understood the situation and analyzed it. Boros's naval warfare soldier can be washed up on the coast, then it shows that he is at least in control With the giant soldier, he swam near the coast. At that time, his consciousness was still sober, and then he couldn't hold it. Then he passed out. "

Having said that, Major General Huang Feiyu drank his mouth tea, and then continued down ...

"So it's not that he was fainted on the spot after being severely hit. According to this situation, he still has a high chance of waking up. Wait two days to see it."

Afterwards, everyone quickly turned the topic to business.

While discussing the next action, it is also necessary to confirm each other's military casualties.

As the main force, it carried the most damage. In this battle, Gaosu's Golem troops were still damaged.

There were 1,600 gargoyles, 321 were damaged, 503 were severely damaged, 936 were moderately damaged, and all others were slightly damaged.

Twelve thousand flying golems damaged 3,721, severely damaged 4,489, moderately damaged 3,134, and all others were slightly damaged.

Six thousand Siren statues destroyed 4,449, leaving 1,521 remaining.

There is nothing to say about the gargoyle and the flying golem. The report is almost plain and clear, and the situation of the sea monster is special, and it needs to be said.

At the time, Luo Ji asked Major General Boros to drive a naval warfare giant with 3,000 sea monsters around the minefield from the deep sea and sneaked in, allowing him to find opportunities to attack and destroy the nuclear submarine or surface ship opposite ferry.

For the remaining 3,000, he let the alchemist in the back control it. At regular intervals, he sent out 30 to 40, constantly attacking the enemy's mine defense circle, confounding the audiovisual and disturbing the opponent's judgment. At the same time, they are quietly clearing those mines.

After the trigger was almost finished, he had long been ambushing in the corner of the battlefield. He directly drove five elven guided warships, opened the shield, and rushed in.

You must do it before the induction mines are gone.

Because if all the induction mines in a region are cleared, then the enemy will definitely take strict precautions against that area, and if there are still some, they will be relatively relaxed, and they will also make use of each other's psychology.

Judging from the current result, the three thousand Siren statues that followed Major General Burrows's infiltration were obviously gone, and the Siren statues used by Luo Ji as a tactical unit consumed 1,449. There are 1,521 remaining.

The rest of them are used to station offshore.

Compared with the Golem Army, the situation of the last three giant soldiers is undoubtedly the focus of Luo Ji.

Three pilots, two weak and one unconscious, Luo Ji already knew this.

As for the three giant soldiers, according to General Rodlin's report, the two ground-to-air giant soldiers are moderately damaged, and the frontline conditions are limited. It may take more than three months to fully repair them.

However, during this period, there is no problem if you want to dispatch.

In comparison, Major Borose's naval warfare giant is in a more serious situation. It is already severely damaged. It may take a year and a half to repair it completely.

Even if it is basically restored, it will take three to four months.

For this result, Luo Ji still accepts that the two ground-to-air giant soldiers try not to move, but they can still dispatch when needed, which is enough!

The next two days have passed, and I do n’t know if the analysis by General Rodrín and Major General Huang Feiyu is very correct, or that the words of Major General Huang Feiyu are so convincing, and Major General Boros who has fallen asleep for a long time, finally woke up, and then carried out an inspection. No mental or memory impairment was found, which relieved everyone.

And Luo Ji also asked Barenque to send a jar of refreshing tea to Major Boros to let the other party take a good rest.

At the same time, during this period, Luo Ji also had a deeper understanding of the giant soldiers.

For example, because of the need to fix the soul, a giant soldier can only have one driver.

I want to change the driver ~ ~ Unless the driver died in the previous battle, or he was actively disengaging the soul.

For another example, after a giant soldier commander transfers his soul to the giant soldier, the distance between the soul and the body cannot be too far away.

Because even when the soul is transferred to the giant soldier, there is some connection with the original body.

If the body and soul are too far apart, this connection will be broken, and then the soul will not be able to return to the body.

After that, the body will quickly die because it is disconnected from the soul, and the soul will gradually dissipate because it completely loses its body.

In other words, a dead end.

This is also the biggest reason why with this method, the driver still needs to stay inside the giant soldier.

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(End of this chapter)

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