The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2217: True or false

This result is really something beyond Luo Ji's expectations.

Although the rat's ability to make holes is well known, he did not expect it to be so fierce!

This rat man is really tricky.

What's more terrible is that this rat tide tactic and authentic tactics do not hinder each other.

With these two tactics, the Rat Army can almost do both.

In the early stage of the battle, while the rat tide launched an offensive, another group of rat men dug into the tunnel.

By the end of the day, if the enemy's fortress has not yet been broken, the tunnel is almost dug up and can come in handy.

Even if you know that they will use this trick, but you do not have a good way to deal with it, it is very uncomfortable.

In comparison, the plague was just an additional effect caused by the Rat-Man army after the offensive. Although it was also very tricky, it was still manageable.

Between the thoughts, Luo Ji could not help but rub his eyebrows for such an opponent.

Then he seemed to think of something and asked quickly ...

"By the way, what about the two giant soldiers in charge here? How are they doing?"

"In the previous defensive battle of the northern border line, both of the two giant soldiers were destroyed in the retreat. Later, the mutin army attacked, and the northern cities outside the second defense line were all occupied, so ...

Having said that, General Rodlin did not continue.

But Luo Ji already knew the answer.

The giant soldiers really have no advantage in playing such countless low-level units.

But many times, you have to fight, not fight.

As a result, the two giant soldiers who were in charge of the northern frontier defense were actually dragged down by the endless rat tide.

However, the two giant soldiers even broke down directly. This situation is still somewhat unexpected by Luo Ji.

In the next period, I will wait and see the changes and accumulate strength, and Luo Ji will also take this opportunity to take a good rest and adjust his state.

Regardless of whether they have been attacked by the northern border garrison, or after a long journey, Luo Ji, who has just arrived here a few days ago, needs some time to adjust.

However, during the adjustment of the army, of course Luo Ji did not do nothing.

His next thing was to find a Minotauros strong enough to get the plague ...

The purpose of this move is very obvious, that is, to make the Minotauros trigger the BUFF effect of "survival of the fittest" after healing, so that his entire orc army can be completely immune to the plague. harm!

At the time of the news, Gao Su said that he had an advantage in fighting the army of Rosse Barka, which was obviously what he said.

At the same time, Luo Ji also sent several teams of soldiers of the hawks to conduct air reconnaissance missions openly. They could fly in the sky several times a day.

To this point in the fighting, his troops have basically been exposed for a long time, so there is no need to hide.

Looking at the short time, several groups of Hawkmen soldiers who flew in the air, quietly receding in the shadows, and the news was also transmitted to Rosé Barka at the fastest speed. In the ear.

In his opinion, the other side's frequent dispatch of Hawkmen soldiers for aerial reconnaissance meant quite a bit of initiative.

Between the thoughts, Rosie Barka quickly sent her situation to the group, and At the same time, Donald Carrap.

"@Donald Carap, is there anything moving on your side?"

"No, nothing is happening for now."

Seeing this reply, Rosse Barka was a little surprised.

"Looking at this situation, does this guy in Gaosu really want to be unexpected and attack me?"

"Can't say it's completely impossible."

Donald Carap replied an ambiguous statement.

"But the opposite may just want to mislead you this way."

The response given by Donald Carrap is exactly what Roser Barka is struggling with now.

Which side Gao Su plans to attack next is very important to them.

Because the main attack side must be the main army of Gao Su.

And Gao Su's strength is stronger than any one of them in the case of a single concubine.

Under this premise, in the face of Gao Su's main force, who wouldn't be afraid of a bit?

If Gao Su's main force is really here, then Rosse Barka must have turned to attack, and even had to retreat as early as possible to deal with the opponent.

So, whether this is true or not, the answer to this question is very important to him, and it makes him entangled to the extreme.

And in the meantime, I lost a smoke pop-up, which was dragging my chin with one hand, knocking at the table with one hand, and asked General Rodrin boringly ...

"General Rodrín, do you say if the opposite party will win?"

"The Rats are cunning by nature, and they like suspicion very much. Faced with this method, they will certainly be indecisive."

After hearing this, Luo Ji's mouth slightly tilted, and then continued with General Rodlin's words, and continued down ...

"And in the case of uncertainty, the opposite side will definitely wait and see for a while, and if we don't make any big moves after that, they will start sending some troops to test."


While talking, General Rodrín picked up the teapot and added some tea to himself and the cups in front of Luo Ji.

"But according to the situation we have now, it is basically impossible to try to make a big move that can frighten the opposite side. If you are not careful, you will expose everything on your side. By then, the opposite side will move. It is definitely more unscrupulous when we start, and our situation is dangerous. It is best to be cautious. "

General Rodlin's remarks made sense. UU Reading Books

On the North Front Line, many soldiers have contracted the plague. While a large number of alchemy golems and alchemies are constantly being damaged, the repair efficiency is significantly reduced due to the plague.

Coupled with the continuous attack of the Rat-Men before, the overall combat power is really optimistic.

Judging from the current situation, if you want to make a big move, there will be a small risk of self-destruction, and now the situation of Gao Su can not withstand this risk. If you are not careful, it will be a complete collapse. Powerless.

Under this premise, General Rodrín's current meaning is obviously to be more secure. As a defensive side, just see the tricks.

In this regard, Luo Ji did not express any other opinions.

After all, in the next battle, the northern garrison was the main force, and he came to assist.

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(End of this chapter)

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