The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2222: Force you to move

The combined spell attack formed by two third-order median spells, on the scale, is probably the first one that has surpassed the ordinary fourth-order spells!

In the face of such a large-scale sea of ​​fire, let alone the rat slave soldiers serving as cannon fodder, even if it is a regular army, I am afraid there is no possibility of surviving.

This wave of group wound spells fully demonstrated the powerful killing ability of the mage army. In one wave, it took away tens of thousands of rat-slave soldiers.

Spell attacks like this, though, cannot always be sustained.

However, the time when the sea of ​​fire was burning was enough to let the other troops take a sigh of relief. At the same time, this powerful blow brought a wave of morale to the garrison in the north.

However, this wave of offensives obviously couldn't be completed in the case of the rat-human army, which launched a multi-million-scale rat tide and stormed the northern defense line.

The second wave of rat tide quickly rushed into the battlefield and merged with the large army, adding another force to the front line of rat tide army.

At this moment, the second line of defense has been completely crushed by the garrison in the north, and the third line is in danger.

However, due to the large-scale killing provided by the combined spell of the mage army, it effectively suppressed the force of the mouse tide on the opposite side. At the same time, the knight golems on the battlefield in front also helped them to restrain one or two million rat men Slave soldiers, so the current situation can still stand up to it.

Who knows just then, above the battlefield, the horn sounded again, the third wave of rat tide appeared quickly!


Luo Ji could not help but swear.

Rat soldier slaves are worthless, he knows, but it's too worthless, right? !!

Looking ahead, the scale of the third wave of rat tide is basically the same as the second wave.

In other words, the opposite army of Rats sent a wave of four million rat waves and two waves of one million rat waves.

Just by launching the force of rat tide, has it reached the level of six million? !!

The situation at hand cannot be said to be that the two sides are cheating each other's hole cards, but persecution! Force the opponent to play the hole cards! !!

"General Rodlin, what are you going to do?"

At this point in the battle, Ysera's second breath was ready.

However, the current situation is obviously not a problem that can be solved by one breath.

That Rosse Barka was too hard, and at the same time too bearable.

The rat tide prepared three waves, and even a full 6 million rat-human army was ignored. The biggest headache for General Luo Ji and General Roderin was that the regular army of the other party did not show up.

This makes the two always have a bit of fear in their hearts. Although they still have a few killing moves in their hands, they are not fighting, neither are they ...

Anyway, Luo Ji is now a little bit confused, no matter how he decides, he has to take risks.

If it is on his own ground, and his army is underneath, then he can make a decisive decision.

But the problem is that it is not his place here, and the main army is not his, he is here to fight for support.

Under this premise, he still better follow the rhythm of the main force.

Otherwise, he would be embarrassed because he made a mistake in decision-making and was defeated.

In the face of Luo Ji's problems, General Rodlin was also tangled.

This rat tide is too large. Now their response on the north side is to let the air forces bombard, and the garrison troops in the rear base output fire power, while the Golem troops form multiple lines of defense in the front row. While blocking the rat tide, spread the pressure for the rear positions.

Otherwise, the millions of rat tide would all be pushed out of their firepower position in one breath, no matter how fierce the firepower can't stop such an exaggerated amount, it will definitely be crushed by a wave.

Originally, the first two waves of mouse tide had basically stood up. Who can think that the third wave was thrown out in the blink of an eye?

Once this wave of rat tide arrives on the battlefield, the balance just barely maintained will inevitably be destroyed.

At this moment, while examining the situation in the distant battlefield with a telescope, General Rodrín was tangled. For a moment, he was a little bit uncertain.

And just as he was about to make a certain determination, a sudden capture within the scope of the telescope's field of vision made him look pale.

Then quickly grabbed the communicator at hand ...

"No! The regular army of the Rat Man Army is already here !!"


Upon hearing this, Luo Ji was startled, and subconsciously swept around the battlefield.

However, with the exception of the third wave of rats, which is being promoted, he has not seen the regular army of the rats.

"On the battlefield! It is a tunnel, they dug the tunnel directly onto the battlefield !!"

This reminder from General Rodrín reminded Luo Ji of what happened, and his face changed suddenly.

"Ysera! Reduce flying height!"

Along with the decrease in flying height, Luo Ji's vision became clearer.

With a purposeful gaze, he quickly noticed something strange after sweeping back and forth on the battlefield.

It's dark under the lights!

At this time, the northern battlefield was almost completely filled with rat tide, and the third wave of rat tide that was constantly pressed from a distance, attracted most of their attention, and no one noticed them. The opposite regular army actually emerged directly from the underground of the battlefield.

Now Luo Ji has been reminded by General Luo Delin. After careful observation, he noticed that there are many locations in the dense rat tide, and a large number of rat groups are surging.

In the surging position, the presence of the Rat Man made it clear that it was not cannon fodder.

Different from the hungry skinny rat-man slaves who are only wrapped in a rag, the newly emerged rat-men are wearing standard armor and holding weapons in their hands. At the same time, looking at the whole body , Obviously also much stronger than those of the Rat-Man slave soldiers!

Obviously, this is a temporary adjustment made by Rosse Barka after he learned that the geology of the northern border base is hard and cannot be dug at all within a short time. If it is necessary to dig, it will take a lot of time.

Originally this tunnel, UU reading was intended to be dug directly into the base and cut back.

However, under the circumstances that the plan of the rear row could not be successfully implemented, Rosetta Barka simply used the tunnel to transport troops.

In the North Border Base, at the moment when this situation was discovered, the North Border Artillery Force that had only had to fight with closed eyes immediately launched a set fire against those areas that had been discovered by them and were rushing out of the regular rat army.

"Well, was it found?"

The change in the output of the firepower on the opposite side made the Rat Army quickly realize that their means had been exposed.

In this case, they did not intend to hide.

The order is issued and the signal is issued.

At that moment, the ground around the North Battlefield suddenly burst open.

In the dust of the sky, a large number of huge-faced mice rushed out from under the ground! !!

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