The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2234: Backhand to backhand (2)

Their wolf cavalry was never a force good at head-on combat.

Even on the battlefield, they are all exported on the flanks of the battlefield. At the same time, they are also good at field battles and night attacks. In addition, they can also perform sneak attacks around them. This wave is clearly the case ...

Their target this time was the enemy's Plague Cannon Unit.

General Rodrin had earlier said that the Rat-Man army had two core tactics, namely the rat tide tactics and the authentic tactics.

As for the spread of the plague, they have been regarded as an auxiliary means in the attack of the Rat Army.

If it is in the silver or black iron level, then the rodent army ’s offensive method of spreading the plague is definitely a nightmare level, but after reaching the golden level, with the development of the player ’s civilization medical industry or some other special means, the plague can The threat they pose has been reduced to a very low level.

Therefore, the 'plague', which was a core tactic in the early days, could only be reduced to an auxiliary means in the end.

However, it was not expected that at this point, Rose Barka would even press his chips on the auxiliary means of "plague".

But I have to say that it really makes people feel uncomfortable!

The wolf cavalry approached carefully and approached, trying not to expose their tracks until they reached a certain distance.

At the same time, Li Ye was pondering what to do next.

The Plague Artillery units on the opposite side were very scattered, basically spread out on a small team scale, with a small team of a dozen or twenty Ratmen.

The body size is average, it is estimated that the individual combat power should not be strong.

And his wolf cavalry unit has more than three thousand rides!

Considering the efficiency of cleanup, should he also allow his wolf cavalry to spread out in small teams and attack multiple Plague Cannon teams at the same time?

Unexpectedly, while he was so pondering, the wolf under him suddenly gave a growl!

When he noticed this strange shape, Li Yan shouted in his heart ...

"Everyone be careful!"

The words did not fall, and the land not far away burst out! The rising dust made them realize that there was an ambush here!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack !!!"

In the roar, Li Yan, while holding his mount, also clenched his sword and shield weapon.

Faced with this kind of sand and dust, ordinary troops are unavoidably disturbed.

But their werewolf troops are different. Even without sight, they also have hearing and smell, which can lock the enemy's position.


In the low roar, every figure rushed out of the dust and killed them!

They were all burly mouse men who were three meters in height and visually inspected. Looking at the shape alone, they were almost the same as those bloodthirsty rat demon who appeared on the battlefield.

The only difference is the weapon in your hand!

Unlike bloodthirsty goblins with large saw blades, these goblins carried a suspected chain-like weapon in their hands.

And the round hammer body is very special. The inside is not solid. Even the shell has a large number of hollow designs. From these gaps, a large number of dark green poisonous fires constantly overflow!

At this moment, the unit of the Wolf Cavalry ambush here is the top class of Rose Barka, another branch of the Rat Devil, named Plague Rat Devil!

As for the quantity, a simple visual inspection reveals that there are two or three hundred in this batch.

For the time being, the number of wolf cavalry troops is dominant, but the alarm from the orc crisis instinct is ringing wildly in Li Zhi's mind, making him clearly aware of the threat these plagues can bring to him. Uncommon rat-human comparison.

Not to mention that after the enemy was found here, some plague rat spirits in the nearby area also appeared and sieged up towards this side, the number doubled at once, and it reached five or six hundred at one time. To the point.

Found by the wolf in advance, this ambush of the Plague Rats was undoubtedly unsuccessful and directly launched a positive attack.

I saw the plague rat goblins, while the speed of the outbreak was approaching, he suddenly waved the plague chain hammer in his hand and launched an attack on the wolf cavalry.

Although the wolf cavalry as orcs have been completely immune to the plague, they obviously do not want to be burned by the dark green poisonous fire.

While holding up the shield for parry, the giant wolf under his seat also evaded tacitly.

After all, if you look at the block, you know that the power of those plague rat devil is not small, and it is still a heavy weapon such as a chain hammer. The werewolves are not strong in strength, and hard stops are definitely not dominant.

You don't need to say anything more. When encountering such an opponent, the wolf cavalry knows how to fight.

In the face of the attack, mainly avoiding, they were directly divided into various squads and launched a siege.

Through a simple fight, Li Yan has been able to confirm that these Plague Rats are indeed stronger than their wolf cavalry.

But it doesn't matter, they still have a number advantage.

Seeing the opportunity, the wolf cavalry gave out the sword fast and fiercely. In just one round of work, many plague rat spirits were already full of knife wounds and blood dripping.

Judging from the current situation, as long as they pay attention to cooperation, they can still rely on the advantages of numbers.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the plague rat monsters who were under their siege suddenly issued a piercing howl with a special tone.

After hearing that howl, Li Min sank, and thought ...

"What's the matter? Are you calling your companions? Are there any other rat ambushes nearby?"

Thinking of this, Li Yan's face was obviously dignified.

If the number of enemies increases further, their situation will not be great!

Between thoughts, two thoughts flashed through Li Min's mind ...

The first idea was to retreat before the enemy reinforcements had arrived! This reduces risks and preserves troops.

The second idea is to kill a group of Plague Rats before the reinforcements arrive, so that even when the Plague Rats are in confluence with the reinforcements, they do not have enough troops to launch a counterattack against them. !!

On the battlefield, there was no time to struggle, Li Li quickly made a decision to choose to kill a batch of plague rat, and control the number.

As a result, he just waved the knife, and the lieutenant next to him suddenly gave an exclamation ...

"General, general! There seems to be some weird patterns on these rat-humans!"

Hearing this reminder, Li Yan suddenly burst into his heart and looked at it, then his face changed suddenly!

These plague rat spirits came out from under the ground, and they were all dirty, UU reading books www. coupled with wearing some rude armor made him completely unaware of it. Until this moment, he finally found the abnormal shapes on the plague rat demon.

With the lighting of these strange patterns, the bodies of the plague rat demon quickly changed.

In the mouth of the blood howling madly, the tusks of tusks burst out exaggeratedly at this moment, and the extremely stout hands and feet originally produced strange growth.

Especially the pair of arms at this moment turned out to be like gibbons, and they were about to fall to the ground.

Li Xie, who had seen similar situations, clearly responded at this moment.

"It's a totem power. These zombie men are awakened blood vessels and have zombie men with totem power !!"

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Two hundred monthly passes will be added!

(End of this chapter)

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