Compared to Scarlett Winslet, a city with little value in Gaosu and the city of alchemy in Gaosu, the value is undoubtedly too high.

Because a random one comes out, the development and construction of that city is not much worse than modern civilization.

Even if you take it all, it's not a loss.

However, given the limited number of points, you still have to control.

At the same time, it is worth mentioning that because of Gaosu's territory, with the capital as the center and the hinterland of the city, all of it was refined by himself, so there is nothing left now.

The southern city was almost ruined by the massive invasion of Stephano Jabanna.

In addition, because a large number of cities in the north and east have been occupied before, fell into the hands of the enemy, and have not been officially recaptured. Therefore, the cities in these two areas did not belong to Gaosu before Of course, now it certainly does not belong to Luo Ji.

Among them, although Donald Carap was dead, according to the situation of Gao Su at that time, there was no time to send troops to take over those eastern cities. Therefore, those cities now belong to a state of 'ownership'.

At present, Luo Ji obviously does not have the time to take over.

Because after the death of Gao Su, this all-out war ended completely, and Luo Ji did not even enter the site. It was a simple reinforcement. Naturally, there was no way to stay here.

Therefore, at that moment, the system has temporarily transferred him to a special space, allowing him to carry out territorial resettlement, and after the settlement is completed, he can directly return to his civilization of all realms.

So, the city that fell into Luo Ji's hands at this time actually had only about a third of Gaosu's territory, and only one-fourth of the legitimate value of annexation was actually acquired.

Under this premise, Luo Ji suddenly realized another thing. The original price of Gao Su's alchemy civilization was more than 5,000 conquest points, but he actually swallowed only one third, that is, more than 5,000 Is it one-third the price?

Thinking of this, Luo Ji's expression gradually became subtle.

However, according to previous experience, he quickly understood his thoughts. The special civilization is the most expensive one, not the city itself.

In other words, the special civilization itself occupies the bulk, and those cities are just incidental, so cities are not particularly valuable.

Even if the remaining cities are added, Luo Ji feels that it will cost a thousand more conquering points to die, and it is impossible to double it.

After clarifying the thoughts of Luo Ji, he quickly focused his attention on the urban plates in front of him. What made him a little unexpected was that Gao Su didn't have any wonders of four stars and five stars ...

Sure enough, trying to get a high-star spectacle is also a very face-seeing thing.

However, it may fall into the other two-thirds of the territory. Don't think about it.

There are a few stars to Samsung, but there is nothing special to mention.

After confirming the various resources, Luo Ji thought about it. On the side of his main continent, if he wanted to squeeze a few cities, he would have to adjust the original territory on a large scale. In this way, the conquest points in his hands must not be enough .

Therefore, relocating these cities in Gaosu to other continents than the main continent is a more appropriate choice.

In the New World, there are enough vacant vacancies, but this is a little far away.

These cities in Gaosu have just experienced the baptism of a war, and they are almost in a mess. After Luo Ji is taken down, he must go to clean up the mess and re-development.

It was lost too far, and Luo Ji would be very troublesome to operate in the future. It would even adversely affect the development and construction of the new continent, but it would become a burden.

Drag your own map of civilizations from all walks of life, there are actually two islands on the South China Sea outside his main continent.

One of the islands is relatively large, which is the location of the Dark Elven Province, Drucker Province, and there are also a large number of human cities.

And the other island, originally the Dark Elf Aboriginal, the island where Redis had entangled, was a little smaller.

Basically, the area is one third of that of the island in Druk.

At the time of the destruction of Redis and the inclusion of the wave of the dark elf indigenous people, Luo Ji was just the first to open the horizon of the map, and by the way, two mining sites were built, because there are magic crystal veins on that island. Mining.

Other than that, he didn't move any further.

At this moment, after glancing back and forth on the two islands, and pondered for a while, Luo Ji simply set up all the cities in Gaosu on that island, and saved a row.

After planning the layout a bit, as a large number of cities are spliced ​​up, the area of ​​that island is also getting larger and larger.

Under the premise of abandoning a large number of cities with no resources, few resources, or excessive damage, the final area of ​​that island is still significantly larger than that of the island where Drucker is located.

Sure enough, the gap in construction scale is still large.

As for the name of the province, in order to commemorate Gao Su, after a little hesitation, Luo Ji directly named the province with the name of Gao Su, which is called Gao Su province.

After all the resettlement was completed, the points were deducted. For a moment, there were 1,603 points in Luo Ji's conquest. In this case, he never went bankrupt directly.

At the same time, for Luo Ji, this support completely ended.

As for the treasure chest reward, he only got a gold treasure chest that destroyed the wingman civilization.

However, this system reward is obviously indifferent to the current Luo Ji.

Invisibly, the world is changing.

After returning to God, Gao Su's servants still maintained the posture of holding hands with objects and kneeling in front of him on one knee.

The generals Rodrin and Major General Huang Feiyu, who were standing aside, were almost dull, and they had not yet reacted to the shocking news from the attendants.

For all that just now, it may have been a long time for Luo Ji, who was drawn into a special space. After all, he has pondered for a long time his blueprint for urban resettlement.

But in that state, I am afraid that the time flow on this side stopped directly, so they did not notice it.

So after the resettlement, Luo Ji's mood has actually calmed down a lot.

Exhaling a deep breath, Luo Ji, while motioning for the servant to get up, took the thing from the other hand.

Then after looking around, the expression on his face couldn't help showing a bit of weirdness.

Because of this, he looked left and right, no matter how he looked, it was just a piece of rectangular wood ...

However, according to Gao Su's personality, he should not be so boring, UU reading www. must have some mystery on this wood.

With such a thought, Luo Ji cast a doubtful look directly at the attendant.

"this is?"

Facing Luo Ji's doubts, the attendant spoke without joy ...

"Prompt, ID."

A few words made Luo Ji stupid.

"ID? What ID?"

In this regard, the attendant did not say a word, Luo Ji could feel it, and through the sight, the other side was watching him quietly.

Looking at it like this, obviously he needs to figure it out by himself.

"Related to Gao Su, ID?"

Between thoughts, Luo Ji quickly thought of a possibility, and then quickly reported his game ID back then.

He and Gao Su know about playing games, and the ID associated with Gao Su, basically only the game ID.

After hearing the answer, the attendant took the piece of wood from Luo Ji again, and looked at the others in the room ...

"Next, as your Majesty meant, ask others to retreat first."

In this regard, General Rodrín went out after a little hesitation, and Luo Ji's guards, after receiving Luo Ji's order, temporarily backed out to guard.

After that, the attendant pressed his hands with the gloves into a tight array and pressed them against the wood.

The next second, the light flashed, and a gap appeared in the wood.

That's it. This is a wooden box, but this wooden box is closed directly by alchemy without any locks.

After the wooden box was opened, there were two things in it.

A letter, and a dark red gem the size of a baby's fist!

(PS: the code word is not easy, please support the creation of | World Chinese Network, QQ reading and starting | | point Chinese website genuine!)

(End of this chapter)

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