The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2251: Sage's Stone

The sentence behind the attendant made Luo Ji take a breath on the spot.

Open the door to truth?

This is really tempting!

After all, after Gao Su finally opened the door of truth, he looked like a god, waved his hands, and destroyed the world. He was vivid!

Once his civilization from all walks of life can do this, then he will have an incalculable horror card!

However, Luo Ji's mind is still calm after all, so he knows that methods like that are definitely not something that can be used.

From what he learned, Gao Su is probably preparing for a long time.

Between thoughts, Luo Ji tried to euphemistically say to the attendant ...

"If I use this sage's stone to open the door to truth, can I do that too?"

The servant who heard these words was silent for a while, then shook his head ...

"To open the door of truth, you must first have the door of truth."

"So how do you have the door to truth?"

Facing this problem, the attendant shook his head again.

"The gate of truth is not something that actually exists. It is more of a spiritual and consciousness. Therefore, only those who are selected can see it. Could not be found. "

Having said that, the attendant paused for a moment, then spoke again ...

"As far as I know, for many years, the only people who have the door of truth in the Empire will be the next person. In fact, many times, even if a person can see the door of truth once, he may not see the Twice. "


Well, this kind of thing is very helpless.

If you think about it, judging from the response of Major General Huang Feiyu when he saw the gate of truth at that time, it became clear that he had never seen it before, and it was Gao Su's voice that spread to their ears that they knew.

With this as a premise, Major General Huang Feiyu, as the pilot of the giant soldier, in his entire empire, his alchemy practice should also be the top talent, which has not been selected by the gate of truth? Is that too difficult?

But no matter what, Luo Ji still plans to figure it out first.

"Then suppose a person already has the gate of truth, and also the sage's stone, can that be done?"

For this situation, Gao Su obviously knew that Luo Ji would definitely ask, so he had already told this attendant.

Facing Luo Ji's question now, it is not difficult for the attendant to answer ...


The attendant still shook his head.

"What His Majesty did at the time was not to open the door of truth as simple as that, but to reveal the door of truth in the world and open it completely, so that that world and the door of truth form a connection, in that kind Under the connection, the composition of an entire world will be completely presented to His Majesty, and His Majesty will also receive all the knowledge of the Gate of Truth, thereby entering a state of near-omnipotence and omnipotence, which can be directly disrupted by Alchemy The structure of the world. "

"So, what's the difference?"

"The difference is that under normal circumstances, the door of truth will not be revealed, it will only stay in the depth of one's consciousness."

Having said that, the attendant sorted out his thoughts a bit, and then continued down ...

"Under this premise, as long as the corresponding price is paid and the door of truth is opened, the truth knowledge that mortals cannot reach can be glimpsed from it, so that you can obtain a great promotion, and this sage stone can do it , And only that. "

Luo Ji, who got such an answer, was slightly disappointed.

"So what do you want to do like Gao Su?"

This time, the attendant was silent for a long time.

"Your Majesty said that if you want to do that, you have to sacrifice yourself and one of the most precious things to yourself. In simple terms, the caster will definitely die. At the same time, along with what the caster treasures, It will also be affected. "

This time, the silent person became Luo Ji.

The attendant continued.

"This step is just to show the door of truth to the world. Next, in order to perform alchemy, a huge energy source is bound to be necessary, and this energy source ..."

Having said that, the attendant's eyes fell on the sage stone of Luo Ji.

"It is the sage's stone!"

"The one in your hand is definitely not enough. For that moment, Your Majesty has accumulated nearly a thousand years."

This remark almost absent Luo Ji's thoughts.

Millennial-level resources are enough to hit such a wave? I also sacrificed my life and cherished things. Although it was ruining the sky, it was too hurt?

At the same time, looking down at the sage stone in his hand, Luo Ji could not help but sigh.

"Such a small piece doesn't seem to be much."

"You're wrong again."

Luo Ji said nothing, and put on a look of intently listening.

"It is not the size of the sage's stone that determines the energy of the sage, but the quantity and quality of the soul that is condensed inside."

"Wait a minute! Soul ?!"

Hearing the words of Luo Ji, his heart was obviously drawn.

The attendant nodded quietly. UU reading books www.

"Yes, it requires a highly intelligent soul, like some animal souls. It is useless. Refining the stone of the sage requires a lot of living sacrifices, not only the soul, but also the whole. Refining, as a material, for a long time, His Majesty will refine the death penalty and invaders of the empire into the stone of the wise. "

After getting such an answer, Luo Ji's complexion changed significantly.

"So, those wingers that Gao Su had sent back before ..."

"Everything has been refined into the Stone of the Sage."

The attendant replied calmly.

"The quality of the winged human soul is much higher than that of ordinary humans, and the soul of the rat human is much worse."


Luo Ji is by no means a virgin. For those cultists and capital punishers who have committed capital crimes, he has no sympathy in his heart. Such a person would never die.

It was just that the amount of information was so large that he needed to digest it a little.

At the same time, it also allowed Luo Ji to have a deeper understanding of Gao Su's consumption.

After all, with the exception of the wingman civilization, except for the children who have not yet remembered, almost all are cultists, all of which have been refined by Gao Su into the stone of the sage. In addition, over the years he has accumulated over the years, they are not enough. .

Sure enough, the cost of destroying the world is too heavy.

"So, how many is this one in my hand?"

"Although this one in your hand is almost worthless compared with that used by Your Majesty, the quantity and quality of the internal soul are very high, much larger than it looks. Consumption depends on what you want to do with it. "

With that said, the attendant's voice paused.

"But before that, you don't seem to know alchemy, do you?"


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