The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2256: Can you give me a chance?

Three consecutive ‘try 呗’ sounds, and Luo Ji's head filled with black lines suddenly hung down.

At the same time, he also made it clear that the three guys below didn't have any knowledge in his heart. He simply wanted to develop this powerful new project.

It cannot be denied that if it can be developed, the tank mech will definitely be so explosive.

Needless to say, there is no dead angle fire strike capability in all directions. The deformed design of the mechanical legs and track wheels can also make the tank mech suitable for various terrains. Think about it.

But these things are simple to say, but it is definitely not that simple to want to do it!

This is like Luo Ji trying to build a galaxy battleship. When he was YY, he said all kinds of cool, all kinds of cows | forced, but when it is time to start, how should this thing be made? The ghost knows how to make it!

Now, the tank mech proposed by the three of them is undoubtedly in this state.

Of course, the good thing is that they have at least come up with a decent design, which is different from those who just talk.

However, Luo Ji can almost pack tickets. Once the project is established, funds are invested, and research and development begin, there will be a lot of technical problems that cannot be solved in a short time.

So, looking at the three men who were looking at him, Luo Ji said two words blankly ...

"turn down."

At present, he has just fought a world war, and has just passed through the most difficult period. Financial resources are being strained. As a premise, investing in such projects that are difficult to understand at a glance. No matter how hard it is to think of it.

"Sir, please! Give me a chance ?!"

Looking at Luo Ji who had directly rejected their project, the three of them changed their offensive and began to fight hard.

Thanks to Luo Ji, a loyal emperor who is loyal to his subjects. If you change one, the three of them will be dragged down.

In the end, they couldn't bear it anymore, Luo Ji simply thought of a compromise.

"Otherwise ..."

While talking, Luo Ji flipped through the stack of design drawings, and then took out the part of the mechanical leg design drawings.

"Let ’s talk about the tank mech first, and you will focus on developing this deformable mechanical leg. As long as you can successfully develop and install this mechanical leg on the goblin mech, let it play its proper function. I'll consider getting the tank mech project. "

The three people who heard these words had obvious joy on their faces.

As a result, before waiting for them to be happy for a few seconds, Luo Ji already spoke again ...

"But, in contrast, if you fail in research and development, then before I say yes to this tank mech development project, don't you count on it, okay? One word."


After a little hesitation, the three nodded at the same time and accepted Luo Ji's conditions.

"Then it's settled, you can do whatever you want."

After successfully dismissing the three, Luo Ji was also relieved.

Luo Ji felt that the tank mech was out of play in a short time, but that mechanical leg might be able to toss and toss.

If it does n’t come out, it wo n’t cost too much money. Once it comes out, even if there is no tank mech, the goblin mech that has been successfully developed now can benefit from it.

At present, they have civilizations. Several types of goblin mechas use track wheels, but everyone knows that track wheels can't go on any terrain. In terms of action, they will still be subject to some relatively obvious restrictions.

Under this premise, if the deformable mechanical leg can be successfully developed, once it is applied to the Goblin Mech, it will definitely increase the combat terrain of the Goblin Mech.

Luo Ji, who was ordered to finish one thing, was going to return to work in the Palace of Government. As a result, a sound of ‘didi’ was received from the news, which made Luo Ji ’s actions obvious.

The system interface opens, and a quick glance at the message window is a message from the big brother Zhou Wenbing.

For the big brother Zhou Wenbing, Luo Ji still has a good impression.

Although it is the benefits of the boss Zhong Mo, but the other party has covered him for a long time.

This time the other party suddenly sent a message. Although he hasn't seen it yet, he can probably guess the other party's purpose.

The big brothers may have noticed that the battle has ended, and Gao Su's name disappeared from the leaderboard and disappeared along with it, as well as the names of Stefano Jabanna and Donald Carrap .

And Rose Barka is alive.

This point, Luo Ji has long been confirmed by the golden rankings.

The Rosse Barka was apparently suspended from the exemption card, and his name could not be found on the invasion list.

Gao Suxin once said, if possible, help him to make up a knife.

For Luo Su's last wish, Luo Ji definitely wanted to help him complete it.

At the same time, the orc civilization of Rose Barka was also more tempting to him.

He didn't remember the rat-humans, he remembered the fragments of orc civilization.

There is only one piece left, and he can successfully synthesize a piece of the world!

But before that, he still needs a lot of conquest points, Luo Ji pondered, if he wants to swallow the civilization of Rose Barka, it will be four or five thousand less, otherwise it will not be a show.

This caused him a headache because he couldn't solve the problem in a short time.

And if he wants to do something with Rose Barka ~ ~, he must do it as soon as possible.

Because the other party had just fought a full war, although Luo Ji could not determine how weak the other party was, after all, he had not seen it with his own eyes, but the only thing that was certain was that Rosse Barka would not be in a good state.

Once the other party has survived this period of time, according to the strength of a golden-ranked big man, Luo Ji wants to deal with him in a short time, I am afraid it is not a play.

In this way, Luo Ji is now in a kind of situation. If he wants to kill Rosse Barka, he must do it as soon as possible. If he chooses to act as soon as possible, he will not have time to collect points and cannot swallow the embarrassing situation of the opponent's civilization In.

At the same time, conquering four or five thousand points, changing over a fragment, also made him feel a little blood loss.

So if this piece of debris is really impossible, he may only choose to give it up.

As the thoughts fluttered, the sound of 'Didi Di' made Luo Ji quickly return to God.

Open the message window, and sure enough, the big brother Zhou Wenbing opened the door and asked the situation.

Luo Ji does not exclude such people who go straight.

It goes without saying that Gao Su was dead, dragged two backs, the other side won, and there was only one Rosetta Barca left.

They didn't have any friendship with Gao Su, and they wanted to save him out of camp interests.

So now, even if I feel a little lost, I can't say how sad it is.

And the group of guys in the group, Zhou Wenbing pushed over to question, is nothing more than one thing to know.

That's what happened to Rose Barka!

Can they come in and take advantage of each other!

(PS: the code word is not easy, please support the creation of | World Chinese Network, QQ reading and starting | | point Chinese website genuine!)

(End of this chapter)

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