The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2274: Development alchemy

In order to promote alchemy, Luo Ji spared no effort.

Before the TV interview began, the headlines of the major newspapers were seized, and the overwhelming publicity was mentioned last month.

Only then did a TV interview.

Such a set, the effect is quite good.

In an exclusive interview, the alchemists called by Luo Ji from Gaosu Province, while giving a brief explanation of 'alchemy', also demonstrated a little.

Many of the audience who watched the show were unexpected.

However, it is not limited to this. The overall reaction of the people is relatively calm.

joke? Citizens of all civilizations, what big scenes have they never seen?

Can you surprise them by showing two-handed alchemy? Then you are thinking too much, how can you have to drive out the giant soldiers, or show the ability to change machine guns with bare hands.

However, calm and calm, the heat of discussion is not low.

With this wave of popularity, Luo Ji also announced that they will build the first alchemy college on the mainland in Der Spiegel. At the same time, in the spring of the following year, they officially started recruiting students. Pushed a wave.

At this moment, many people in the hotel teahouses in major cities talked about it. While collecting information about the 'alchemist' everywhere, each one was pondering the prospect of the 'alchemist' profession. Considering the beginning of spring next year, do you want to register for your child?

After confirming the latest feedback, Luo Ji's face showed a touch of satisfaction.

In the hall of Taihe, looking at the old man standing below, not humble, Luo Ji laughed ...

"Next, the Alchemy Academy and Alchemy Association here in Der Spiegel worked hard for President Padrika."

Hearing this, the old man whom Luo Ji was called to be President of Padrika, bowed slightly, then said ...

"Responsibility, please rest assured."

Apparently, this President Padrika is the talent that General Rodlins recommended to him.

In the Alchemy civilization of Gaosu, the president of the Alchemy Association and the Alchemy College are also responsible for the old president, and even act as the honorary president and honorary lecturer of several higher alchemy institutions.

In the words of General Rodrín, the old president is not good at fighting, but he is very good at running associations and teaching students. He is also the teacher of Major General Huang Feiyu.

As long as President Padrika can get it, then the faculty needed to establish the Alchemy Academy will not be a problem at all.

In this regard, Luo Ji can be considered well prepared.

For so many years in this industry, the old president who has spent his whole life on it is either a reputation or a real old educator worthy of respect.

Under this premise, it is possible to teach students like General Rodrin, but also reused by Gao Su, Luo Ji believes that the other party should be biased towards the latter.

And if you want to get the latter, it is not difficult. You can help him vigorously promote the education of alchemy.

This is exactly what Luo Ji is doing now.

At the same time, the effect is significant.

If nothing else, say loyalty is good.

When the old president first arrived, his loyalty to Luo Ji was only 76.

For a civilization, this is a common good citizen.

Now, for some time, under the circumstances that Luo Ji vigorously promotes alchemy, and even established the Alchemy Academy and Alchemy Association in Der Spiegel to develop the alchemy industry, the loyalty of the old president has slowly risen to 80. Clicked.

It is basically entered the threshold of a 'loyal minister'.

After that, he basically left the old president to work. After all, the formal enrollment of the alchemy college will have to wait until the spring of the following year. Before that, the old presidents are professional, but Luo Ji, of course. There are also things he has to do, and for this reason he also made a special trip to Gaosu Province.

After some preparations in the early months, the various flight routes from the provinces of the main continent to the airport of Gaosu Province have been established.

Therefore, the two sides can now fly directly by plane, which can save a lot of time.

Luo Ji came in person, General Luo Delin and his newly appointed senior officials in Gaosu Province rushed to welcome them.

It is basically clear that the high officials of their emperor's character will naturally not engage in those who have some.

Quite simply brought Luo Ji to the destination of this trip.

It was a factory, but it was not an ordinary factory, but a very small number of alchemy factories that could conditionally repair the giant soldiers in the Gaosu alchemy civilization, which belonged to the top special construction of the alchemy civilization.

According to General Rodrín's words, there are conditions to be able to repair the factory of the giant soldiers. At first, they had only five alchemy civilizations.

In addition to the one in the capital, one in each of the four borders of the southeast, northwest, and north are now in the hands of Luo Ji, all in Gaosu Province.

The other three, the one on the east side is probably gone with the dissolution of the previous battlefield, and the one on the north side is not in the hands of Rose Barka. It all depends on whether the other side has swallowed it. The northern territory of Gaosu, and the one in the capital, was lost when Gao Su opened up.

To put it all back, Luo Ji was at this time one of those two alchemy factories.

After arriving at the place, General Rodrín first introduced him to Wu Ke, the factory director of the alchemy factory.

That was a powerful middle-aged man from Kong Wu who looked like he was doing a rough job, but in fact, his position in the alchemy civilization was equivalent to Ye Xuan, Bart Wildhammer, and Jiang Zhan of the civilization of all realms.

In simple terms, he is an alchemist who can make giant soldiers! To some extent, it is also the study of ordnance.

After a brief introduction, everyone quickly entered the factory.

Following Wu Ke, everyone walked quickly to a huge factory building.

Just standing outside and looking into the inside, Luo Ji has already seen what is inside, not anything else, it is the giant soldier!

Of course, in more precise terms, it should be the destroyed giant soldier!

After experiencing the previous comprehensive war ~ ~ most of these giant soldiers have been damaged. For this, Luo Ji is more psychologically prepared.

After all, it is a level of dead war. Even a strategic-level giant warrior who wants to be unscathed is impossible.

But he never thought that the severity of the damage was far beyond his imagination.

I saw that at this moment, the giant soldier presenting in front of him was completely in the form of a minor!

Judging from the remaining giant wing, this should be a ground-air giant soldier.

But most of its upper body is almost gone, and its arms are naturally not immune, while its legs are left one.

Damaged to this point, Luo Ji's first reaction after seeing it was ...

"This should be considered scrapped right?"

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