Nothing to say, Wu Ke passed a folder in his hand relatively calmly.

"This is the specific situation of those giant soldiers, you can take a look at your Majesty."

Take the folder, Luo Ji quickly open it.

There are photos inside, and when I saw those photos, Luo Ji's first reaction was ...

"Of the three giant soldiers, none of them has the whole body left?"

Even one of them was more severely damaged than the giant soldier lying scrapped in this alchemy factory.

The three together came together, and the material barely counted one and a half, and it was not uniform.

In addition, the whole situation of the giant soldier marked as "severely damaged" is much worse than Luo Ji expected.

"Okay, if the materials are not enough, the severely damaged one will be broken down."

Wu Ke, who was allowed by Luo Ji, was undoubtedly relieved.

It is undoubtedly very important to decompose the giant soldier. If the new emperor in front does not nod his head, he really cannot dismantle the giant soldier.

Now, Luo Ji nodded. Then, after a long time of repair work, they can finally start again.

"How long does it take to break down these giant soldiers?"

In this regard, Wu Ke directly expressed that he didn't want to ...

"In order to preserve all the materials as much as possible, it will take almost a year to completely decompose a giant soldier, and if the efficiency is accelerated, some materials are likely to be lost during the decomposition process."

In the face of this situation, of course Luo Ji made him take it slowly, and he has reached this point. Anyway, he is not in a hurry anymore, and it is the business to ensure that the precious alchemy materials can be completely extracted.

And here, by the way, it is worth mentioning.

In the all-round war, the number of giant soldiers in Gao Su's hands was actually sixteen!

Four of them were severely damaged in a long-term fierce battle, and he was quickly dismantled to repair other giant soldiers.

As for the other three missing, according to reports sent by the parties, Luo Ji can determine for now that two of them were left on the Eastern Front battlefield at the time.

The remaining one was completely submerged by the Ratling Army when the northern border line was breached, and there was no chance of being rescued.

The two in the Dongjing battlefield are 100% dead.

I can't remember the one in the North Battlefield.

This matter, Luo Ji first secretly wrote down and then said, at that time, if there is a chance, he will see if he can find it.

This is so, the matter on the side of the alchemy factory has come to an end.

After leaving the factory, Luo Ji took a car and hurried to his place tonight.

Since everyone is already in Gaosu Province, Luo Ji didn't plan to make such a trip, so he immediately went back. He plans to stay here for a few more days and inspect the situation on all sides.

Through the windows, Luo Ji saw the streets of the buildings along the way, with a sense of ruin that could not be hidden.

He looked at all the scenes of Luo Ji in his eyes, and while he was pondering the next plan, he talked with General Rodrin about the situation.

General Rodrín's recent days can hardly be fulfilled.

After the war in Gaosu Province, He was the general who had arrived in garrison and realized the feeling of starting from scratch.

In the beginning, I was so busy that I was a little bit better now, but not much better.

In the end, even General Luo Delin, who has always been stable, couldn't help complaining to Luo Ji, hoping that his new Majesty would be able to transfer two reliable lieutenants to him.

He Guang is really not enough to rely on the military personnel he brought with him! Huang Feiyu's boy was completely useless in such matters.

In response to this, when Luo Ji was about to say something, a loud bang came in the distance.

Let the soldier who was driving at the time subconsciously stepped on the throttle.

I saw that at this moment, the crossroads not far away had actually drawn the cordon.

At the same time, looking at the equipment, it is not the police that are dispatched, but the nearby garrison!

Aware of this, General Rodlin, sitting in the co-pilot seat, frowned obviously.

After saying a word to Luo Ji, she quickly pushed the car door and got out of the car.

Within a short while, watching General Roderin walking back quickly, Luo Ji asked him ...

"What happened?"

"Under your command, it was the synthetic beasts in a nearby laboratory that escaped. Now it is in the area in front of it, but it is not a big problem. The garrison has already dispatched and it can be solved soon."

Regarding this matter, General Luo Delin said lightly and lightly, but Luo Ji was brow straight.

"Synthetic Beast?"

Looking at Luo Ji's confused and curious look, General Rodrín reacted quickly after a stun, and then quickly explained ...

"It's some alchemists who have studied biological genes and made some strange beasts, but to be honest, it's not very useful. On other occasions, basics are not useful. When used as combat power, the combat power is actually average, which is basically impossible How much firepower I live, I die without paying attention, it might as well be useful to make a few more Golems. The original Majesty has abandoned it. For this research project, the annual funding is constantly reducing ... "

Listening to General Luo Delin's explanation, Luo Ji was more interested, and said directly ...

"Let's go and see!"

Looking at the interesting Luo Ji, General Rodlin just wanted to say that there was danger.

But when he looked at Wang Kai and Luo Yunxi sitting on both sides of Luo Ji, he stopped talking.

Obviously, for Luo Ji's two guards, he is probably a little bit countable.

After getting out of the car, Barenque, who was sitting in another car behind, saw the movement in front and quickly got out of the car.

This time, Luo Ji brought three guards to Gaosu Province ~ ~ that is Wang Kai, Luo Yunxi and Barenque.

Ji Huche and Aike just happened to take a break. Cerella is currently in charge of taking care of the attendants, while Meikogawa is still in a state of studying the spell.

Bring three guards and let General Rodrin lead the way. Luo Ji can't wait to see what the so-called synthetic beast looks like.

I didn't let them run for too long. I turned around at two intersections. Looking at it, Luo Ji soon saw a strange-looking monster raging on the street.

It has a suspected lion-like head, a burly front half with favorable claws, and a relatively thin rear half. At the same time, the sharp claws also become hoofs, like the bodies of two different animals, joined together. .

This change is enough to disagree, but what makes Luo Ji's eyelids jump is the monster's tail.

要 If he read it right, the monster's tail looks like a big snake, and even grinning at the enemies who are besieged up, it turned out to be alive? !!

After waiting for Luo Ji to digest for a while, in the face of the garrisoned siege, the monster lowered his lion-like head quickly, and in the back of the lion's head, another head was exposed. That head, with a pair of huge black sharp horns, looks like a goat looking like ...

In the face of such a monster, Luo Ji read a name with some uncertainty after two seconds of stinging ...


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