The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2278: Synthetic Animal Institute

"Your Majesty, what do you do with this?"

Barenque calmly spoke while holding Chimera.

In the form of a bear spirit, he spoke like a bell, and the soldiers around the tremble hummed the eardrums.

Alas, compared to this, the thoughts of the soldiers are more ...

"Wow, did the bear speak ?!"

For the local people and garrisons who have stayed in Gaosu Province since the merger, and have not been to other places of Wanjie Civilization, they are relatively new to some special races of Wanjie Civilization.

Although I was not scared, I was surprised.

At the same time, as the chief of the army, Barenque's remarks just made the major react instantly and turned around to look around.

I saw that at this moment, not far away, a young man in a black suit was walking around with General Rodrin, without any delay, with a man, a woman and two guards behind him.

No one who can be a major can't be a fool.

I saw him step forward in two steps and quickly made a military salute.

"Xiaguan has seen Your Majesty!"

"Major waivers."

During the conversation, Luo Ji's eyes fell on the doctor in a white coat.

"Since you've been rounding up this little guy, you should have brought a cage?"

I do n’t mention the wonderful title of “little guy” first, and finally managed to ensure Chimera ’s life. Of course, the doctor did n’t dare to be vague, so he called a special car.

When Barenk saw this, he just held the Chimera and stuffed it into the cage behind the imprisoned car. Then he clapped his hands, and the light on his body turned on, and with the dissolution of the metamorphosis, he quickly changed back. Humanoid.

I looked at the soldiers around me in surprise again.

"how do you feel?"

After a while of working, Luo Ji, who had already come along, asked casually.

About this, Barenque said after thinking about it ...

"It's really average. If it can be mass-produced and the cost is not high, it will be fine, otherwise it will be of little value."

Hearing this, the doctor who was standing next to him at that time had a stiff expression, and then burst into a bitter smile.

He stood next to him now, but that was their new emperor.

Originally, when Gao Su was in office, the funding for their synthetic beast research project had begun to cut back and forth, but in the end, it was basically a state of no pain and no love. .

现在 Now, the new emperor came to power, but as soon as he came up, he did not leave a good impression on others.

Looking at this situation, their synthetic animal research project may be completely cut off this time.

Thinking of this, the doctor laughed even more bitterly.

Suddenly, as he wondered, how should he face the companions who have struggled with himself to the present, the major who was standing next to him had shaken him impatiently.

博士 "Doctor? Are you listening?"

Dragged the whole body, the doctor who was almost shaken back quickly.

"What? What's up?"

Looking at the former doctor who was back in the soul, now the Doctor returned to God. There was a flash of speech in the major's face, and then he whispered quickly ...

"Your Majesty said, go to the research institute."


The doctor, who heard this, had a faint look.

He then turned to look at Luo Ji subconsciously, only to find that Luo Ji was looking at him with a smile on his face, which made him hit him on the spot.

"Your Majesty forgive me! I just accidentally lost my mind just now."

"It's ok."

Luo Luoji waved his hand.

"Let's set off quickly."

"Okay, sir! Your Majesty, please come with me, the institute is not far from here."

The location of the Institute is not far from here. After everyone got in the car, it didn't take long to get there.

On this way, Luo Ji and Dr. Na shared a car, which is a preliminary understanding.

博士 The Ph.D., named Koland, is a national alchemist who specializes in synthetic beasts and biological gene research, and is also the general leader of the synthetic beast project.

He is also a five-star intellect and a four-star spirit. He has the role of a front-line panel. At the same time, his talents are also focused on the research of synthetic beasts. He is a very professional front-line talent.

This should be the reason why Gao Su kept giving him life, probably also hope that the other party's research will bring him some surprises on some day.

After getting off the car, looking at the research building in front of him, Luo Ji could not help flashing a little accident.

Although he could already feel from some previous speeches of the people that the genetic research of synthetic beasts may not be mixed well, but he never expected that they would be so miserable.

This whole research institute building can no longer be said to be old, it can only be said to be run down.

He probably felt Luo Ji's unexpected look. Dr. Collander's face was full of bitterness.

The Institute was also brilliant in the past. When the initial results were achieved, the Empire's large amount of research funding and resources were inclined towards them.

随着 But later, as research gradually fell into a bottleneck, the research on synthetic beasts was unable to produce more dazzling results, and at the same time the cultivation efficiency was very slow, the cultivation cost was still high.

In a short time, the empire began to gradually reduce their research funding.

Of course ~ ~ Even at this point, Gao Su still has a certain expectation for them, so at the beginning, he also tried hard to disagree and ensure a part of their research funds and resources.

However, this state only lasted until the eighth year after the war began.

一 As soon as the war begins, all resources are given priority to serve the war.

Their synthetic beast project, which has been largely disappointed by everyone, and has not been able to produce results, has not had much research funding. Naturally, it has been cut and chopped, leaving only a poor poor guarantee. .

This is because Gao Su left a little thought for a while and didn't cut down the project completely.

At the same time, the original number of researchers is a considerable number, but also the resignation and resignation.

He is still in the institute, except for Dr. Koland, there are only four people left.

This is a research project that caused the original progress to become a bottleneck. It became slower because of insufficient staffing. At the same time, the entire research institute was gradually ruined.

The next thing, Luo Ji can basically imagine.

It is no exaggeration to say that the five researchers, including Dr. Koland, who can stay to this day, are obviously not the wages and research funds that are too small.

Because of this research institute, they often have to rely on their own pockets and subsidies to maintain it.

At this point, they said that they were suffocating the ‘must show results’!

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