The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2280: , Synthetic Animal Institute (3)

Obviously, synthetic beasts like that cannot be placed indoors.

I walked through the institute, and Dr. Koland soon brought Luo Ji to the courtyard where the synthetic beasts were housed.

As soon as I entered, there were no other synthetic beasts in the courtyard, but only two Chimeras.

This is plain because it is poor.

According to the current state of the institute, you can ask them to engage in other synthetic beasts. They do not have that condition, and they may not be able to succeed at the same time. Therefore, they have been working on the Chimera project all these years.

One of the Chimeras was undoubtedly the one that had been forcibly knocked down by Barenque before and had broken his fangs.

In his current state, he looks a bit sluggish, lying motionless in the cage.

Suddenly, Chimera on the other side looked at them and then turned their eyes to other places. They didn't seem to react much to Luo Ji's arrival.

"Is that honest?"

辑 The condition of these two Chimeras made Luo Ji feel a bit surprised. After all, his initial impression of this Chimera was still more violent.

In the face of Luo Ji's accident, Dr. Kolander quickly explained.

"Because they grew up in the institute from a young age, their personalities are not particularly violent. Usually, we don't keep them in cages, we just let them move freely in the yard. They will be released outside and around. "

Obviously, this time in the cage, because Luo Ji came, in order to avoid any accidents, he made a response.

However, after listening to Dr. Koland's explanations, he was more surprised.

"What did I see before?"

During the conversation, Luo Ji pointed to Chi Meila, who was weak.

In the face of this problem, Dr. Koland is also quite embarrassed.

"Is there something wrong with that?"

Luo Ji who heard this directly asked Dr. Koland to elaborate.

There is nothing to hide about this, Dr. Koland spoke directly ...

"Actually, our research institute was working on a potion to enhance the combat effectiveness of synthetic beasts, but from the results, there may be some problems with the potion. After the injection, although the combat power did improve, but Synthetic beasts also become obviously irritable, and that's what happened. "

In fact, Dr. Coland did not say one more thing.

That's why they did this research to take advantage of this opportunity to come up with some new results, so that the new majesty in front of them can allocate some research funding to them so that this project can continue.

But from the results, it's just terrible.

Thinking of this, Dr. Coland couldn't help feeling a little upset.

Alas, presumably to try his best, he spoke again ...

"If your Majesty does not mind, I can release the synthetic beast from the cage, rest assured, they are really obedient and will not attack people at will."

In this regard, Luo Ji does not matter, just wave it and let it go.

Even if something really happens, according to Barenque's strength, he can completely play two at a time.

He didn't need help from others. After getting permission from Luo Ji, Dr. Koland ran like this and opened the cage.

萎 Chi Meila, who was sluggish, was still lying in a cage, too lazy to move.

Dr. Koland said that was because of the side effects of the fortifier and it is now weak.

And the other one was fine, but came out unhurriedly.

Dr. Koland beckoned at that Chimera, and Chimera walked directly in front of the people and sat down. It seemed that his intelligence was not low, at least he could understand some simple actions and understand some simple words.

After sat down, Chimera snake head, sheep head, lion head, three heads almost looked at them together, the picture was slightly weird, but there was no tendency to act lightly and to attack people.

He seemed really obedient, as Dr. Koland said.

"Do you listen to who they are?"

"That's not true, basically listen to us, after all, I grew up in a research institute."

罗 From Luo Ji's words, I heard some young Dr. Coland, who was obviously refreshed, and then quickly said ...

不过 "However, this is actually trainable. They have a high level of intelligence. After training, there is absolutely no problem. As for combat effectiveness ..."

Obviously, Dr. Koland also knew in his heart that whether a branch can exist or not, the strength of combat effectiveness is of paramount importance.

"In this respect, it has actually improved a lot over the years."

He said, Dr. Koland quickly took a report.

Judging from the report data and graphs, Luo Ji can indeed see the improvement in all aspects of the synthetic beast, although that is a little smaller.

The latest improvement is undoubtedly the resistance.

At present, Chimera seems to have strong resistance. At least the anesthetic bombs and tranquilizers used in the round-up process seem to be of little use to it.

Closing the report and looking at Dr. Collander, who looked expectantly, Luo Ji pondered it, and then slowly spoke ...

"Dr. Colland, I wonder if you are interested in changing jobs?"

Hearing this, Dr. Collander, who was looking forward to his face the moment before, was clearly sinking in that whole heart.

I didn't wait for him to think about it, Luo Ji, who was standing there, already spoke again ...

"On the other side of this province, Druk Province ~ ~ I actually set up a research institute, they are also studying biological genes. Their biotechnology can just complement each other, and at the same time, the equipment over there is much better than here. "

Now, Luo Ji paused for a moment, then looked up again to Dr. Colland ...

"Yes, you two synthetic beasts can also be brought over."

"Your Majesty, do you mean, can our genetic research project on synthetic beasts continue?"

At this moment, the expression on Dr. Collander's face was full of excitement.

"of course."

Luo Luoji spread his hand.

而且 "Also, there is one thing in the research institute over there, called dark matter."

"Dark matter?"

Dr. Collander felt that this thing didn't sound very good.

"Simply put, it is a special substance that can transform and enhance the strength of biological genes, and even complete a certain degree of evolution, but when you use it, you need to bear some risks, and you can learn about it by yourself."

一半 Halfway through Luo Ji's words, Dr. Coland's face was already full of interest, and the answer was almost written on his face.

go with! he goes! !!

As long as he can continue the genetic research project of synthetic beasts, he doesn't care about moving a place, let alone that place, the equipment is better than here!

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