The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2403: Early winter accident

Remember in one second 【】

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After this, time is like a white horse passing through the gap, ephemeral.

At the beginning, it took a huge amount of bright points to adjust the ten years. For the current Luo Ji, it is just a flash of time.

In these years, Ye Qingxuan focused on earning Ming points and earning a lot, which allowed Luo Ji to pinpoint the time point and immediately gave himself another ten years of development time and continued to devote himself to his development.

Judging from the current situation, it is relatively stable.

After all, during the period when he was immersed in his development, only a week had passed since the outside time. The whole situation is obviously not much changed compared to a week ago.

At the same time, Wan Jieming took the capital city of Mingjing as the heart, headed northwest, and in a small area near Beishan Province, there was a small special mountain forest, which was the family place of the wild boar.

At the same time, a whole mountain forest in this area is also a special building of the wild boar family, called wild boar mountain forest.

One day in the early winter, a rumbling sound suddenly came from the mountains in the distance.

The violent movement attracted all the boar people who were working around.

"Women bring their own little ghosts and hide home !!"

While shouting loudly, a burly boar man quickly pressed his ears to the ground and listened.

The senses of their orcs are far superior to humans, so in this state, they obviously need to hear more clearly.

At that moment, the face of the wild boar man who stood up again changed obviously.

"A big guy is coming this way, Xiao Li! Hurry up and call the nearest guard!"

Shouting, the boar man grabbed the pitchfork on the side.

And the surrounding adult boar people also caught some weapons that were not weapons.

There is no way. In Wanjieming, the control of weapons is extremely strict. Ordinary citizens, let alone guns, cannot even have the sword of the Eight Classics, which is the kitchen knife.

And just as the wild boars shouted, the unknown creature was rushing closer.

The wild boars standing outside can already see the distant mountains and forests, and a large number of towering trees are being knocked down constantly.

Gradually, even the ground under his feet shook.

The tremendous pressure has filled the palms of many adult boar people with cold sweat.

The roar sounded, relying on the orcs' keen senses, after the opponent was close to a certain distance, even if the target figure had not been seen, the wild boar people had been able to lock the opponent's position through movement.

"More than one, and it's fast! Here it is!"

The voice did not fall, and with the tremor of the earth, the big tree growing on the edge of the deep mountain was hit and flew into the sky on the spot.

In the next second, several behemoths broke into the sight of the boar people.

Those are five huge mountain pigs! They have brown-black skin, and their backs are covered with large pieces of hard bristles, as if they can pierce human flesh. On both sides of the mouth, two obviously yellowish fangs are visible, and the visual inspection is absolutely Reaching a monster-sized body over 20 meters, they look like five hills moving at high speed.

Faced with the five giant monsters rushing towards them, how can the wild boar people dare to fight hard?

"Spread! Spread !!!!"

With a roar, the wild boars scattered around.

The wild boars didn't seem to mean to attack the wild boar people. They easily crashed the outer fence and rushed into the wild boar people's lands.

During the gallop, all the surrounding buildings were destroyed. After that, with a huge nose and constant shaking, a huge wild boar rushed down and crashed a huge warehouse in their wild boar territories!

That's the granary used by the boar people to store grain!

Then five huge wild boars, regardless of those wild boars in the distance, directly ate the food they had hoarded for winter.

Looking at this situation, the wild boar people's face was naturally ugly.

One of the boar men couldn't help asking the boar man headed ...

"Brother Zhang, what should I do?"

The wild boar called "Brother Zhang" tightened his tight fork, and then spoke in a deep voice ...

"Everyone, don't act lightly, these big guys are coming for the food, don't stimulate them, everything will wait until the guard arrives!"

In such a situation, can they still carry a straw fork to fight against a behemoth that is over 20 meters in size?

Don't be stupid. If you do that, even an orc will die completely.

So, for the time being, let ’s wait and see what happens, instead it is the safest move.

At the same time, the side of Der Spiegel has accumulated so many points by brushing the indigenous people, and finally let Luo Ji successfully conquer the points in his own to a thousand points.

After the operation, he had just completed the complete integration of Wu Daoming. Before he could study it well, he was interrupted by an urgent report.

"Your Majesty! There is an urgent report from the Boar Terra!"

Outside the Palace of Government, Henry Bol, who had just gone to the secretary's office to summarize the work of this quarter, suddenly ran back quickly.

that moment,

^ 0 ^ Remember in one second 【】

Luo Ji, sitting on the main seat, frowned obviously.

"What about the report?"

"It's an emergency report over the phone!"


"On the periphery of the wild boar tribe, five giant wild boars appeared, and their size was more than 20 meters."

Listening to the narration of Henry Bol below, Luo Ji's eyelids beat obviously twice.

"A boar above twenty meters, a giant?"

In this regard, Henry Bol below, his face is even more dignified.

"Your Majesty, not only a beast, but also evolved into a World of Warcraft! After the local guard arrived, the helplessness of the five giant boars finally mobilized the nearby garrison, only to find that the five giant boars were actually The soil system spell was launched, and while strengthening himself, he also covered himself with a layer of rock armor. Even the armed helicopter anti-tank missiles took them out of rut. Instead, they angered them and made the five giant mountain pigs. , Rushed directly into the urban area of ​​the wild boar tribe, destroying a lot of houses and buildings. "

Luo Ji at this time, his face was obviously sinking.

"What about casualties?"

"As far as I know ~ ~, the local wild boar men and the fastest arriving guards have already conducted emergency evacuation. Therefore, the most serious damage is the streets and buildings, although Someone was injured, but the problem was not big. "

When I heard Luo Ji here, I was slightly relieved.

In Wanjieming, the orc race is also a race with a low population growth rate and low growth efficiency. Prior to the support of the battle in Gaosu, Luo Ji brought a large number of wild boars to the expedition, and the result was almost completely destroyed. A terrible injury.

Over the years, the wild boar family managed to recover some vitality.

If something goes wrong, it's really disturbing.

Of course, ignoring these issues, this time, things are still somewhat unexpected.

Even he didn't expect that at this point, he would run into a monster, and it has evolved into a monster of Warcraft!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a pleasant reading! ^ 0 ^

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