The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2418: Opened Pandora's Box

Ordnance Research Department! The Enemy of All Ministers of Finance!

When the old Minister of the Treasury heard their Majesty say that the Ministry of Ordnance Research had to study the funding again, the first reaction of the old Minister was ...

"No! No money! Goodbye!"

Don't want to think about it, just reject it!

Of course, in the end, his small arm still could n’t hold his thigh. He went to the Ordnance Research Department in person to confirm the progress and results of the research project, and then carried out a simple evaluation. After that, the research funding that had to be allocated had to be allocated.

During this period, in order to appease the feelings of the old minister, Luo Ji retired a batch of military main battle tanks, alleviating financial pressure.

At the same time, the old minister was more fortunate that after the successful development of the Ranger, many technical problems of the tank mecha have been overcome. Therefore, according to the evaluation calculation, the development of the 'God of War' and the 'Destroyer' In fact, the research funding required can be reduced a lot.

拨 After the research funding was allocated, Bart Wildhammer quickly invested in the research and development of the `` God of War '' model and the `` Destroyer '' model.

As for Ye Xuan, Jiang Zhan and Prince, they all have their own projects to work on.

The reason why I had a project at the same time was that the financial resources were tight and the Ordnance Research Department had no money, so they invested limited research funds into a project.

现在 Now, the financial economy of their civilizations has been completely restored, and some technical problems of the tank mecha have also been solved.

The next thing, Bart Wildhammer should be able to get it right.

他们 And they naturally have to go their own way.

I am especially Ye Xuan. She is mainly responsible for the recently reopened research project on nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. In the future, she may be busy.

During the same period, with the passage of many main battle tanks and chariots, a large number of Rangers officially entered the military and began to serve.

This is an inevitable situation in the civilization of all walks of life.

After the ‘God of War’ and ‘Destroyer’ tank mechs have all been successfully developed and put into mass production, the tanks and many tanks may be completely eliminated.

However, the existence of the tank mech is not enough to threaten the goblin mech.

Because the positioning between the two is different.

After the puppet tank armor was put into military use, it replaced the main battle tank and became the backbone of the Armored Forces of the Civilization Army of All Realms.

What is the backbone?

Under normal circumstances, it refers to the army with the largest number of units.

Puppets are like spears, shields and modern tanks of the Cold Weapon Age.

The appearance of the tank mech replaced this.

The positioning of the goblin mech has never been the backbone.

The Goblin Mech Army has always been biased towards being an independent trump army.

At the same time, the retirement of a large number of tanks and chariots allowed Ye Qingxuan to successfully enter a batch of goods. Recently, he also made money and made great joy.

Mainly, she also wanted to take advantage of this period to quickly sell the batch of tanks at hand.

Their tanks of civilizations from all walks of life are more powerful than the tanks of ordinary civilizations because of the technology of various ethnic groups.

If you say, compare the tanks of other newcomers in the golden segment to the entry-level models of the golden segment.

Then, their tank tanks of civilization from all walks of life should belong to the basic strengthening model!

But the strength of the basic reinforcement is also limited.

As new players gradually gain a foothold in the prime position, and their equipment is constantly updated, this batch of equipment will soon be eliminated.

白 Silver players do not dare to buy weapons of this level in order not to let their military strength exceed the limit.

In other words, this batch of products will be jammed when the time comes, and will face the embarrassing situation where buyers cannot be found.

In order to avoid this situation, it is the best policy to hurriedly ship out the weapons they have eliminated while upgrading their weapons and equipment from all walks of life.

After a while, the technology that has entered a state of rapid development has brought about earth-shaking changes to the civilization of all walks of life.

At the same time, some troubles follow.

From the day when the computer was lifted and put into civilian use, it has not been more than five years, and the Internet world has really begun to cause trouble to him.

First came the appearance of some illegal websites.

In Wanjie civilization, a website wants to operate normally. Before going online, it must be reviewed by the relevant review department, and then registered for the record.

However, without going through this process, the websites that are directly operated online secretly are counted as illegal websites.

Operators and creators may be fined and may be sentenced to more than one year's imprisonment depending on the severity of the content and conditions of the website.

非法 The emergence of these illegal websites just started. After that, gradually, people from all walks of life began to report crimes, saying that they had been subject to online fraud.

At first, there were only one or two reports, but in the past few months, the number of reports has been increasing, and the number has been stolen.

Compared to scams and stolen numbers, they are better handled.

Because in general, the ID card is tied to the mobile phone number, so when registering an ID card account, this account is naturally bound to your mobile phone.

Under this premise, as long as you send a mobile phone verification code and retrieve your account ~ ~ it is not difficult to change the password.

In comparison, those cyber scammers are obviously more difficult.

According to Luo Ji's intention, fully investigate this matter thoroughly, and after seizing the culprit, he will deal with it strictly!

Similar things happen, to a certain extent, it is simply the necessity of history.

The internet world in recent years has indeed become less peaceful than it was in previous years.

Luo Luoji's early prevention work has been done thoroughly, but there are still gangsters who have started crimes through the Internet.

In addition, sprayers, keyboard men, and Internet giants, as well as various national pillars and social elites, came into being. All kinds of scented fragrances, opened their mouths, and pointed out the situation. less.

There is quite a feeling of a few rat feces that spoils a pot of porridge.

Luo Luoji has many opportunities to deal with, so naturally I have no time to deal with them, and it is impossible to contact these netizens, but it is anxious for the relevant departments of the Internet.

The internet is free and people are free, but freedom and doing whatever you want are two different things. This group of Diaomin obviously did not understand the situation.

For this reason, the director of the General Administration of Cyber ​​Security Management and the ministers of various regulatory departments also reported jointly, confirming Luo Ji's attitude, soliciting how to handle this matter and how hard it should be. .

In this regard, Luo Ji's attitude is also very clear, at any cost, thoroughly investigate to the end! Once caught, they will be dealt with strictly!

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