The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2426: , Statue demon department

As a high-level arm of the alchemy civilization, the gargoyle is naturally an excellent combat force, but at the same time, in Luo Ji's view, the gargoyle can also serve as an excellent guard!

First, the gargoyle is a product of alchemy, so it doesn't need to sleep or eat.

Second, it is an alchemy creature with autonomous consciousness, so when performing tasks, it will not be like a machine, so rigid.

Finally, they also have a considerable combat power!

Now he has deployed gargoyles to guard all important fortresses and traffic arteries within his civilization.

After decentralization for deployment, the number of places everywhere is basically not large enough to form the size of the army, but it is enough.

For example, an important crossing of a main road, there may be only two gargoyles on the left and right, but there are other troops stationed nearby!

The existence of the gargoyle is only to further improve the level of security and alertness.

At this point, forty gargoyles from Gaosu Province who had already been prepared to be sent to Der Spiegel have finally arrived!

Although there are only forty centipedes, they are quite spectacular on the square of the palace, after they stand completely open.

The forty gargoyles are undoubtedly to be deployed throughout his city of Der Spiegel.

"Four gargoyles are deployed on the top of the highway toll station that enters the city of Der Spiegel. In addition, several military districts in the suburbs have deployed four in the past."

Luo Luoji, while considering, pointing at the map, quickly determined the specific deployment location of each gargoyle.

Guo Jia, who was standing aside, made some observations from time to time, and also recorded the deployment arrangements of Luo Ji. The specific implementation thereafter was naturally handled by the Ministry of Urban Defense.

"By the way, your Ministry of Military Affairs and the headquarters of the staff commander have also assigned you two bodyguards."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

除此之外 "Besides, there are two pasts arranged by the Ordnance Research Department outside the city, and there are four gargoyles in the state headquarters in the city ..."

At this moment, Luo Ji's entire deployment idea is undoubtedly quite clear.

Forty forty gargoyles are really not enough to tell the truth. In the end, some adjustments were inevitable. It took a lot of effort to rectify this adjustment.

Fortunately, he was just resting today, and he had nothing else to do.

Even in a strict sense, should he be considered overtime today?

I ca n’t count it. This kind of thing often happens to Luo Ji, and he can be regarded as enjoying himself, there is nothing to entangle.

确认 After confirming all the deployment positions, the next thing left the Urban Defense Department busy.

I have completed the collection of the matter at hand, but I have nothing else to do. I am planning to go to the palace's training martial arts to exercise my muscles, and then practice the magic.

As a result, he noticed that there was a lot of movement on the training ground in the distance.

After seeing it clearly, Luo Ji's face was obviously a little strange.

Because at this moment, the two figures who are practicing on the training ground in the Imperial Palace are Wang Kai and Serella.

You know, according to Serialia's personality, coupled with the wind knight's far-and-close combat style, Serialia rarely pulls others to practice with her.

上 Luo Yunxi was not on the training ground today. Now, as An Lijie's close guard, she spends most of her time with An Lijie.

I was watching the lively Ike and Hu Tou outside the court. After seeing Luo Ji coming over, he quickly and respectfully made a gift.

At the same time that Luo Luoji signaled the two to be courteous, their eyes fell on the two men who were fighting on the training ground.

As usual, Seleria chose to widen the distance and suppress the opponent by long-range shooting.

At this moment, Wang Kai continued to dissolve Serelia's offensive with a returning wind and sword.

This is one of the well-known swords that Luo Ji obtained through the development panel of martial arts civilization.

刀 This knife method itself should not be regarded as a high-level martial art, and it is a middle-level martial art, but when it falls into Wang Kai's hands, it has a general feeling of reborn.

With the blue qi of Wang Kai's water attributes, every move is like a flowing cloud, freely retractable.

The sword in his hand waved his sword, and his breath was released. Between the blades, a blue breath like a curtain of water was brought directly, blocking all the arrows that had flew over.

Looking at Wang Kai's posture, it is clear that he wants to let Serialia play to the fullest, so he has always taken the defensive position and his offensive intention is not strong.

Sai Ruilia probably also felt Wang Kai's idea. His strong posture moved quickly on the training ground, constantly changing the angle of attack, and trying to catch Wang Kai's flaws.

But it is too difficult to do this.

Even if Luo Yunxi, who is best at catching flaws, hasn't caught such an opportunity in the process of practicing with Wang Kai so many times.

Feeling the suppression of this strength, Serelia's gaze was condensed, and when she raised her hand, she was a renju arrow, and the three arrows flew out almost at the same time.

凯 Wang Kai can't help wondering about the unique skill of Serella in this hand, even with arrows.

But at this moment, after one shot of the arrow and arrow flew out, Selialia saw a quick displacement, and in a leap, she jumped out more than thirty meters directly. While changing the attack angle, Taking a sigh of relief, the hand knight mechanical bow was pulled apart again ~ ~ I saw that at this moment, a layer of almost cyan energy visible to the naked eye directly covered the training arrows placed on the bowstring. Ya.

"Hold gas ?!"

When I saw Luo Ji in this scene, I was shocked.

Looking at that form, it is clear that the qi is only released by warriors in a hundred battles!

The next second, Luo Ji could not even see the movement of Cerella, and only heard a bang, above Cerella's bow string, as if there were four blue lights flying out.

In the face of such a means, even if it was Wang Kai, his face changed slightly, and a sudden burst of suffocation burst out, waving his sword, raising a layer of water curtain to block the attack.

Hagihara could easily block the water curtain of Cerella's arrows, but it was obviously not as good as before.

He turned into four blue arrows, and in a blink of an eye, he had broken the double curtain of water.

Wang Kai took a deep breath, his hands kept moving, and the curtains of water continued to rise.

After breaking the third water curtain, the twenty-four arrows were obviously exhausted, and were forcibly shot down by Wang Kai's fourth water curtain.

同一 But at the same time, Serelia also broke out at a speed. She got around Wang Kai, her body turned, and a series of kicks full of explosive power kicked towards Wang Kailian ...

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