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The Tatar recruits had already been reminded, but those attackers were quicker.

Almost at the same time as the new recruits of the Tatars were making noises, the attackers had already caught the Tatar soldiers with lightning speed.

At the same time, the attacker's head, an attacker who had long been hidden among the lush foliage of the tree, fell from the sky.

The moment she threw them to the ground, the long snake body quickly entangled their bodies, and then began to tighten madly, leaving them almost unable to move, not even making a sound.

The next moment, the blood bowl opened wide and bite hard, biting directly on the Tatar soldiers.

The protective clothing on his uncle's body played some protection, but the fangs of those attackers were sharp.

The sharp fangs quickly penetrated the protective clothing, and severely penetrated into the flesh of each of the Tatar soldiers.

At that moment, the venom contained in the fangs was instantly injected.

However, as an orc, the Tatar soldiers' physical fitness is strong after all, coupled with super physical resistance, that venom that is enough to make the prey incapable of action on the spot, it is not easy to want to work for them in a short time. .

The situation was tense for a while, and they were still struggling frantically, trying to break free of the attackers.

But those attackers were also fierce enough. After that bite, they would not let loose. At the same time, the long snake body became more and more entangled, as if to completely cut off their bodies!

Twenty people in the squadron, fifteen are recruits, basically one veteran with three recruits.

I can see the situation now. Those recruits who were suddenly attacked are obviously stupid and can't count on them.

With the roar of chanting, the cricket veterans began to exert force, their eyes quickly became bloody, and they went directly into a state of madness.

The cricket veterans in the state of cricket madness, the muscles on their bodies exaggerated.

But their current condition is really a bit bad.

They are all about to be **** by the attackers, their bodies cannot be opened at all, their joints are locked, and their strength cannot be released.

With no other choice, the Veteran veterans simply opened their mouths, bite a bite, and directly bit the snakes of those attackers!

Fighting the bite force, the Tatar soldiers undoubtedly surpassed this group of attackers. The fierce sip, the dense fine scales on the other snake's body were immediately bitten, and the two rows of sharp fangs fell directly into each other's In the flesh.

Seeing this, the other recruits of the Qiang people also followed suit.

The severe pain of the crickets spread across the body instantly, and the attacker's cricket's snake head was obviously twisted, but they did not mean to release the cricket soldiers at all.

At this moment, the two sides are totally fierce with each other, and they are in a state of stalemate.

In the eyes of the attackers, the soldiers of the Tatar soldiers have been injected with toxins. They will stand still and win will be only them.

In this case, the five Tatar veterans are naturally clear in their hearts, so they must do something.

Compared with the previous ones, although the joints are bound, the power in the state of madness has improved after all.

I tried all my strength. A Tatar soldier used his fingers to pick out the contents of his pockets, at the same time released the opponent's snake body, and shouted with a hoarse voice ...

"Flash bomb !!!"

In the roar of roar, several veterans reacted instantly and lowered their heads and closed their eyes.

The flash of light flew next to the veteran veteran, and the dazzling white light illuminated the dim rain forest like daylight.

Flash bullets are simply a group of creatures that live in dim environments all year round.

Although the attacker did not particularly rely on his own vision, suddenly the vision was suddenly so rough and forcibly deprived, and the impact at that moment was also huge.

Seizing the opportunity at that moment, several savage veterans suddenly broke out of power. While forcibly breaking free, they quickly picked up a bayonet dropped on the ground. The backhand was a hammer, and they smashed one of the attackers directly Breaking blood.

"Rescue those recruits!"

In the roar of the puppet, a puppet veteran quickly made contact with the rear command while retreating.

On the periphery of this rainforest, they have set up a small base and a signal tower to maintain communication in the area, which is basically no problem.

"Here is Squad 013, here is Squad 013! We were attacked in the rainforest area and asked for support! Request for support !!!"

In the command base, Dominique Adolf, who had received the news, quickly cut into the army channel, and while directing remote command, let the troops stationed outside the rainforest act, while trying to contact several other nearby troops.

But he did not receive feedback. Depending on the situation, I am afraid they were all attacked by the enemy!

Before the troop arrived, the Tartar soldiers obviously had to rely on themselves.

Armed with a pair of amazingly destructive bayonet hammers, after breaking free from the shackles of the snake body, UU reading books savage soldiers in the mad state, the combat effectiveness is quite considerable.

Puppets, especially a few Puppet veterans, are obviously more adapted to these combat performances.

Seeing an opportunity, he lifted a pair of stab hammers in his hand, and hit the attacker's head with a crazy burst. The opponent's blood splattered, which almost forced the attacker's brain.

However, these attackers are obviously not vegetarian.

Although vision is affected, the other senses of the other party are obviously extremely sharp. A few of the recruits are not experienced enough and are not the opponents of the attackers at all.

After two rounds, there were already obvious casualties here.

At the same time, with the extension of the fighting time and the intense movement, the toxins injected by those attackers into their bodies also began to take effect little by little.

He first became sluggish, then several veterans gradually found that their limbs became numb and uncontrolled.

Gradually, even consciousness began to blur.

When they thought they were about to die, the troops guarding the rain forest hurried along all the way, and finally came here.

The soldiers of the Tatar Army quickly picked up their assault rifle, fired a series of bullets, and hit one of the attackers on the spot.

Alas, the effect did not seem to be very good, and the bullet did not seem to cause fatal injuries to it. .

The attacker attacked, and the snake twisted, making a harsh growl directly towards this side.

I just wanted to attack, but after discovering the Tatar soldiers that were subsequently killed, I temporarily changed my plan and quickly withdrew into the depths of the rainforest!

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