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The birth of the raptors benefited from the b11 gene mutation drug developed by Dr. Koland.

注射 After injecting the b11 gene mutation potion into the special mount Xunlong of the Lizardmen family, after successful mutation, there is now the Raptor!

The original Xunlong, as a special mount unit of orc civilization, has far better physical fitness than those of human beasts of human civilization, and has a very good combat power.

现在 Now, after successfully mutating into a Raptors, the combat power is undoubtedly increased to another level.

The only pity is that Xunlong did not succeed in triggering evolution after completing the mutation of the b11 gene mutation agent. In other words, the Raptors were not Warcraft.

According to inspection, the Raptors should be in a semi-Warcraft state, just like the red blood horses before the civilization of the world.

Of course, as an Orc unit, even if it is not Warcraft, it has the buff blessing of the Orc civilization combat power, and its combat power is much stronger than the red blood horse. Fortunately, these raptors were domesticated by the lizard people from an early age before they mutated, so the lizard people still lived on them, otherwise it would be troublesome.

Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that, in order to mutate a sufficient number of Xunlongs into raptors, it was enough for Dr. Koland to be tired.

B11 gene mutation medicine, can not be produced by machines at all, in the process of extracting ingredients, rely heavily on the technology of an alchemist.

At the same time, if you want to do this job, you must have a degree in genetics. Only an alchemist who knows this field well can do it. Otherwise, it can't be done at all, and the requirements for knowledge and technology are very strict. .

This kind of medicament is basically equivalent to a hand-made medicine. Naturally, the output cannot be raised.

However, thankfully, the mutated Raptors are not the same as the Chimera they bred.

As a man-made synthetic beast, Chimera has no gender, so it cannot bear children, and the Raptors have sex.

At the time, Dr. Koland, with his alchemists and a large number of b11 gene mutation agents, also began to let the Raptors give birth to offspring.

Finally, it turned out that the genetically mutated Raptors were also born Raptors.

This made them greatly relieved.

Because of this, as long as they now increase the population base of the Raptors on a large scale, after that, the mutant creature of the Raptors will be able to reproduce itself, no longer relying on the stimulation of the b11 gene mutation agent.

If you cannot achieve this, you must rely on the b11 gene mutation agent to carry out the mutation. Then their genetic research institute will have no need to do other things at the end of the year. Just by making the b11 gene mutation agent, you can use up all of them. Time is up.

在 After the success of the Raptors, Luo Ji naturally came up with some other ideas.

For example, do you want to give Griffin, Xunying, and other Warcraft injections to the elves?

Of course, before putting into action, he put forward such an idea, and then asked Dr. Colland for his opinion.

For this matter, Dr. Koland's answer is unnecessary.

Not to mention the probability of death, after the injection of the b11 gene mutation agent, the genetic chain in an organism will change during the mutation process.

However, this change may not be all good.

Many people always think unilaterally that mutation is definitely better than ordinary, but it is not.

For example, Dark Elf and Normal Elf.

The dark elves are mutated. After successful mutation, the dark elves have obtained physical qualities that are significantly stronger than ordinary elves, but in contrast, due to changes in the genetic chain of their bodies, their spell talents have greatly decreased.

Which one is better than the other?

Therefore, the griffins and fast eagles are already very good in their genes. It is no problem to cultivate according to the original breeding method of the elves.

It is really unnecessary to do such a superfluous thing.

Xun Xunlong can achieve good results purely because there is still room for improvement in its genes.

The exchanges at that time gave Luo Ji a better understanding of gene mutation.

After the crickets, he devoted himself to the torment of the Lizardmen family, which combines the characteristics of the alchemy civilization and the mutant army, the Raptors!

"All together!"

Hearing Bacas's voice, a group of heavily armed lizardmen turned over and rode on the back of the Raptors. Then they pulled the reins in their hands and controlled their Raptors' mounts, quickly forming a queue.

Looking at the neat queue of their Raptors, Bakas nodded with satisfaction, and then yelled again ...

"set off!!"

The voice dropped, and Bakas flung his reins, riding the raptor, and rushed out.

After the Raptors followed, a wave followed, and they followed.

A whole cavalry team maintained a high-speed moving queue and rushed into the rain forest.

的 Confidence in strength ~ ~ so that Bacas basically did not intend to cover his whereabouts.

In other words, he couldn't wait for the snake people on the opposite side to hurry out and fight with them. Let him feel that while the fighting power of the lizard people's raptor cavalry, the snake people will be defeated and included, and then start New family land construction plan!

As the aborigines of this rain forest, the snake people have lived here for hundreds of years. After killing the first invaders, they have entered a state of alert.

Nowadays, the Raptor Cavalry has been driving all the way in, and the snake men cannot fail to notice.

The wild instincts of the orcs as orcs made the snake people realize clearly that the threat that the following invaders could bring to them was far more than those of the orcs before.

But as the other party continues to deepen, following this momentum, these invaders will sooner or later rush into the tribe where they live! You must stop the intruders before that!

There is no time to hesitate, and after sending out some kind of internal signal that only their snake people know, the snakemen hiding under the leaves of the large branches appeared one after another, while facing the lizardman cavalry on the back of the dragon We smash past!

In response, the prepared Lizardmen cavalry reacted almost immediately.

The next second, a group of Lizardmen cavalry headed by Bakassi suddenly waved the weapon in their hand, which was a full-length long-handled battle axe!

The sharp axe blade cut through the air, and with a whistling sound, he slashed violently towards those culled snakemen.

The first round of confrontation between the Raptor Cavalry and the Indigenous Serpent-man officially started at this moment!

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