The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2440: With this group of barbarians, there is no reason to speak

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The vast majority of orcs are territorial.

If the people of the Dai nationality dare to step into their territory, they will definitely say nothing and start working immediately.

This is the normal state of the orc world, and it is normal.

However, unfortunately, after many years of living as a civilized citizen of the world, both Bakas and Soy have forgotten the customs of barbarians, and have long forgotten them. The modern man, even in his long life in the past, has finished adult college and is considered a cultural person.

Their exploration team of civilizations of all walks of life, in the process of discovery, found that the indigenous people generally do not directly start, but will first try to contact each other.

Under this premise, the opponent directly killed, and now it has become like this.

Let Bacas have a feeling of ‘following these savages without reason '.

At this moment, in the face of Baccas's speech, the snake patriarch is still emotionally out of control, because they first invaded the territory of the snake people.

However ...

"Who knows that it is your territory? Do you have a brand? Is there a border line? Is there a notice? Anyway, it must have come up and launched an attack without saying a word?"

Bakas a series of questions, asked the Serpent patriarch's expression for a while, and for a moment, some of the out of control emotions, but got some control.

"Nothing. I just started. I can't fight it now, but I'm starting to argue?"

In the face of this situation, the face of the Snakeman patriarch was almost grim and dripping water, and finally realized that he was moving his mouth, I am afraid that it is not beyond the eyes of this lizardman Snakeman patriarch, squeezing out a sentence .

"what on earth do you want?"

"It ’s complicated, and you do n’t understand it. In a word, after the Snake race, they will surrender to our civilizations! Understand?"

Bakas's words were straightforward, but the snake patriarch's face was uncertain.

In the orc world, weak meat and strong food, strong people enslaved the weak people, that is a matter of course.

But this does not mean that the weak are willing to be enslaved.

At the same time, the snake patriarch did not even think that he would have such a day ...

After all, they really want to say that their snake people have been very strong in the past long years. A whole rain forest is all their territory. There is no other race around to survive until this day.

The emergence of the salamanders and hawks gave them a heavy blow.

The overwhelming power gap shown by the other party is simply desperate, but even in this state, there is still a little thought in the mind of the snake patriarch.

Looking at the serpent patriarch with a cloudy face, he probably guessed the other party's thoughts, and Bakas didn't talk nonsense. He waved directly and took the person to another place in the rainforest.

In this area, there is a mess at this moment.

But this is also normal, after all, just a few monsters have just raged madly.

At this moment, the horned land dragon Cook was lying there bored, yawning, and two stormy giant eagles also stopped, combing their eagle feathers.

The line of sight of the snake-human patriarch passed through the three giant beasts and fell directly on the blood-scarred giant snake. At this time, he couldn't believe his eyes. The invincible guardian **** of the snake-human tribes is now so There, life and death are unknown.

At that moment, the impact on the snake patriarch was undoubtedly huge. Deep down inside, it seemed that something like faith or the spiritual pillar collapsed.

Bakas saw this and patted each other's shoulders.

"Do n’t worry, it is still alive, the beast has tenacious vitality, and it ’s not so easy to die. I just want to tell you that for our civilization, the power of your snake people is not worth mentioning at all, your resistance In our opinion, it doesn't make any sense. Obediently obeying our civilizations is basically only good for you, and not bad. I will give you some time to think about it. Then, you better give me a satisfactory answer. "

After saying that, Bakas motioned to the two Raptor Cavalry to detain the Serpent Chief.

At the same time, the human troops that entered quickly had also completely surrounded the tribal lands of the snake people.

As for the old and weak women and children of the Snake race, they did not intend to catch them. Just give them a little warning, just let them stay in the tribe's land.

差距 The difference in strength between the two sides is too big, and Bakas does not worry at all. What tricks the other party can play is full of calmness as a strong person.

While waiting for the reply from the other party, he just wandered in this rain forest directly.

According to their Majesty's will, after that, their clan of lizards will also establish a new clan in this rainforest.

Now that he is idle, he has nothing to do, he just started to confirm the specific location of the clan, first find a good place to talk about.

An hour later, he ordered people to bring the snake patriarch back and asked directly ...

"Now, give your answer."

For an hour, it should be enough to say whether it is long or short, and let him make a decision.

Sure enough, after the snake patriarch clenched his teeth, he chose to surrender.

In fact, as early as an hour ago, after seeing the end of the serpent, it was very difficult for the patriarch of the snake people to raise the mind of resistance.

Because of the difference in strength between the two of them, it is too big.

After watching the surrender, 耷 a snake snake patriarch ~ ~ with a head in his head showed a touch of satisfaction on his face.

"Next, what are you going to do with my people?"

"For what to do, you have to ask our emperor what you want, but I can almost guarantee that your tribe will be fine, as long as you don't do anything stupid yourself."

Speaking of this, Bakas took a slow breath and then spoke again ...

"Let's go and make an announcement with your clan people, and then I'll take you to see General Adolf."

Bakas walked and talked to himself.

To be honest, these words, as the indigenous snake man patriarch, there are still a lot of people who haven't figured it out at all.

When he returned to the clan, he found that the old and weak women and children in the clan and the snake soldiers who had been arrested had all gathered together.

At that moment, the patriarch of the snake man clearly felt that all the people's sights had fallen on him.

He took a deep breath, announcing their surrender to the snake race.

At that moment, there was obviously a commotion in the clan.

There are several soldiers in the clan. Those who are out of control will rush and kill them. As a result, they will be knocked to the ground by several lizard soldiers who are nearby.

In fact, the whole commotion is smaller than the snake patriarch expected. .

Obviously, many ethnic groups have already made a mental preparation.

Because of the current situation of their Serpent people, they either surrender or die, there is basically no third way to go.

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