Remember in one second 【】

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With the development of Wan Jieming, time passed quietly.

The development of these years not only allowed Luo Ji's Wan Jieming to fully recover, but also enabled him to a large extent to make up for the development slowed down because of the early war.

However, the development time that is earned with bright points is ultimately limited.

After another round of acceleration, Luo Ji exhaled a long breath.

After that, according to the plan, he had no plans to adjust the time flow rate, at least for a short period of time.

In the years of Wan Jieming's internal development, it has only been more than half a month since the outside world. Among Ye Qingxuan's customer group, Li Qingxuan has not picked up many clear points at all, so Ye Qingxuan's current clear point income has dropped significantly. the reason.

Of course, just in case, in case of emergency points, the two are still holding on to each other and will not use it easily.

The time flow rate was completely synchronized with that of Lili. After returning to normal, Luo Ji's whole person was inevitably tense.

Then I took a moment to open my own group window and wanted to see if there was any movement.

As a result, of course, there was no movement. For players who are fighting, time has passed more than half a month. Let them transfer a soldier. The time may not be enough. What can happen?

Even at this time, the battle situation in those battlefields did not change much.

Well, except for the silver battlefield ...

The silver battlefield, due to the intervention of a team in Luo Ji, has an impact on a whole battlefield, and it can be called devastating.

In a round, Fuso Goblin players who are about to declare hegemony on the field will be destroyed by the frontline army.

In the Silver Battlefield, the Dwarf's Tank Armored Legion did not have any natural enemies at all.

Not to mention natural enemies, there are almost no units threatening them.

After the news came back, the red wine glass was still shaking, and the fuso goblin player proud of the spring breeze jumped up instantly. He couldn't believe his ears. He held the goblin soldier who came to report and questioned.

Because all this seemed to him to be nonsense, ten minutes ago, he felt that the overall situation had been settled and he was about to win.

As a result, what happened in just ten minutes?

His frontline army is gone? !!

Can this be trusted? !!

The soldiers around were obviously frightened by the appearance of the goblin player, stuttered, and finally made things clear. At that moment, the heart of the hibiscus goblin player was drawn fiercely.

After listening to those descriptions, anyone who is stupid should realize that the golden band player who came in before! !!

I was still fantasizing that I could rush into the golden band of Fuso Goblin players at one go. I never thought that the players in the golden band would be so horrible.

Can destroy his main force on the front line in an instant.

The thought of the Fuso Goblin player turned pale for a while ...

"Retreat! The order continues, and the entire army retreats!"

In order to fully bring out his buff advantage, he personally ran to the front line and acted as a human buff in order to defeat the pair faster and ensure his complete victory.

But now, the situation directly gave him a big flip, so that he instantly fell to the point of escape.

Stepping into his own command vehicle, commanding the goblin soldiers in the camp, he began to **** their emperor, moving towards the rear at the fastest speed.

During this period, the Fuso Goblin player also sent a group of help letters in a hurry, hoping to get the support of their Fuso camp and the golden rank players.

However, at this moment, in the prime position, which Fuso player has the spare time to deal with him?

The letters of help sent out by the masses were almost as if the sea was sinking into the sea and there was no news.

And into the silver battlefield high, but will not be polite with this rookie.

After simply reaching a consensus with Ke Xiu and Huo Qiguang, he quickly led the Tank Armor Corps all the way to the border of the Fuso Goblin player.

In the meantime, in order to block the advancement of the Tank Division, he made a very basic, but very useful segment.

Yes, it is a large-scale mine deployment!

Taking advantage of their savvy productivity advantages, Fuso Goblin players have laid a lot of mines outside the borders of their territory in a short time!

In this section, the effect is a little bit, but it is also very limited. After all, the gap in strength is there.

There is no need for Gao Dao to say that the dwarf engineering soldiers immediately changed a set of equipment to the rangers, and removed the eight-tube Yanlong artillery on the left and right sides, and replaced them with special minesweeping equipment. Turned into a minesweeper tank.

This is also one of the designs proposed by Ye Xuan at the beginning. The weapons and equipment were changed to detachable. In this way, the frontline troops can change equipment according to different situations.

Of course, considering the specifications of the equipment and replaceable equipment, the only one that currently has the feature of replacement equipment is the Ranger series.

The Ares series, due to the internal structural problems of the main body, is really inconvenient to disassemble and replace.

As for the Destroyer series, the size of this series is too large. There is no way to change the equipment. Unless it is specially customized for this series, it is also very troublesome, so it has not been added for the time being.

^ 0 ^ Remember in one second 【】

Into this function.

To put it all right, the rangers, who had replaced their minesweeping equipment, soon began their mine clearance work.

The overall efficiency is quite high.

It doesn't take long for me to break through the mine blockade on the opposite side of this floor.

There are always Fuso Goblin players who are quietly staring at the border. After receiving feedback, how can they wait? Quickly dispatched their goblin air force units ~ ~ to try to sneak attack on tank armies.

However, although the goblin airship unit can do whatever they want in the silver battlefield, but facing the troops from the golden ranks, it is really a little witch.

They even got close in the future and were locked by Wan Jieming's radar.

Subsequently, the destroyer-1's armor quickly opened, and a series of air-to-air missiles directly struck the opponent's air, strangling in the initial stage.

This feeling is almost like when Luo Ji had just been promoted to the golden band, other big bands invaded in and hit him.

This share comes from the suppression of hard power, which is too thorough and terrible. .

Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that even when Luo Ji had just been promoted to the golden rank, his strength was far better than this Fuso Goblin player.

This hibiscus goblin player even felt that he could rush to the golden rank in one breath, that was just a dream ...

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a pleasant reading! ^ 0 ^

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