The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2454: Fleet in the Mist

Under the cover of the exaggerated thick fog, the fleet that appeared in the thick fog has appeared silently in front of the Saxon fleet.

At this moment, it is the Dark Elf Fleet who is driving the Elf guided ship!

The detection spell spread quickly, and in the dense fog, countless red light clusters were only visible to them.

In the main flagship, a dark elf general dressed as a commander Esther ordered.

After the ship approached, the hook locks flew out, directly between the ships, and a rope bridge was erected.

Then a large number of dark elven predators, wearing light armor, showed agile skills, one after another, after two quick steps, they jumped up, grasped the rope and slipped past.

Even during the taxiing process, many dark elven predators took off the flying axe hanging around their waists, reached out and flung, and the fighting axe filled with fighting spirit broke through the dense fog instantly, hitting each station accurately. The Saxon soldiers on the ship's deck easily took the lives of those soldiers.

The moment the Dark Elven Predators successfully ascended the deck, the battle was almost set.

They were originally powerful maritime units. After practicing fighting, their individual combat effectiveness became stronger than before.

Faced with those Saxon soldiers with automatic rifles and firing wildly, a large number of dark elven predators with the strength of a hundred battlefields, directly wielded an astonishing fighting spirit and took enemy lives across the air.

And even if the strength does not reach a hundred battlefields, it is possible to carry out long-range attacks by means of perspiration and throwing flying axe.

This is a special unit that appears almost only under the influence of the characteristics of the civilization of all walks of life. The battle on the ship is instantly reduced to a unilateral slaughter.

The killing didn't last long, and then, with the dense fog dispersing, a large number of sails, and the wizard guided by the dark elves, were soon exposed to the clear sky.

And the Saxon fleet that was attacked by them had no more liveliness!

The entire invasion war officially ended at this moment.

Listening to the system prompts in my ears, I successfully earned a silver treasure chest and a collection of civilization points, and my face did not show much emotion.

Because for him, the focus is on what's next.

What kind of attitude is that Ajer Bald? What is the attitude of the Saxon camp?

If the Saxon camp and the Europa camp actually stepped aside, then they will not be very good in the next days.

With such an idea, Luo Ji quickly poked into the World Channel and Camp Channel and glanced.

The Saxon camp players didn't seem to stand up to declare war, but this doesn't explain too much.

Too late to think about it, Luo Ji quickly opened the Tang and Song chat group, and then sent out the news that he had been invaded by a Saxon player, Ajer Balder.

Seeing this news, Tang and Song were bubbling while they were startled. The whole group felt like some fryers.

It would be too bad for the Saxon camp to declare war against them.

"@ 罗 辑, can it be personal hatred?"

Aware of this, Hua Yan quickly set Luo Ji and asked.

Regarding this situation, Luo Ji himself actually thought about it, but the final result was ...

"It's unlikely, because I haven't played much with Saxon players."

This news is not good for everyone, because for them, it is better to be personal hatred.

If it is personal revenge, it will not be upgraded to the level of the faction, and the matter between the two players is better solved.

And now ...

"In short, everyone is careful. If there is information, it will be sent out in the group as soon as possible. I will also inform the silver band."

After sending this message, Hua Yan dived directly.

The news from Luo Ji made the atmosphere in the group suddenly tense.

Heck, they have just finished a full-scale war, and now the Saxon camp is engaging with them?

Prepare for the worst, and they have to hurry to arrange a lot of things.

After everyone dived, Luo Ji also closed the chat window and ran to Ye Qingxuan to learn about the situation.

Ye Qingxuan, who has the status of a trade businessman, has relatively good intelligence.

According to her latest information, the Saxon camp does not seem to be involved in the insurmountable World War IV that has already been fought.

Of course, she did not have conclusive evidence to prove that this information was absolutely correct.

Under this premise, of course, Luo Ji could not send such an uncertain information to the group. In the event of something wrong, wouldn't he have to blame him?

Therefore, he plans to spend some time and observe the situation.

In the meantime, the battle reports on the front line were brought to Luo Ji's eyes at the fastest speed.

Although there are no large-scale Murloc troops stationed in the West Sea region, with the two sides of the West Sea Fleet and the Dark Elves, the garrison force is still very secure.

Under this premise, there are already four nuclear-powered aircraft carriers that have successfully triggered the West Sea Fleet, which is blessed by the 'Invincible Fleet' effect. Needless to say.

The focus of this wave is undoubtedly the Dark Elf Fleet.

At that time, if there were no Dark Elf Fleet rounds to intercept and kill, the Saxon Fleet would not be able to escape after a bitter price.

In addition to the performance of the Dark Elf Fleet, in addition to the cultivation method improved by Serelia, the fog that was as divine as the God's help was of course indispensable.

Fleet in the Mist! The high-level project of the Dark Elf that Luo Ji just unlocked last year.

The effect is also simple, that is, the fleet of dark elves can create a fog at sea by consuming the power of the element ~ ~ In the fog, the magnetic field and signal will be interfered to a certain extent. The Fleet fleet can easily get lost in the fog.

This effect does not seem to be particularly powerful, but in fact it is used in conjunction with the wizard guided warship, and the effect is simply outstanding.

The wizard guided warship itself can avoid detection by ordinary radar equipment.

With this as a premise, to capture this fleet, to a large extent, can only rely on visual images.

However, together with the dense fog on the sea, the enemy's radar could not be scanned, and the eyes could not see clearly. The elf guide fleet of the dark elves could enter a state of being out of nowhere.

For example, in the battle just now, the Saxon Fleet did not discover their existence until the Elven Demon Battleship approached the Saxon Fleet.

By that time, everything was too late.

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(End of this chapter)


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