The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2467: , For your use?

Slowly opened his eyes, he probably understood the situation on the front line.

After sorting out his thoughts a little, he quickly relayed the situation to Guo Jia below and asked him to go back and arrange it.

Then he asked again ...

"Guo Jia, how about the training of recruits?"

"Your Majesty, it went very smoothly."

Regarding the matter of recruiting troops, Luo Ji and Hua Ye had already started recruiting and training since the day they determined the plan.

In the golden battlefield at this stage, soldiers who have been training for a few months and then put into the battlefield cannot use much.

If they want to obtain soldiers with higher professional quality, the training time must be at least one year.

Classes of arms such as tanks, mechas, and soldiers naturally have higher requirements for soldiers, so of course the training time is longer, and at the same time, the qualifications of soldiers are not low.

This battle, based on the 300,000 troops of the Winter Front Legion alone, is definitely impossible to complete. He must next need more troops and transport this force forward to the front line.

The training and recruitment of recruits is only a part of it, and there is also a very important part. That is naturally the production of weapons and equipment.

It has to be said that Ajer Bard guessed right.

The production of tanks and mechas is indeed not easy, much more difficult than the manufacture of main battle tanks.

Deformed mechanical legs, a weapon system that can adjust the attack angle in all directions, and the main body's operating system, these things greatly increase the production difficulty and production cost of a tank armor.

Basically, the manufacturing efficiency of a Ranger-1 tank mecha has already far exceeded that of a main battle tank, not to mention the Ares-2 tank mecha with a larger weapon system.

For this situation, Luo Ji and Guo Jia are very clear in their hearts, but what they can do now is to make the factories below to step up manufacturing.

During this period, Barenk walked in with a report, and then leaned into Luo Ji's ear and said quietly ...

"Your Majesty, the report just delivered by Der Spiegel."

Hearing this, Luo Ji nodded gently, then took the report and opened it quickly.

Just three days ago, Ding Jing Division caught two enemy spies.

It is normal to send spies to disrupt such things.

What is unclear now is how many spies the other party sent to sneak in.

After all, this spy hidden in the dark is still very threatening.

As for the question of whether he would be assassinated, Luo Ji was not worried at all.

At this stage of civilization development, an alien spy, after sneaking into a civilization in a state of war, will find it difficult to move to a large extent. Large trains such as trains and planes need to check ID cards and want to enter and exit a city. Near each toll station, inspections are also arranged, and even patrols are conducted within the city.

Under this premise, it is difficult for spies sneaking in to want to leave the border city. As for touching the capital, even sneaking into the palace to assassinate him?

That kind of thing basically only exists in some idiot's delusions.

Now Luo Jin has dispatched the staff of the Ding Jing Division to start an investigation, and all cities have also strengthened their alert levels.

Even on the Internet, a reward has been issued, and once a suspicious element is found, it is reported immediately.

The alert level is basically full.

At the same time, the two enemy spies have also been transferred to Zhang Tang's secret department to see if they can ask each other's associates.

But for this, whether it is Luo Ji or Zhang Tang, actually did not have much expectations.

Spies like this, in order to ensure that they will not be involved in other spies, even if they have associates, they are basically single-line contacts.

Not to mention where their associates are, they may not even know who their associates are.

They exchanged information with Tang Song, Hua Ye, and Song Hui. While talking about their own civilization, they caught enemy spies and made them wary. At the same time, they also wanted to understand Tang Song's frontline battle situation.

But unfortunately, Tang and Song, they didn't have any followers who could communicate with them in "speaking words", so they don't even know what the frontline situation is, and their emotions are obviously anxious.

Feeling this anxious Luo Ji, after a little hesitation, he said ...

"My communication satellite is about to launch. By that time, I will use it for your use? However, it is estimated that it can only cover one side."

For this matter, Luo Ji himself doesn't care much.

Only those who have concerns in their minds will be Tang and Song.

Because once Luo Ji's communication satellite is used, as long as Luo Ji is willing, their communication content will be heard by Luo Ji.

Although everyone is on the same front, there are still some concerns in this kind of thing.

Hua Ye is not able to cover it overseas, and there is no need to struggle with this issue, but Tang Song is obviously caught in the struggle.

However, what people did not expect is that Song Hui expressed quite simply ...

"@ 罗 編, I need what I need! I borrow it!"

Should he be said to be gross? Or do you trust Luo Ji's character too much?

In response, Luo Ji gave a ‘OK’ expression directly to Song Hui after a laugh ~ ~.

Next, Tang Song does not need to be entangled, but still made a sentence ...

"I don't need it anymore, and my communication satellite is almost ready."

The total area of ​​the battlefield they are in now is larger than that of the earth. The signal coverage of an artificial satellite is almost one-sixth of the world ’s area, maybe even one-seventh.

If you want to get a global signal, a communication satellite is simply not possible.

Luo Ji's initial idea was to allow this communication satellite to cover its own territory and front lines to ensure the timely delivery of intelligence messages.

But if Tang Song and Song Hui need them, he can also ask the space agency to recalculate and adjust, so that the communication satellite can cover part of Song Hui or Tang Song's territory while covering his front line.

However, the coverage area is limited and you can only choose to cover one side.

So that's what I just said.

At this moment, Tang and Song's mood was slightly complicated, but Luo Ji didn't think much. After closing the chat window, he directly contacted the space agency and told them about this matter.

After another preparation, Luo Ji ’s first communication satellite was officially launched and began work.

But this time, there was no time for the staff of the space agency to celebrate the holiday. They had to immediately start preparing for the launch of the second or even the third artificial satellite. not enough.

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