The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2476: Killing in the fog

The dense fog, almost reaching less than five fingers, quickly enveloped a whole sea nearby.

The fleet of dark elves approached the target silently.

Then the zipline shot out, and the bridge was built. A large number of sturdy dark elven marauders slid the bridge and jumped onto the enemy aircraft carrier's deck.

At that moment, the scene was chaotic.

Between the throwing of the flying axe and the sword of the war, the screams of the Saxon soldiers and the **** smell spreading, made the atmosphere in this thick fog more tense.

Facing the attacks of the dark elven marauders, the nervous Saxon soldiers, squeezing the rifle in their hands, did not dare to relax, and at the same time withdrew towards the inside of the aircraft carrier at the fastest speed.

As long as they are inside, their vision will not be affected by the dense fog around them.

Some pilots who were too late to withdraw from the aircraft carrier and were waiting in the cockpit of the Saxon fighters simply applied to the command room to lift the restrictions and take off urgently.

While avoiding the gang of attackers in the dense fog, it was also possible to rush into the sky to see what the dense fog was like!

In a short period of time, the command rooms of four nuclear-powered aircraft carriers have received nearly 100 applications.

Faced with this situation, the chief commander of the fleet passed successively.

However, it is very dangerous to make an emergency take-off in this dense fog with almost no fingers.

Not only because of the surrounding environment, but also because there are a lot of enemies hidden in this thick fog!

One of the Saxon fighters hadn't even had time to start yet. A dark elven marauder with the strength of a hundred battles suddenly hurled a flying axe toward his fighter!

Carrying the grudge visible to the naked eye, the flying axe ripped open the dense fog instantly and directly exploded the cockpit cover of the Saxon fighter.

The screams at the same time proved that the sharp axe had already entered the body of the Saxon soldier.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

The scream came just now, not far from him.

At this moment, sitting in the cockpit of a Saxon fighter, a Saxon pilot was operating his seat into the runway with a pale face.

In the almost non-stop muttering, he kept praying in his heart.

Don't hit other fighters in the dense fog, let alone those attackers hidden in the dense fog discover his presence.

At the moment of entering the take-off runway, the Saxon pilot's nerves were already extremely tight. One pass, the Saxon fighter with superior performance broke through the sound barrier in the shortest time and flew directly into the sky!

At that moment, the tense emotion was suppressed for a long time, so that the Saxon pilot could not help but growl.

Fly, he successfully flew! !

Maintaining this momentum, as long as he continues to increase his flying height, he will soon be able to break through the dense fog and fly up high.

He will be safe by then! ! !

Who knows, this idea hasn't even time to fall.

In the thick fog, accompanied by a sharp sound of tearing air, a blue light, like a sharp arrow flying at a rapid speed, instantly penetrated the Saxon fighter and also killed his life.

Maintaining this dense fog requires the consumption of magic crystal energy, and the fleet sails also consumes magic crystal energy. Although Admiral Esther does not want to increase the magic crystal consumption of their dark elf fleet needlessly, if necessary, deploy in The magic cannon on the elf magic warship will also fire!

At the same time, under the multiple blessings of racial talents and arms projects, I have to say that the dark elves are really stronger than other elf races in naval battles, and they are more than a little bit stronger.

But even so, no matter how powerful the artillery is, it can't really be achieved in actual combat.

On four Saxon nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, so many Saxon fighters want to take off, it is inevitable that a few will miss.

But it doesn't matter.

Those Saxon fighters that urgently increased their flying height in a short time and rushed out of the dense fog covered area at the fastest speed have not had time to enjoy the blue sky and white clouds after the fog broke out. To the exaggerated giant eagle, they have already broken into their vision!

No need for any nonsense, capture the target's storm eagle, a piece of eagle claws, you can easily tear the crispy skin fighter.

Unless dozens of Saxon fighters come out at a stretch, they may be too late to respond because of the limited number, but at this moment, with just a few Saxon fighters, they are too easy to deal with and can destroy them all in a flash. .

"Oh shit, ah ah ah !!!"

"What the **** is this?"

"It's a giant eagle, there are several huge eagles in the sky !!"


Before being destroyed, the Saxon fighter jet intermittently passed back some images and voice messages, making the navy soldiers and officers in the aircraft carrier's command room look very dignified.

Today, this situation is clearly beyond their control.

Ajal Bald had successfully launched a communication satellite to the sky before, covering this area.

Therefore, the communication between this fleet and the rear can be fully maintained.

However, in the current situation, whether it is a fleet on the front line or a fleet on the rear, even if they receive a distress signal, what can they do?

Unless they can descend from the sky, they appear here out of thin air.

Otherwise, according to the invasion efficiency of the Dark Elf Fleet, before the support of the Saxon side arrived ~ ~ this aircraft carrier fleet would be finished.

Retreating into the interior of each ship, this move is basically a dying struggle for dark elf marauders whose individual combat power is far superior to human soldiers.

Dark elven marauders are originally high-level arms of naval warfare in the dark elf family, but under the influence of the civilization characteristics of the world, they have learned the fighting spirit, and their combat power has already been comparable to the top arms.

The individual strength gap is too large. In the face of such enemies, Saxon soldiers who have not made targeted adjustments are simply not their opponents. They are completely defeated, which is a matter of time.

At the same time, outside of the dense fog, due to the formation of the carrier battle group in the movement, it was very spread out. Therefore, considering the energy consumption of the magic crystal, the dark elf fleet did not cover the entire fleet. .

However, those ships that have not been shrouded in by heavy fog are obviously not available to respond to the requests for assistance from several aircraft carriers, because they are too busy!

The sea broke open, and the incomparably huge figure of the ocean behemoth jumped up directly, and then smashed **** a Saxon missile destroyer, with a heavy blow, enough to sink the ship on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, Hydra Bailey, Hydra Rock, and Terror King Snake Yeger also appeared one after another and began to destroy the surrounding sea ships.

At the same time, a large number of fish people and snake people also rushed out from under the sea.

This wave, supported by the sea, is the joint army of orcs and dark elves!

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