The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2479: , Carefully arranged

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The first batch of tanks and mechas, did not add alchemy materials, but simply because the alchemy factory itself is not enough to make golem materials. How can there be more alchemy materials for other factories?

At the same time, the tank and mech units are considered to be one of their main forces in the civilized army of this world. This unit was built to fight against the enemy, and it needs to be charged!

Under this premise, there are interference devices installed inside the body, plus the defense system of its own position at the rear to support it. Naturally, the requirements for concealment are naturally reduced.

Therefore, Luo Ji at that time also gave priority to the use of alchemy materials in the refining of Golem troops.

In recent years, the development of the alchemy industry has become better and better in Wanjie civilization. The output and deployment efficiency of various alchemy materials have also become higher and higher. Naturally, there is also the surplus to support other industries.

However, in Luo Ji's view, the addition of this function can only be regarded as the icing on the cake for the previous tank mecha.

At the command base on the Saxon side, General Lekto raised his guess in his heart, then made a decisive decision and switched to a rocket directly!

Detecting the enemy ’s attack, the Winter Army ’s defensive system alerts the masterpiece, and at the first time, it fires a series of interceptors.

Before the rockets approached them, they intercepted them.

For this hand, Admiral Lekto was already mentally prepared.

It can be said that this wave of preparations has been prepared for a long time, but of course it can't be finished like this.

That wave of rocket attacks, to put it bluntly, is a trial.

Being intercepted by the opposite side was also expected.

After the scientific and technological capabilities of both sides have developed to a certain scale, everyone can see what kind of weapons such as missiles and weapons, no one can do anything, but in the end, they have to rely on artillery tanks to speak.

Behind the terrain used to block the advance of the Winter Army, the Saxon artillery unit has already laid out a number of fire arrays carefully arranged by Admiral Lekto.

Now in a round of firing, the shelling fire instantly covers an entire area. The old array is almost so that these firepower squares can swarm the designated area with shelling fire at any time.

This wave of firepower output is not bad.

The road on their side was actually relatively narrow. At that time, the new Ranger-2 tank mech that was opening the road at the time was too late to avoid, and was swept into it instantly.

As a light mech, Ranger-2 is difficult to resist artillery bombardment, and just a round of fire attack on the opposite side has caused them huge losses.

General Lecto, who received intelligence feedback, secretly clenched his fists.

The layout of this terrain is also his careful arrangement.

At the forefront, there is a steep **** with extremely high and low drop. At the other end of the steep **** is the enemy troops, and they themselves use this steep **** as a bunker and use the terrain to open fire on this side and attack the enemy troops. .

According to the height difference of that steep slope, let alone a tank tank, ordinary chariots want to climb over this steep slope, there is a risk of overturning, forcing over, even if they do not overturn, they will also become their live targets.

So the safest way is to wind from the other side.

If the opposite side chooses to detour, then his carefully arranged fire positions will definitely make the opposite side go vigorously.

Even if the opposite side was able to withstand the artillery fire and successfully bypassed him, he had already arranged the ambush on the other side.

Judging from the current situation, his arrangement has already made the opposite side feel the initial suffering, but Admiral Lekto did not dare to relax.

According to previous experience, his opponent is not so good to deal with.

At this time, Hill, rather than saying that she is entangled with this terrain, it is better to say that she is entangled with another problem.

It hasn't been long since the Battle of the Border until now. The Giant Divine Soldier is still being repaired in the frontline stronghold, and Huang Feiyu is also trained there. Originally, she didn't want to turn this card over quickly.

But looking at the current situation, even if it was to reduce losses, she had to start ahead.

During the speech, Hill pressed the special headset in her ear, and then gave a command with a deep voice.

The next second, Ysera's huge figure suddenly appeared over the battlefield.

"General! Unknown units appear over the battlefield!"

Today, the entire battlefield is almost under the control of the Saxon Command Base. As soon as Ysera appeared, he was discovered across the street.

After quickly zooming in, the picture looked at the figure full of fantasy colors. Many Saxon soldiers in the command base took a breath.

The ghost knows where this magical creature appeared in the air of this battlefield.

However, Admiral Lekto has no time to struggle with this issue.

"Can you lock the unknown unit?"

"Successfully locked!"

After the first pass, the Saxon soldier who successfully targeted the target was relieved.

"The three-wheeled cruise missile was launched in stages, and the reaction was tested! At the same time, the order was passed to prepare the air force in the rear air base to attack!"

On this side ~ ~ Admiral Lekto's order was quickly issued, while on the other side, Ysera, who appeared after him, continued to emit strange tones in Longkou.

Along with the display of the magic of the Dragon Language, a sky-blue magic circle began to spread out in front of it.

Leaving aside ordinary dragon breath attacks, whether it is ‘Dragon Stars’ or ‘Breakthrough Dragon Breath’, all require the blessing of Dragon Word magic.

The air-breaking dragon breath has a very long range and can directly hide behind to launch the map cannon.

As a biological unit, Ysera does not have the ability to shield radar detection and lock. Originally, it is a safer way to hide it behind and display the breath of the dragon.

However, in the strict sense, the Air Break Dragon Attack is a super powerful single attack. The attack range is too narrow, and the distance is extended, which will affect the accurate head to a large extent.

Faced with these massive firepower phalanxes of Admiral Lekto, after breaking the air, what can you do if you are in a mission?

How much effect can you do by shooting and destroying dozens or hundreds of cannons?

too small!

Therefore, the dragon star group attacked as a range is more suitable for breaking the game.

But at the same time, a weakness of the Dragon Star Group was exposed.

That is, the attack distance is relatively close.

In the battle of the silver rank, the attack distance of the Dragon Star Group is relatively safe, because the players at that time could not basically hit that height.

But in the golden section, if Ysera wants to cast the dragon star group, then it will be completely exposed to the enemy's firepower! !

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