The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2496: ,unexpected surprise

"Call the command base, call the command base! This is the third artillery unit, coordinates (237, 369), we are entangled in a group of huge monsters, request rear support! Request rear support !!!

Above the battlefield, the Saxon artillery unit targeted by the Chimeras was in a bad situation.

Although Chimera is not as good as a monster in terms of physique, it is definitely not a small crispy skin. After it evolved into Warcraft, the physical strength can be used as a secondary tank.

The most important thing is that the quantity is large, and the enemy's firepower can be apportioned substantially.

Under this premise, the Saxon artillery was successfully faced by the Chimeras, completely disrupting the output formation, and the firepower could not be hit. The situation was bad, and it was a matter of course.

In the eyes of the Saxon artillery, these strangely shaped monsters are very evil.

Not only can spit poisonous mist, but even fire discharge.

At the same time, the most terrible thing is that those monsters are huge, and they can easily pose a threat to their self-propelled artillery tanks when they are close.

At this moment, they desperately need a force to help them block or contain this group of monsters, so that they can distance themselves and regroup.

Unfortunately, their request for help is probably very difficult to get a response.

At this time, because of the sudden death of a large number of people inside their Saxon command base, they were caught in unprecedented chaos.

And this group of suddenly killed people also includes the highest officers on their side!

Although the fifth-order spell of Withering Death looks at his face, when he is lucky, it can really bring a lot of surprises.

The command base that fell into chaos directly let the forces of the Saxon side lose the unified command, and the subsequent impact is gradually being exposed.

At the same time, at the sea battlefield, four strategic-level units such as Neptune Whale Simon pushed forward with the firepower of the Saxon side.

The forces of the Murlocs and the Serpents approached, and after destroying the various missile destroyers and frigates, their advantages on this side were further established.

None of the chief commanders of the Tang-Song trio fleet is a mediocre. Their biggest flaw now is that they have insufficient hard power, and they are by no means inadequate in personal ability.

In terms of grasping the battle situation, the three-party commander's sense of war is still very sensitive.

Taking advantage of this wave of advantages, the three fleets have stepped up their offensives in preparation for the victory.

At the same time, due to the large number of officers and personnel killed in the command base, the officer with the highest rank in the command base is a lieutenant colonel.

This burden is too heavy, a lieutenant colonel can't afford to pick, at the same time he also knows that he has no such ability.

All he can do now is to connect the internal full-channel communication and let the troops begin to retreat!

Large-scale troops will definitely be in chaos after a lack of unified mobilization and command.

He is not confident and capable of directing command, but at least he can issue a retreat order to preserve his combat power as much as possible and start to retreat.

At the same time, the Saxon rear air base, after confirming this news, also directly ordered the recall of all fighter planes and moved toward the airport further back.

Obviously, this force has already accepted the fact of this defeat, except for the North Sea garrison fleet on the Saxon side ...

At this moment, the officers of the Beihai Garrison Fleet just wanted to scold mother.

Because they are at sea, there is no retreat at all.

The **** just abandoned them!

With a thought of ‘you are not kind to me, then do n’t blame me for your injustice’, and after realizing the reality that I was unable to escape, a group of stationed officers of the North Sea Fleet chose to surrender.

At this point, the battle ended with the victory of the Tianzhao United Fleet, and the fall of Ajer Bald in the North Sea temporarily ended.

The division of loot is as simple as ever.

The world's most popular civilization took the lead, and three nuclear-powered aircraft carriers belonged to them.

The remaining two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, as well as individual ships, Song Hui and Tang Song each one, half.

As for Hua Ye, this time, he is also a serious contributor, and his spoils deserves his share.

He does not want ships, but still needs land combat equipment.

Although land battles are basically played by Luo Ji ’s dark elf troops, the fleet of Hua Ye ’s three people helped him to contain a large number of air fighters and a lot of firepower after all, and this contribution cannot be ignored.

Therefore, on the premise that this batch of land combat equipment is divided into 10%, Luo Ji and Hua Ye each get 40%, Song Hui and Tang Song each get 10%.

This batch of loot, but let Hua Ye and Luo Ji take the big head together, the main reason is needless to say, he did not want a ship, then the loot of this piece of land war, more points for him, it should be.

Luo Ji, who is not interested in land combat equipment, actually took out his 40% of the land combat equipment and divided it equally among the three of Tang and Song. They are.

After losing the frontline battle, Luo Ji also clearly realized that this battle may be more difficult than he expected.

Taking this opportunity to improve the land combat strength of Tang Song and the three of them, if you can put some pressure on Ajal Valdardo ~ ~ is also good for him, and by the way Let all three owe him a lot of favors, this account, no matter how you think.

Let the respective logistic forces return with their loot.

After that, the four-person joint fleet was so arrogantly temporarily stationed in the North Sea of ​​Ajer Bald for rest.

By the way, I did not forget to sweep the resources in this city.

In this wave of Tang Song and the three of them, the loss is actually not small, and a large number of carrier-based aircraft and ships have been taken in.

On the other hand, Luo Ji seems to have little loss, but in fact it is far beyond imagination.

Because of the dark elf fleet, all the magic crystals burned!

There are also issues of casualties and loss of arms.

Chimera, as a front-row unit that rushed to the land, died nine heads, thirteen were seriously injured, and twenty-one were moderately injured in the process of advancement and combat, leaving all minor injuries.

In comparison, the black knight army and the dark elf marauder army had better casualties.

The main reason is that their goals are not as big as Chimera, agile skill, flexible mind, coupled with outstanding individual strength, human soldiers want to threaten their lives, but it is not an easy task.

In addition to that, the long lifespan also gave them extremely rich combat experience, making the dark elves very clear how to ensure their safety in a dangerous melee.

Speaking of which, this is a hidden advantage of the longevity race.

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