Facing Koror's growl, Hu Jie smiled awkwardly.

Although Hu Jie also knows about his own sunset red shooting technique, sometimes, when he sees such a machine gun in front of himself, he still wants to play tricks and become a pure addiction.

After all, the two of them are also old brothers for many years. For some reason they were hit by a shuttle cannon, and it was their own thing that fired. Kolo was only limited to a roar, and he didn't really go to his heart.

Then he raised his backhand to match his body shape completely, but his metal warhammer had a slightly strange shape, and suddenly went toward an enemy armored chariot beside him!

At the moment of approaching the target, the end of the metal warhammer suddenly ejected a large amount of white steam, which gave Kolo a super-acceleration with a jet!

It's too late to say, it's fast.

In the violent roar, a heavy blow instantly deformed the side armor of the enemy armored combat vehicle violently. At the same time, an entire combat vehicle was directly suspended by the four rounds of the hit and flew out. !

"Hahaha !!!"

Colo was undoubtedly extremely satisfied with his blow, and laughed loudly on the spot.

This batch of steam weapons newly created by their universal civilization is really very useful for their orcs.

Undoubtedly, this batch of weapons is precisely from the black technology of the goblin clan, the steam warhammer.

After acquiring this weapon, how about Luo Ji's first reaction to equipping the Orcs?

From operation to use, there is no difficulty. The only requirement is that it requires a certain body. Otherwise, the sudden jet super acceleration will easily make the weapon-wielder hurt.

However, according to the orc's body, obviously there is no need to worry about this issue.

At the same time, the design has also improved and adjusted the top talents of the dwarves and humans, and by the way, the materials have also been changed.

In order to make this new type of steam weapon more durable, Luo Ji directly replaced the main material with a special alloy of the dwarven race.

This batch of alloys can only be forged by hand craftsmen of the dwarf family, and none of them can be forged by the machine, so the output is relatively limited ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But Luo Ji inventory is still a bit.

From the current situation, the orcs equipped with steam weapons can be said to be the best.

At the same time, Colo's look was not the most powerful.

In the time between the talks, the elephant-like patriarch Luke in the bitter cold land started, and the more exaggerated steam warhammer swung down.

With a loud noise, the Saxon armored chariot caught by Luke was actually crushed by his hammer, and the amazing impact made the ground below completely cracked!

After the blow, the Saxon soldiers who were in the car at that time had no chance of surviving.

In the face of this orc army, which is so strong, the gap in combat power is there. The garrison of this small base is far from their opponent.

An entire armored combat vehicle unit was soon defeated, and the violent wild boar rushed all the way outside the base in an instant!

Although the outside of the base of the Saxon side has been heavily barricaded, the effect it can achieve is low and pitiful.

After all, the wild boar is a strategic level unit of the orc. There is no battle, and it is purely a dream to want to block their charge.

The closed gate of the base was easily hit and flew, and a large number of orcs were killed. The defensive force in the base was completely incapable of resistance against the full invasion of the orc forces.

This attack is here, basically can be declared over, this Saxon base has now changed its owner.

The thunderstorms this summer come fast and go fast.

In the middle of the night, not only did the rain stop, but the sky was a bit clear.

Behind the dark clouds, the moon quietly revealed half of its body, but it formed a nice night.

Unfortunately, the soldiers and officers on the Saxon side do not have the leisurely atmosphere to enjoy the night view at all.

One base was attacked by the enemy, leaving several nearby bases uneasy.

About an hour ago, the people at several other bases had completely disconnected from the base that was attacked. After several attempts to get in touch, they could not be contacted at all. The worst plan has been made.

The nearest base has already pulled up a force at the fastest speed and is now on the way to support overnight.

This section of the road is not easy to walk, and the rush to march at night needs to bear no small risks.

The soldiers in charge of driving were all tense, and they did not dare to relax.

Fear of an operation error, let the car roll into the ditch.

It was in this state of rush, accompanied by a roaring night breeze, a wolf howl came from a distance, so that the nervous Saxon soldiers instinctively gripped the rifle in their hands, and then reacted to the It was only after the wolf howl that it relaxed again.

The reaction just now was basically caused by their nervousness.

One of the soldiers sitting in the car couldn't help but whispered ...

"Wifey ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In the evening, the really special lady is not peaceful!"

Compared to the inland, this wild area close to the border is already desolate, and there are some wild animals living, which is not a rare thing.

It's just that this big night, when everyone is nervous, suddenly there is such a voice, which is really scary.

Coupled with the soldiers dispatched in the middle of the night, the mood was not good, and it was inevitable to scold.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the front of the team, which made the whole team completely stop advancing.

After waiting for the soldiers to think about it, a burst of screams had come ...

"Enemies! Enemies !!!!"

At that moment, a large number of heavily armed Saxon mechanized infantrymen put on night vision goggles and picked up the rifle in their hands and rushed down from the infantry chariot.

And just when they are ready to search for enemy trails and support the battle.

One of the Saxon soldiers only saw a dark green arc flashing in front of his eyes, and at the same time his neck was cold, and a large amount of blood suddenly spewed out of the carotid artery.

Under night, with the waves of howling wolves, the most terrifying hunter has appeared.

Shouts, screams, roaring sounds, all kinds of sounds are intertwined at this moment, and this whole scene is pushed to the climax of chaos again and again!

The moonlight was shining brightly, reflecting on Li Ke's muscular body. At that moment, he only felt his blood, boiling! !

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