The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2502: , Breakthrough

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Ajal Balder certainly does not want them to continue to do whatever they want.

On the north side, the temporarily retreated army troops, after reassembling a force, quickly pressed the territory and tried to retake the fallen coastal city.

In response, the performance of the joint fleet of the Tianchao Dynasty was extremely simple, and directly left.

That's right, it was withdrawn directly.

Their expeditionary fleet and the large army on the opposite side are fighting land battles. There is no chance to think of it. If they fight hard, even if they can fight two waves, they will only increase unnecessary casualties.

Ajal Bald wanted to **** back the coastal city, and he would simply give it to him.

The retreat of the Tianchao United Fleet is equivalent to directly transferring the battlefield on the north side to the sea.

This time, it wasn't them who felt uncomfortable, but Ajer Balder.

If Ajer Bald did not transfer his carrier fleet back, he would not have a fleet in his hands.

Without a fleet, how do you fight with them, the Tianchao United Fleet?

So, even if the coastal cities were returned, they would still be on the waves above the North Sea. Even on the sea, they were safer.

Ajal Balder gradually showed up with a disadvantage of more than one enemy.

He is really uncomfortable with this wave of Beihai.

He knew what was happening to him now, and he needed a breakthrough.

Now this breakthrough is in the Tang and Song Dynasties.

As long as his army can kill Tang and Song, he will occupy the territory of Tang and Song when the time comes, and the freed-up force will allow him to completely turn around and even roll up the snowball.

With this in mind, within Ajer Vald ’s territory, large-scale conscription continues, while producing military equipment and increasing the strength of the inland army.

Even if there is such a skill in a celestial newcomer, can it really be turned upside down in his hands?

Ajer Balder's next offensive relied solely on hard power.

On the premise that there is a strength gap in itself, coupled with the rolling of hard power, the defenders on the Tang and Song sides are simply unable to parry.

The bad situation forced Tang Song to ask for help in the group.

According to the current situation, it is basically only Luo Ji who can avoid the Saxon-side carrier fleet and has the ability to support him from the land.

Facing this situation, Luo Ji was silent.

After hesitating for about half a minute, Luo Ji returned a message in the group ...

"@ 唐宋, I am in a situation where I am afraid I cannot support you."

After the news was released, Tang Song and Hua Ye were temporarily unresponsive.

You may not see it, or you may, but you do n’t know how to respond.

In this regard, Luo Ji can only explain his current status a little.

"Just three days ago, my frontline army had just retreated. According to the latest news, the army of Ajal Bard is now pressing towards my border. There are only two or three main battle tanks Ten thousand cars. "

Seeing this news, the three Tang Song people in the group all took a breath.

They knew that Luo Ji must help them to share a lot of enemy forces, but they did not expect that they would exaggerate to such a degree! !

On Song Hui ’s side, Ajal Bald used 3,000 main battle tanks, coupled with a series of other army equipment and home advantage to fight defensive battles, so that Song Hui ’s army could not attack at all.

On the Song dynasty side, on the inner mainland battlefield, the Saxon army with six thousand main battle tanks as the main force almost killed him.

You have to know that the relationship between the amount of weapons and combat power is similar to snowballing.

Between 3,000 and 6,000, the number gap is doubled, yes, but the gap in combat power is definitely not as simple as doubling, and there may be double or even triple.

And Luo Ji needs to face, there are 20,000 or 30,000? !

To some extent, the gap in strength has been fully reflected.

If Ajal Bald put troops of that size on the frontier battlefield with them, then they were estimated to blow up in an instant, and there was no fight at all.

No one thought that Luo Ji's existence actually helped them contain such a huge force.

Now, no one can do anything.

In the face of this opponent who was stronger than they were, Tang Song and Hua Ye both had a feeling of ‘wance exhaustion’.

In this regard, Luo Ji is helpless.

He couldn't say that under the premise of facing the threat of the enemy's army, he also mobilized his garrison troops on a large scale to support Tang and Song. His relationship has not reached such a level.

After hesitating again and again, looking at the silent group, Luo Ji sent another message ...

"@ 唐宋, It's really not possible. You simply took the population and moved from the periphery to my side. The territory fell, and there will be a chance to get it back in the future, but the person died, but everything is gone."

Seeing this news, Tang Song, who had been silent for a long time, responded with a 'thank you.'

He also knows that Luo Ji has already done his best.

It is certainly impossible to send troops to support, but if Tang Song took someone to him to take refuge, Luo Ji was still willing to provide him with a place to take refuge out of the sentiment of the Celestial Alliance.

In this matter, Tang Song obviously had to think about ~ ~ and discussed it with Hua Ye through private chat.

The results proved that, according to his current situation, it seemed that he had no choice at all.

Now his territory is about to fall into half.

On the premise of confirming that the fundamental enemy is no match, the most sensible way at present is to start the transfer as soon as possible, and reduce the casualties as much as possible, and preserve the combat power, which is more convenient for him to come back later.

As for the specific matters, he naturally had to make it clear to Luo Ji in private.

In this regard, Luo Ji directly marked a location on the system map, and then synchronized to Tang Song ...

"Bypassing the northern border, let your people directly enter my eastern border from this route on the outer periphery of the mainland. At the marked location, I will send a force to meet you. The section of the road before that, I am afraid you have to rely on yourself Now. "

After reading the synchronized map, Tang Song expressed that he would give a batch of gratitude while thanking again.

In fact, he doesn't have many props in his hands.

Most of them are low-value ones, and I am afraid they will not be able to enter the eyes of Luo Ji ~ ~.

After struggling again and again, Tang and Song simply expressed that they were willing to bring a batch of development resources they prepared to take to Luo Ji as a gift.

Development resources are undoubtedly hard currency, and even if it is Luo Ji, it will certainly not be too much of its own resources.

So he also accepted it very simply.

After that, the two quickly reached a consensus and had accepted this wave of Tang and Song, and quickly issued several orders to let some of their troops begin to carry out a large-scale transfer with the population.

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