The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2507: , Improvement and upgrading (2)

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At the moment the introduction interface opens, Luo Ji can be said to be greatly relieved.

Before, he had been worried about whether to transform the goblin machinery city without authorization, would he directly transform the five-star man-made wonder of this goblin civilization.

The interface is still there, which means that the spectacle effect is still triggered, which is equivalent to giving Luo Ji a sense of 'guaranteed bottom.'

No matter how bad, it is the same as before.

After thinking this way, the whole person was obviously a lot easier.

Afterwards, after quickly reading the entire introduction interface, the effect of the five-star man-made wonder Goblin Machine City changed, which is actually very obvious.

The number of civilization points acquired every day, the speed of the development of science and technology, BUFF, and the effect of the special building of the goblin family to improve BUFF, there is actually no change in these three gain effects.

The difference is that it has two more effects.

That is, the effect range of the Goblin Machine City has been increased by 30%, and their unique ‘climbing peak’ BUFF.

The purpose of this goblin machinery city improvement and upgrade project was to expand the range of effects by increasing the output energy of the city's mechanical heart from the beginning.

It now appears that this step has been completely achieved.

Luo Ji can be said to be very satisfied with the improvement of the 30% effect range.

Not to mention the BUFF of their peak civilization, which is even more confusing, which is even more profitable!

It also proves that he and Gao Wen's guess is indeed correct.

Open the map and confirm that the effect of the Goblin Machine City covers the range. The 30% increase in range does not seem to be particularly much, but in fact from the map, the increase in range is actually very large.

After that, Luo Ji and Gao Wen took the bus directly and arrived at the core energy room of Goblin Machinery City.

Before entering, according to the meaning of the goblin staff outside, first put on a full-body protective suit.

"Hmm! Next, let's introduce it sternly. Our goblin family's current technological crystallization! Goblin Power Furnace Type 1 !!!"

Gao Wen, who said this, was full of chatter, and a whole set of rhetoric was called fluent.

Let Luo Ji clearly feel that, in the same way, Gao Wen has definitely been with John Thrall before this product.

"The latest Goblin Power Furnace Type I developed by our Goblin family mainly relies on nuclear power to provide energy. Although it has not been officially calculated due to its completion, according to preliminary estimates by the Energy Department, only 200 tons of uranium fuel are required each year , It will provide enough energy for the factories in the Goblin Machinery City. "

During the speech, Gao Wen gestured with both hands and motioned for Luo Ji to follow him.

Several people took the elevator and climbed all the way to the highest point of this central building.

The buildings in this goblin machinery city are actually very tall. After all, as I said before, there is an 'airport' docked with airships.

At present, the central building of this goblin machinery city, if converted to the specifications of Chéng Rén buildings, is at least as high as 40 to 50 floors.

If you want to reach the rooftop, you have to sit on the elevator for a while.

During this period, Gao Wen was certainly not idle, and continued to display the technological crystallization of their goblin clan.

"In fact, at present, the goblin machinery city adopts a composite energy supply method, in addition to nuclear power generation, we also use wind power on this side."

Between the speeches, there was a soft sound of ‘ding’.

The elevator door opened, and before waiting for Luo Ji to go outside, a strong wind had screamed. The wind on the rooftop was not really normal.

Taking a step out, the broad view of the platform made people feel suddenly and cheerful.

Looking away, Luo Ji quickly found the huge windmill.

In fact, while still on the road, Luo Ji has discovered these windmill buildings.

Wind power, as an inexhaustible natural energy source, of course, their universal civilization has always been in use.

Before this, the most used wind power generation is undoubtedly the wizard province. After all, the elves generally care about the natural environment and environmental protection issues, and wind power generation is very environmentally friendly, which can be said to be completely in line with the spirit of the elves .

In addition, coastal cities, as well as island provinces and cities like Gaosu and Zhuoke, also use more wind power.

Now it is also regarded as one of the most important power supply methods for their civilization.

Of course, ignoring these environmental issues, thermal power generation is still the mainstream power generation method in the world.

The amount of energy that thermal power can provide is far from that of wind power.

At the same time, thermal power generation is still very stable. Unlike wind power generation, its power generation is basically uncontrollable and completely affected by the weather.

Therefore, the current wind power generation is also limited to an auxiliary power generation method.

Just like this goblin machinery city, its main power generation method is nuclear power generation, and wind power generation is an auxiliary method.

Even if the wind power is not enough, it will not affect the operation of this goblin machinery city.

If the amount of wind power generation is very impressive, it can reduce the annual consumption of uranium fuel, which is almost the state. UU Reading

Listening to Gao Wen's introduction, I looked at the document in my hand.

Judging from the written data alone, the output power of this type of goblin power furnace is absolutely comparable to that of the dwarf's geocentric series.

In Luo Ji's view, this is a good thing. After all, there will be progress only if there is competition.

In addition, the layout and some design drawings of the factories around the Goblin Machinery City have also been presented to Luo Ji.

In this design, Luo Ji still trusts their professional talents of all civilizations. After all, he is not engaged in architectural design. Civilization has developed to such a point that even if he is a modern person, he has no way to do this. In the professional field, I have provided constructive advice for my own civilization.

Confirm the design drawings, read the documents, more is to understand.

Only in this way can he know the development and construction of this piece.

Those factory buildings left behind, in fact, to a large extent, do not need to be completely destroyed and rebuilt.

In order to pursue efficiency, all the civilized engineers of his world, the proposals put forward, are basically based on the original transformation.

In the final analysis, to a large extent, what is important is not the building, but the various production devices and equipment inside. This is the point.

After all, the factory is just a building.

The installation equipment is basically ready-made, and the next thing that the construction team needs to do is to rebuild those factory buildings as quickly as possible according to the design drawings, and then transfer a large number of production equipment and equipment of the goblin factory Just come here.

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