The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2517: , Misfortune is not alone

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Sea King Whale Simon, as a defensive giant with a huge body, is not as fast as the terror king snakes Yage and Hydra, but it is definitely not a nuclear-powered aircraft with a speed of more than 30 knots. of.

After the Saxon nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was locked, the distance between the two of them began to draw closer.

The fleet's general command room, always staring at the moving Admiral Rhein here, should also realize that the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier cannot escape.

So after making up my mind, I quickly give orders ...

"Colonel, immediately evacuate."

Colonel Saxon, who received the order, did not hesitate. His current situation was clear to him.

Don't go again, when the giant beast rushes to them, they have no chance to go.

During the entire evacuation process that followed, ordinary soldiers on the aircraft carrier could only evacuate in a lifeboat ~ ~.

But everyone knows that the sea is not safe now. Under the sea, it is possible to kill a fishman or a snakeman at any time.

By comparison, a group of officers headed by that Saxon colonel evacuated by taking a helicopter that had already been prepared, which was undoubtedly much safer than a lifeboat.

After all the personnel are evacuated from the aircraft carrier, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is then simply controlled by remote control from the general command room.

According to the meaning of Admiral Rhein, this nuclear-powered aircraft carrier should be kept away from other ships in their fleet as much as possible, so that they can draw a safe distance from the giant beast to break away from each other's sonar detection range.

However, after the Neptune Whale Simon was close to the target to a certain distance, the speed of the sudden burst was undoubtedly faster than that expected by the Admiral.

A quick glance at the time, the situation is now that the enemy monster is approaching the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier controlled by them remotely 5 minutes and 27 seconds earlier than he expected.

The error in the middle is greater than expected.

Faced with this situation, Admiral Rhein gritted his teeth, and signaled his soldiers to continue the remote control to allow the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to continue to run, and began to further command the anti-submarine helicopters in the air to launch anti-submarine attacks, trying to use the attack to drag Slow Sea King Whale Simon's approaching efficiency.

The constant attacks of torpedoes and torpedoes, after all, are aimed at the units of the orc civilization, and the power has been particularly improved. It is still somewhat useful.

But the time available is still limited.

One minute and forty-seven seconds away from the planned time, the huge body of Sea King Whale Simon, with the blessing of enhanced spells, carried a huge wave and suddenly jumped out of the sea towards the Saxon aircraft carrier in front of him. , Issued a blow to lay down!

The Taishan pressure fell sharply, and in the thunderous bang, the sea king Simon carried a heavy blow with his own weight, and thus directly hit the hull of the aircraft carrier.

An entire aircraft carrier suddenly fell, the deck and the runway shattered, and the hull continued to groan painfully, and the force of the impact caused a huge wave around.

However, this entire nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, facing the self-defense attack of the king of the sea king Simon enough to directly kill a destroyer, was stunned and did not sink!

But think about it too. Nearly 100,000 tons of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and thousands of tons of destroyers are not in the same specification at all, and there is no comparison at all.

The attack of Simon of the Neptune Whale, although it can't be said to be a flat A, but the death is a serious attack? It's not a kill trick at all.

How can a 100,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier sink so easily?

Against the crazy attack of the anti-submarine helicopter in the air, after a single attack, the huge body of the king of the sea, King Simon wriggled, and while leaping a huge wave, he quickly plunged into the sea.

The empty nuclear-powered aircraft carrier had a major alarm, but the engine power was preserved. A whole nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was forcibly interrupted for a moment by the body attack of the sea king, Simon, and quickly recovered its mobile state. And continue to drive at full speed towards the distance.

Faced with this situation, Simon, the king of the sea, apparently did not intend to let go of the other.

The huge body quickly adjusted and began to launch a collision attack on the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the sea water, trying to completely disable the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

At the same time, I do n’t know if it ’s a slap.

At the same time that Sea King Whale Simon aimed at a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and pursued it fiercely, the other side of the sea battlefield, riding the wind and waves all the way, killed the dark elf fleet in the inner defense zone. Found the first enemy nuclear-powered aircraft carrier!

Without further ado, the Dark Elf Fleet directly launched a magic cannon attack.

During this period, the main flagship is slowly pressing.

In the dark elf fleet, the main flagship is called the main flagship, not only because it has the largest body size.

In addition, the more important reason is because it is the elf magic warship of the thirteen elf magic warships, and the only main ship gun is the fourth-order wind element magic cannon!

I used to destroy those destroyers and Saxon fighters before, but I used only second-order magic cannons and third-order magic cannons. The fourth-order magic cannons have not fired, because there is no need for it at all. It's almost time!

On the fourth-order wind element magic cannon, which is the main ship gun, a full azure wind magic core began to radiate light, and instantly lit an entire charging disk.

The huge wind elemental power quickly lights up along the lines.

At the muzzle, the azure magic circle unfolded, and at the moment of launch, the wind elemental force penetrated the magic circle, and directly transformed into a ten-meter-long azure spiral war spear flying out of the sky!

Carrying a series of sonic booms, one fell down, only heard a roar and a blast, and a swift blow, just before everyone responded, directly on the huge hull of the Saxon nuclear power carrier The next circular hole with a diameter of 15 meters!

The hull was penetrated on the spot, and the ten-meter-long azure spiral war spear, after penetrating the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, simply flew a distance of thousands of kilometers to completely dissipate.

At that time, within the scope of the injury, it just spread to the command room, and an entire command room disappeared directly.

The images synchronized to the main flagship in real time almost made General Rhein all silly.

At that moment, the only thought in his mind was to change the original plan and kill the **** sail warship.

But soon realized that he could not do this.

Quickly confirm the time, the last ten seconds, the attack is already in place, it is too late to change!

"Update data, send coordinate position!"

"The coordinate position is sent successfully, and the data update is completed!"

In the next second and ten seconds, the countdown will return to zero, and the attack will be launched. After far away, six golden-red light arcs will directly tear open the air clouds and reveal the world!

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