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This is undoubtedly a risk-taking move.

But in the present situation, in the view of General Adolf, this is the most sensible choice.

Their big carrier fleet is so pressed against the open sea, facing the overwhelming Saxon fighter, they really do not have the advantage now.

If you go all out, you must pay a terrible price.

Rather than that, it is better to save the fighting power first, and it is better to retreat temporarily.

In this matter, Zhao Yi quickly reached a consensus with Dominique Adolf. Now that their fighter planes deployed on the New World have basically crashed, Jiǔ is gone, and without the fighter plane, he continued with the aircraft carrier. The death knell is there, in fact it has little meaning, it is better to withdraw.

With the support of the rear coastal base and the Air Hawks, Zhao Yi quickly withdrew with the fleet.

Today, the Saxon aircraft carrier fleet is still far from the outer sea, and there is still a long distance away from the border of the maritime area on the side of the civilization.

Under this premise, for the sake of stability, the air forces of the Saxon side almost covered the territorial sea and a small part of the coastal area connected to the territorial sea.

In the face of the Wanjie Civilization Fleet retreating all the way, after the distance was pulled to a certain point, they really couldn't eat too much and chased.

At the same time, the eagle human forces in the air and the forces of the murloc and snake humans that were raging in the enemy carrier battle group also jumped into the sea and withdrew from the battlefield after confirming the signal.

On the Saxon side, the number of ships sent by this wave is staggering.

In addition to the fifteen nuclear-powered aircraft carriers at the core, the number of nuclear submarines should add up to four or fifty.

In addition, the sea fleet, including frigates, guided missile destroyers, and torpedo ships and torpedo ships specially deployed for their deep-sea units, has a total of at least two or three hundred ships, perhaps more.

Most of the ships are concentrated in the central defense zone.

In terms of weapons, adjustments have also been made, and near-anti-aircraft weapons have been obviously added. From the design point of view, it is a typical revolver gun, with twelve barrels, a 30 mm caliber, and full fire. Bullets, this firepower, who dare to ignore it?

Not to mention, there are anti-submarine helicopters galloping above and below the sea. Not only are anti-submarine torpedoes and torpedoes inside, but also a 30-millimeter cannon.

There is a tendency to target them in all directions.

This makes it difficult for the fishman army to fight.

The full retreat of the forces of the Universal Civilization allowed the Saxon air force to reach the coastal base with a single air pressure. In conjunction with the fire output of the rear missile nuclear submarine, it launched the most violent attack directly on the coastal base.

During the roar, the coastal base was reduced to ruins.

Faced with this situation, Admiral Rhein, who was in the general commanding room, after a short thought, Shen Sheng ordered ...

"To order the entire fleet to stay vigilant and move forward!"

After receiving the order, the Saxon aircraft carrier fleet unimpeded all the way to the territorial sea of ​​the new world of civilization.

However, it is just about two or thirty nautical miles away from the border of the territorial sea of ​​the New World.

At the time, a destroyer that was opening the way ahead had a sudden failure of its propulsion device and was forced to stop moving.

After returning the situation, in order to be cautious, Admiral Rhein quickly urged the entire fleet to stop advancing, and at the same time let the destroyer that failed, quickly confirm the situation.

In order to conduct an external inspection, the destroyer directly dispatched ten fully equipped frogmen to sneak into the sea to confirm the situation.

At the same time, every frogman is also fastened with a seat belt and a sling, as long as the situation under the sea surface, they can pull people up at the fastest speed at any time.

No way, now in this area of ​​the sea, they may be attacked by the Murloc and the Snake at any time, which makes them have to be careful.

Even after taking two deep breaths, the frogs put on diving masks and prepared to dive.

At the same time, among the ten frogmen, eight held special underwater firearms in their hands, while the other two were prepared with special flash bombs for underwater use, ready to respond to possible murloc attacks.

According to their configuration of this wave, as long as the flash bomb in the hand can hit the opposite side by surprise.

Even if they can't kill the murlocs, they can still get time to withdraw from the sea.

Unfortunately, they did not know that what was waiting for them under the sea surface was not the fishman or the snakeman, but a large piece of seaweed!

The first sight of these seaweeds, although amazed by the exaggerated quantity and density, did not generate too many vigilant frogmen. They were easily caught by those seaweeds.

The frogman suits and the surrounding seawater environment significantly reduced their senses. Faced with the ‘small movements’ of those seaweeds, when they responded, some seaweeds had completely entangled their legs.

The frogs who realized that they were wrong were shocked. Although they could n’t understand what was happening in front of them, as a regular soldier, their professional qualities allowed them to pull out their daggers in the first place and try to entangle them. Their seaweed was forcibly cut off.

Unexpectedly, this action caused more seaweed in the surrounding seawater to wrap around them almost crazy.

"Damn, what the **** are these seaweeds?"

"Frogman Squad, what happened ?!"

Among the headsets, the captain's voice rang.

In response, several frogmen quickly struggled through the communication device built into the mask and shouted ...

"It's seaweed! There are many seaweeds in the seawater. These seaweeds seem to be alive. They are entangled in us, and we will be pulled up!"

Upon hearing this, the destroyer captain frowned, and then quickly ordered ...

"Pull them up!"

The body quickly tightened ~ ~ and then formed a drag force, and they were to be dragged out of the sea rope in one breath, so that the frogman soldiers felt a little relieved.

However, the frogmen soldiers had just been dragged for a few meters, and there was a quite amazing drag force below, and they were dragged down!


The seaweed below was surprisingly tenacious, and the two pulling forces were tearing at each other. It felt really uncomfortable, and the frogman soldiers' faces turned instantly green.

At the same time, during this period, there were more seaweeds, which kept reaching up and entangled their feet.

In this time of turning around, the legs of the frogman soldiers are about to be tied into dumplings by those seaweeds.

I feel that if they go on like this, they have to be torn apart by these two forces.

For his own life, the captain of the Frogman Squad spoke quickly ...

"Stabilize at this height and stop pulling up temporarily, our legs are entangled with those seaweeds, we have to cut those seaweeds!"

However, this entire process is obviously not going well.

Looking at the seaweed that was constantly entangled, a few unbelievable frogman soldiers simply dropped four special underwater grenades.

A burst, let alone, the effect is really good.

Although they were also choked by the shock, the grenades fell into the seaweed clusters and exploded, and immediately blew up all the seaweeds in the area of ​​the explosion center.

These seaweeds can entangle large objects, depending on the number. Although a single seaweed is tough, it is definitely not exaggerated.

To some extent, the grenade really has a little bit of effect.

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