Centering on the attacked fire tree, the terrifying high-temperature explosion spread instantly.

Among the luxuriant branches and leaves, special fruits hit by high temperature burst open one after another, and all the fire extinguishing liquid stored inside was sprayed out in one breath.

It suppressed the follow-up impact of individual soldiers' warm-pressed rockets to the maximum extent.

After the waves dissipated, a large torso above the huge body of the fire tree man at 30 meters level had even shown a carbonized state.

However, letting the Saxon side breathe a sigh of relief is that, in this state, the actions of the fire-fighting treemen did not seem to be greatly affected.

That single soldier's warm-pressure rocket attack failed to kill the opponent directly? !

It has to be said that although this wave of Saxon side has chosen the right target, this target is definitely not so good to deal with.

Among the tree army, there are two main positions of the fire tree people, one is "assisted fire extinguishing", and the other is "futan". The fire tree people can be used as meat shields!

Under this premise, according to the development route already negotiated by Luo Ji and Hasan Medvedev, he also carried out a key upgrade of the special firefighting service.

The firefighters have achieved huge improvements in fire extinguishing ability, storage capacity of fire extinguishing liquid and strength of their body.

Nowadays, the rank of this fireman is very high ~ ~, want to kill them with a rocket? This is pure thinking!

The troop of the treemen went crazy under the night. Under the cover of a large number of trees, the priests of the light teamed up to perform the blessing technique and put the enhanced BUFF on all the treemen in the front row.

Strengthen the blessing of BUFF, so that the tree people's promotion efficiency becomes higher.

Especially the little tree man with more flexible action has completely entered a state of charge.

In the face of this threat of constant approach, the Saxon side naturally relied on the advantages of long-range firepower and mechanical power, and began to fire wildly, trying to rush or completely destroy the other side before the Shuren army killed.

The current situation can be said to be a violent anomaly.

In the firepower position on the Saxon side, all kinds of firelights were completely connected.

The little treemen rushing to the forefront of the army are constantly engulfed by the flames of explosion. Although these little treemen are basically low-level mixed soldiers, and the number is the largest, it is obviously not a good idea to let the other party harvest like this.

With this in mind, among the army of thousands of people, thousands of people with larger figures slowly pressed on.

This group of tree people generally reached the level of forty or fifty meters, and their trunks were also stronger and firmer.

If it is said that the fire-fighting Shuren are only part-time deputy tanks, then the main tank of the Shuren Army is exactly them! One of the main arms of the fairy civilization, the Shuren Guardian!

Along with the pressure of the tree guards, the small tree man and the fire tree man who were originally in the front row also made a proper retreat.

The task of defending against the enemy's firepower output is given to the Shuren Guardian, which has more defensive power.

The artillery unit of the Saxon side struck the stout trunk of the Shuren Guardian, but was completely unable to shake the other side.

During this entire process, Major General Sisen also tried to make the artillery use an armor-piercing projectile to attack.

According to the penetrating power of the armor-piercing projectile, it was possible to open a hole in the body of the tree.

but! Those trees are completely unaffected!

At this time, Major General Si Sen clearly did not know that there are only two ways to solve a tree person. One is to destroy the ‘tree heart’ organ in the tree person, and the other is to directly break it apart!

The first method is basically unlikely to be realized without sufficient understanding.

Therefore, Master Sisen used the second method without any surprise at this moment.

The artillery unit's fire position, combined with the continuous firing of the individual rocket launchers on the front line, formed a crazy fire output.

At the same time, the tank armor, one of the Army ’s main forces, was also slowly pushing forward.

While forming the front line of defense for the Saxon Army, it also made the Saxon Army's firepower rigid and raised a level.

At this moment, the Saxon army has completely entered a state of indiscriminate bombing.

The horrible firepower suppressed many trees from being instantly shattered.

The advancing speed is too slow, which is almost a bruise of the Shuren army.

According to the current firepower of the Saxon Army, the Shuren Army alone is advancing, I am afraid that it is really a little dangling, they need to cover!

With this in mind, the Hawks have already been killed from the air.

Four stormy eagles opened the way ahead, followed by a large number of Hawkman soldiers and cut into the battlefield.

The huge size of the storm eagle makes their existence instantly exposed.

Within the Saxon Army position, a series of missiles flew out in a row and drove towards the four storm eagles.

At the same time, a large number of self-propelled anti-aircraft tanks have quickly laid out an anti-aircraft fire position, ready to contain the storm eagle's culling at any time, which is obviously early preparations.

Although the storm eagle is a monster unit, its defensive strength is the weakest of all monsters. In the face of the dense muzzle and the threat of tracking missiles, the front is hard to fire. For them, it is really Not a wise choice.

And tasks like this ~ ~ have always been done by other guys ...

"Major General! A large unit has been detected and is rushing towards our position at high speed!"

Within the command camp on the Saxon side, listening to reports from subordinates, Major General Sisen quickly glanced at the radar screen in front of him, and then directly said ...

"Launch the missile and intercept it!"

After an order was issued, Major General Sisen quickly switched to another communication channel ...

"A large enemy unit is approaching in the northeast. Suspected behemoths. The eighth to tenth units of the Tank Armored Corps and the fifteenth to eighteenth units of the Artillery Corps are transferred to the marked location, ready to face up!"

The order was issued, and a large number of armored forces moved quickly around the Saxon position.

At the same time, a series of missiles flew out of the missile position and flew towards the monster that was approaching at high speed.

The side of the civilization in the world that detected the attack of the enemy missile tried to intercept it.

However, only halfway after the interceptor missile flew out, it lost its direction in the air.

"General, there is interference and no interception is possible!"

Now an entire area near the port has become the frontline position of the Saxon side. In the invisible electronic warfare, the side of the civilization of the world that does not have the advantage, it is almost impossible to interfere in that area.

In this regard, Dominique Adolf was already mentally prepared, and then quickly shifted his attention to other positions.

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