The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2535: , Poor and rich

For ordinary human civilization at the gold level, strategic-level space-based weapons are undoubtedly their strongest means.

Compared with mushroom bullets with obvious side effects, space-based weapons have no side effects at all, and the power is extremely concentrated, which can destroy the target and minimize the damage to the surrounding environment.

In addition, the most important thing is that once a space-based weapon is fired, it is basically unstoppable!

Beruk, the king of giant trees, is currently the world's most civilized civilization. Among all the giant strategic units, it moves the slowest.

In the face of the strategic strike that fell from the sky, there is almost no possibility of evasion.

In the violent roar and blast, twelve rounds of strategic-level strikes, seven of which hit the giant tree king Beiruk one after another, terrible single damage, even the defensive unit of Beiruk, completely failed Way hard.

The huge trunk of the tree was forcibly penetrated by seven rounds of strategic-level strikes on the spot!

The remaining five shots landed in the nearby area almost at the same time. The terrifying impact seemed to want to open a hole in the ground and spread all the surrounding trees into it!

The earth was trembling and deafening noises spread throughout the battlefield.

The command vehicle being transferred to the port and the commanding room of the fleet at sea, the eyes of General Sissen and Admiral Rhein are staring at the image in front of them at the moment, the spirit is highly concentrated, and the emotion is slightly nervous, as if waiting A result.

Within the battlefield, the sky and dust rising from the impact of space-based weapons were quickly blown away by the night wind.

I saw that at this moment, under that night, Beruk, the king of the giant tree up to a hundred meters, was opened seven huge holes directly above that huge body.

Such an exaggerated wound, how **** it is to think about it?

As a result, without waiting for their thoughts to fall, a roar resounding from the sky and earth came from the distant battlefield and sustained seven strategic strikes in a row. Almost all of them have been labeled as "mortal". Beruk, the king of giant trees, was roaring and moving again at this moment!

Faced with this situation, Major General Sisen bluffed twice in the command car.

At this moment, the expression on his face seemed to be asking ‘what is this kidding me about? ! ’

This space-based weapon, but a strategic level of single attack, it may be short, but when it hits the target, it failed to kill the target? This is undoubtedly incredible for Major General Sissen and Admiral Rhein, and even makes them crazy.

During this period, as their enemies, the fairy king Hassan Medvedev, who was hiding in the rear and commanding the advance of the Shuren army, was undoubtedly greatly relieved.

To be honest, when the base weapon fell, he was also scared to death.

Because before that, Beiruk had never suffered such a blow.

Although, due to the special nature of the Shuren, as long as the "shuxin" is preserved, it will basically not die, but no one can guarantee that the "shuxin" will never be beaten.

Now, he can put his heart back in his stomach a little.

At the same time, it is inevitable that there is so much complacency in my heart.

Yes, it is complacency!

Compared with the time of the Silver Wars, Hassan Medvedev could almost pat his **** and say that the king of giant trees, Behruk, had become stronger than then.

The cultivation of the Shuren has always been a test of the ability of the goblin race.

In the early years, Hassan Medvedev was inexperienced and incapable. When cultivating Beiruk, the king of giant trees, he did not do much in many places.

Now, with his experience, his ability to cultivate is far superior to what he once was. Let him cultivate the king of giant trees, Beiruk again. That is totally ‘abundance.’ It must be better than before.

Beruk, the king of giant trees, has a group gain BUFF. As long as he participates in the battle, all the tree units can get the gain effect.

Therefore, unlike many strategic units, in addition to having a strategic body, it also has the value of group gain.

Under the diffusion of the gain BUFF, the propelling momentum of the Shuren army began to become more fierce.

Soon, the firepower of the Saxon side was rushed into their outer positions!

At that moment, a large number of explosive fruits growing on the branches of the exploding treemen fell one after another, and bombed the surrounding Saxon troops.

Within the chaotic battlefield, a Saxon soldier quickly picked up a single rocket launcher in his hand and tried to fire a single warm rocket against a tree man.

Unexpectedly, before the trigger was pulled, he suddenly lost his balance in a scream.

I don't know when it was, his ankle was actually wrapped in a circle of purple and black trees and vines!

The tree vine tightened quickly during the pulling process. The spikes on it quickly punctured the skin of the Saxon soldier's ankle, and then plunged into the flesh.

"Save, save ..."

His entire leg soon lost consciousness, and even with consciousness began to blur.

At this moment, the tree vine that entwined the Saxon soldier is one of the special plants cultivated by the goblin race ~ ~ the devil vine with strong toxin!

These special plants of the vines can be entangled in the trees and fight with them.

Those huge units, such as Tremendous Guardians and Treant Warriors, can be wrapped with more special tree vines, and can even bring some paralyzed mushrooms and poisonous flowers, which further increases their offensive methods.

No, just for a while, a Saxon main battle tank trying to kill the encirclement was directly entangled by a large number of azure winding vines.

In the silver war that year, thousands of entangled vines could even temporarily trap a strategic-level unit such as Dijiao Cook.

At this moment, although there are not so many entangled vines, a Saxon main battle tank can't be comparable to the horned dragon.

The entanglement of a large number of vines almost made the main battle tank completely lose its motility.

Then under the guidance of the vines, with a tree vine, a tree man with a size of 60 to 70 meters will be strongly pressed.

The huge branch fell down, and a heavy blow, accompanied by a roaring sound, directly smashed onto the body of the main battle tank, almost trying to force the entire tank to squash!

During this period, the attack of Beruk, the king of giant trees, was even more ferocious.

The seven holes in the body seem to have not affected its actions. The thick branches swept away, almost bringing up the momentum of sweeping a thousand troops, and the armored chariots swept by it were swept on the spot. Fly to the sky!

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