The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2551: 3. Population resettlement

Facing with Bu Rigude's shouting, Tang Song then chatted with Luo Ji to confirm the situation.

After the two parties confirmed that they were correct, Tang Song stepped forward and revealed his identity.

The next thing is easy to handle.

Burigud led the Eagle Cavalry and escorted the first batch of dwarven population headed by Tang and Song to the east.

There is a camp near the border of their east border, which is used by the border troops.

The first population of the Tang and Song Dynasties has a million people, and there are several others still on the road.

According to the scale of this border camp, it is obviously impossible to accommodate a population of one million dwarves.

Therefore, almost 90% of the population can only stay and rest outside the camp temporarily.

The season is now winter, and the winter in the grassland is still very cold.

Fortunately, there was no snowstorm on this side of the grassland this year, and the dwarves were not so hypocritical. Let the dwarves who have just experienced a long journey to go through a simple two-day repair here, no problem.

During this period, Liu Meng, as the army general stationed in the east, confirmed the information, and also sent an army army under his command to rush here to assist Tang Song and his population to transfer.

They have vast grasslands. After receiving Luo Ji ’s orders earlier, Liu Meng also cooperated with the mayors of several nearby cities to clear a large area for resettlement of the transferred dwarf population.

Anyway, the land was set aside for them, and some infrastructure and buildings were tentatively obtained.

Of course, after all, this was made temporarily, and at the same time, the dwarf population is really too large.

It is impossible for Luo Ji to get them a house or apartment from house to house, which is impractical.

Therefore, all the buildings in this area are designed to accommodate the largest population, while ensuring the most basic living conditions as the highest priority. As for comfort and environment, it must be compromised.

Tang Song had no idea about it, and at the same time, he was not surprised.

They came to take refuge, but not to vacation.

In such a short period of time, Luo Ji could arrange such a piece of land for them, and even provided them with some infrastructure and buildings, and he was already very face-saving. He could never ask Luo Ji to make it for him. Is a city coming out?

This area is on the boundary between the urban area and the eastern border military area.

After all, the general urban suburbs can't accommodate so many people, and only this boundary area as a buffer zone can accommodate so many people in a short time.

Of course, Luo Ji also explained to Tang Song.

After this, Liu Meng and the mayor of the nearby city came over in person and talked to Tang Song about the specific situation.

Simply speaking, a group of people in this group of people must first go through a series of registrations in order to obtain their temporary residence permit and identity document of all civilizations.

Under this premise, the population of Tang Song can enter their urban area. At this point, Luo Ji did not intend to make restrictions. As for Tang Song ’s own plans, it is Tang Song ’s own business.

After explaining all the things that need to be explained, the next thing about this dwarf clan gathering place is that there is no need to worry about the civilization of the world.

Because Tang Song came over this time, he brought a lot of resources. At the same time, there are a lot of craftsmen among the population. In many things, they are fully self-sufficient.

However, for long-term planning, Tang Song still had to talk to Luo Ji about food issues.

In this wave, if all of his population is transferred to this side, there will be tens of millions. Although he has brought a lot of food for a while, but when there is no output, it will be a time to finish. The problem, by then, must be supported by Luo Ji.

With such thoughts, Tang Song first took out the gratitude he had prepared this time.

All of them are good development materials mentioned before.

For Luo Ji, who is in a state of war, the development materials of Tang and Song periods are undoubtedly useful.

Is like iron ore.

In general, the amount of iron ore is large, and it is not a rare resource, but its use is extremely wide.

During the war, not only resource reserves but also output efficiency.

Do you mean to mine the iron ore from the mine and then process it fast, or directly use the iron ingot that has been melted?

Of course it is the latter!

Even if you have a thousand iron ore, but if there is no time or time to mine, it does not make any sense.

And Tang Song this time as a gift of gratitude, the materials given to him are basically materials that have already undergone preliminary processing or even secondary processing.

This allows Luo Ji's factory to save a lot of time and greatly improve the output efficiency.

After Luo Ji accepted Xie Li, Tang Song quickly talked about food.

And offered to let his dwarf craftsmen temporarily work for Luo Ji ’s Wanjie civilization and exchange their labor for food.

For this reason, Luo Ji has no reason not to accept it!

The dwarves have always been high-quality guarantees. How can he refuse a large number of dwarves?

However, if I want to help the Tang and Song dwarf population and solve the food problem, it is really not as easy as I said.

The current situation is different from that of conquering cities and plundering populations.

When he conquered a city, that city already brought certain agricultural development and even food output. Those things were all plundered together. By then, he only had to toss a little, and those cities would be able to Continue to provide food output ~ ~ In other words, there is a minimum guarantee.

In the Tang and Song Dynasties, only people came over, no cities, which means that they did not have this part of the output at all. All the pressure to feed the food of this part of the population basically needs the food available from the civilization of Wanjie. In production, mobilize.

Under this premise, this group of dwarves has an estimated population of tens of millions, and a single dwarf, under normal circumstances, the food consumption of a meal is basically between 1.5 times and twice that of a dwarf.

Now Luo Ji not only has to support his own people and the army, but also has to provide food for such a large number of people. It is conceivable how much food pressure will become.

Before the idea flew, Luo Ji called the director of his own grain bureau directly and asked him to roughly calculate the grain consumption.

In the early years, Luo Ji cultivated fields in the New World, which added a lot of grain to his civilization, and then the eruption of the furnace volcano, which also allowed the land in the surrounding area to have more abundant mineral precipitation The farming industry on the land has also developed better.

All kinds of reasons have made the grain output of Wanjie Civilization rising in recent years, and now the war is still very rich.

But if you want to raise so many people at once, it really has to be counted.

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