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The pressure on the armored forces of the God of War tank allows the main forces of both sides to fight completely.

On the Saxon side, the main battle tanks and artillery units have already adjusted the firing angle.

In the mountainous area, the Mecha 3 tank mecha had just emerged, and a dense firepower was raging towards them.

The round of fire attack can only be said to be too fierce. It almost completely penetrated the mountains and rocks in that area, and even changed the landform to a certain extent.

In the face of this intensive fire attack, even if the armor of the Ares-3 tank is made of dwarf alloy to build armor, they can't eat hard.

The part of the tank mech that rushed to the front was forcibly exploded by the series of firepower on the spot!

The tank and mech units that lost their first-mover advantage have become a bit more difficult.

Under the command of General Lekto, the Saxon artillery unit directly formed a fire suppression zone. The tank and mech unit hiding behind the mountain, if you want to fire, you must have a head, and once you have a head, you will inevitably be This firepower hits continuously and forcibly fights back, and it will definitely pay the painful casualties.

In the face of this situation, Zhao Pan was calm as always in the command room of the Winter Fortress at the rear.

"Can air forces be dispatched?"

"Report the general, with the enemy's army as the center, the jamming device is already in effect in that entire area, the air force launches an air attack, and if the other party launches an air-to-air missile within its own interference range, we may be difficult to intercept.

Speaking of which, the adjutant beside him eased his breath and then spoke again ...

"In the field of electronic warfare, we can only protect ourselves at present. It is almost impossible to break the interference area on the opposite side."

Confirmed the situation, Pan Pan nodded.

At the same time, somewhere around the battlefield, in order to ensure its own concealment, after the war, a roundabout Goblin Mech Legion has been launched, and at this moment has completely cut off contact with the rear.

However, he still failed to avoid his exposure.


In the curse, Xu Ji quickly controlled a special eight-tube Yanlong gun that was integrated with the mechanical arm and launched a shot into the air.

Peace Defender-029 is equipped with a special type of eight-barreled fire dragon gun, the whole specification is more exaggerated than the Ranger-2 tank mech, and the power is naturally stronger.

Under Xu Ji's superb control, the Saxon gunship flying in the air was unavoidable in a single shot, and was beaten into a sieve on the spot, and then exploded and crashed in the air.

Although within the Goblin Mech Legion, it is impossible for every goblin pilot to possess the same superb skills as their trump card, but it cannot withstand the comprehensive performance of the Peace Defender-029. It is really strong.

Needless to say about firepower. On the defense side, this main part is made of the outer armor of the black armor and the rhinoceros. Even if the anti-tank missile of the armed helicopter comes over, it has hard resistance capital.

The strength and performance of this body are here. The armed helicopters on the Saxon side are really lacking the rigid capital they face.

Of course, the strength is the strength, and the anti-tank missile attack can still hide.

Your main body is able to carry it, but the gun emplacement on this head and the manipulator arms on both sides of the weapon are not made with the outer armor of the black armor and the rhinoceros.

Once swept in by the explosion, damaged, and unusable, the weapon is discarded. Afterwards, the output of the Peace Defender-029 will also decrease significantly.

A round of fighting, realizing that by themselves, it was difficult to intercept the Saxon armed helicopter unit under this mech unit, and quickly began to retreat temporarily due to the power and flight ability.

During this period, the Goblin Mecha Corps, whose tracks were completely exposed, directly entered the state of strong attack, maintained the track wheel shape, and killed the Saxon position at full speed.

However, the tank troops who had rushed to intercept them had already appeared.

A preliminary visual inspection shows that the number of main battle tanks is less than a thousand.

"Fighting tactics!"

In the face of enemy tanks whose number is far more than one's own, even the Goblin Mech Corps cannot withstand the firepower and blunt the front, which is too stupid.

In the cockpit, the goblin driver quickly controlled the mecha and began to move laterally.

At the same time, Xu Ji's hand movements were fast enough to fly, while controlling the eight-barrel fire dragon gun to fire, while controlling the 152 mm gun on the head of the mech to aim and fire, destroying the enemy main battle tank.

Now both sides of the enemy and our opponents have already fought in many battlefields. As the highest commander of the Saxon side, Admiral Lekto obviously does not need to be on the front line.

According to the current scientific and technological power, he can find a safe position far away from the battlefield and command the troops to fight remotely.

According to the latest feedback, Admiral Lekto's face was slightly dignified. The rearward attack of the Goblin Mech Legion aroused his alertness, and only listened to his deep voice ...

"If the order is passed, the enemy may send troops to cut in and threaten our command camp, be careful not to expose it."

As General Admiral Lecto said, the martial arts forces headed by Zhao Hao were quietly launching their operations somewhere on the battlefield.

The mission on them is to kill the enemy's command camp!

Cultivated for a period of time. At present, the gang gas in Zhao Hao has recovered about 80%, and the combat effectiveness can already be guaranteed.

Therefore, Zhao Pan also handed over the task of taking risks and going deeper behind the enemy to his son.

At this moment, several scouts in the army have scattered around and the situation is being investigated. Zhao Hao, who is in a hidden state, is now adjusting his state with his eyes closed.

However, he did not relax his vigilance ~ ~ Hearing through the practice of "Listening to the Voice" is letting him capture all the movements around him at all times.

A sound of footsteps in the distance made Zhao Hao slowly open his eyes.

The scouts who returned one after another began to report to him.

The command camp on the Saxon side was hidden deep, and several consecutive scouts returned without success.

Until the arrival of that scout ...

"General, northwest, find the Saxon camp!"

The expression on Zhao Hao ’s face did not change much, but Shen Sheng asked ...

"Are you sure they are correct?"

"The subordinates have confirmed it from the outside. There are troops around the camp. Although the scale is not large, every soldier is fully armed. At the same time, from the perspective of the behavior, it should be the elite of the Saxon side.

The size of the troops does not explain anything. Large-scale troops can ensure defensive power, while small-scale troops can ensure concealment. It depends on what the other party thinks.

For this problem, they just can't think of a result.

At this point, Zhao Hao stood up slowly.

"ready to go!"

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