The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2557: 、 Is n’t it sent by phone charges?

Pastor Holy Light and medical soldiers are undoubtedly busy and crazy.

Only one hour later, the wounded orc army returned to the camp, which caused their workload to rise by another level in an instant.

"General Hu Jie, have you also been attacked by an explosion?"

Looked at the blood-stained tiger solution, Zhao Hao asked frowning slightly.

"Yeah, these gangsters, are they ruthless enough? Even everyone has exploded together."

Between the speeches, Hu Jie grinned. I saw that at this moment, on his burly body, large pieces of flesh and blood were blown away.

Obviously, when Zhao Hao launched their attack, the orc forces also performed the same task.

In order to increase the search range and increase the chance of discovery, the two units acted separately.

Now from the words of the tiger solution, Zhao Hao can clearly understand that the Saxon guys have set up more than one trap!

This hand is true and false, which makes people unpredictable, and it really makes them sick.

"Xiaohao, the casualties of your troops seem to be serious?"

The eyes swept from the camp, and the tiger's brow furrowed slightly.

Hearing this, Zhao Hao nodded solemnly.

"Yes, it was my judgment error."

For this, Hu Jie patted Zhao Hao on the shoulder, and then comforted ...

"Don't think too much, you are still young, everyone will make mistakes, and your dad is no exception. At the same time, this wave of your uncles and me have also planted. Such a method is inherently difficult to prevent."

Having said that, everyone knows that the loss of the orc forces is definitely much smaller than that of Zhao Hao and them.

The innate senses of the orcs were extremely keen, and they also had super wild instincts, which allowed them to anticipate threats first and evade them in time.

Do n’t see that they are all covered with blood now, even the tigers are all flesh and blood, but in fact, this level of injury is not a thing for the orcs, and it will not take long to heal.

And Zhao Hao is obviously not so optimistic.

The specific casualty report was sent to Zhao Hao's eyes at noon the next day.

During this period, the battle on the battlefield was undoubtedly long over.

This round of fighting is basically based on the two sides closing their hands and temporarily ending.

To get back to the topic, the medical soldiers who did not close their eyes all night had bloodshot eyes in them, and the priests of the Holy Light also became pale because of the exhaustion of faith in their bodies.

After receiving the report, Zhao Hao took a deep breath and turned it over.

There is little need to worry about moderate or minor injuries. According to the physical strength of the martial artist, this level of injury is basically not a big deal. Under this premise, his martial arts force is 257. Seventy-nine people were disabled and 521 were seriously injured!

The shocking numbers made Zhao Hao's face almost dripping with water.

Different from the orcs, according to the physique of their human warrior, the 521 seriously injured soldiers can continue to serve one-third of the wounded soldiers after he was injured.

As for the seventy-nine disabled people, their hands and feet were basically blown up.

Although they are civilized in all realms, they currently have very good mechanical prosthetic installation technology, but for a warrior who has already developed internal strength and even qi, installing a mechanical prosthesis is equivalent to a waste.

Because of the operation of internal power and the use of some moves, they need to run qi, and running qi needs to pass through the meridian points of their bodies, but where is the mechanical prosthetic limb?

This is enough to reduce their strength.

This wave hit, almost let the strength of his troops, almost half of it!

Judging from this situation, Zhao Hao's troops obviously had to consider retreating after the troop was greatly damaged.

At the same time, soldiers who are seriously injured also need a better healing environment.

Obviously not in this camp with such a humble environment.

Let the orc army send troops to assist them, Zhao Hao with a group of wounded soldiers quickly withdrew from the Winter Fortress.

The frustration of this unit is undoubtedly somewhat beyond everyone's expectations.

As the current highest commander of the Winter Fortress, Zhao Pan called Zhao Hao in the past. After understanding the battle situation in detail, Zhao Pan looked at his son and Shen Sheng said ...

"Go ahead and reflect on the specific punishment, wait until after the war."


After Zhao Hao left, he also followed Hu Jie, who had temporarily returned to the camp, and came in from the outside.

The office door was not closed at that time. According to Hu Jie's hearing of the orc, it was natural to listen to the dialogue between the two, and then could not help saying a sentence ...

"Lao Zhao, can't blame Xiaohao on this matter? We can't stop at a camp like this. Before we start, who can determine whether the camp is a trap or a real one?"

"It's true that the camp is true and false, we can't be sure, but at that time, he could choose to let the big troops stay in the periphery and deal with the enemy troops, and he cut in with a small team."

Speaking of this, Zhao Pan's voice paused, and then spoke again ...

"Unclear of the bottom of the camp opposite, he brought nearly half of the troops, cut in, and paid such a price, which shows that he did not think enough before the action, and at the same time, he also lacked experience."

Hearing Zhao Pan's words, the tiger standing there couldn't help but say something.

"Let him bring a team into the enemy's lineup, Lao Zhao, Xiao Hao, are you really your son? Wouldn't it be sent by phone charges?"

For this, Zhao Pan glanced lightly at this old friend who had been in friendship with him for many years.

"He has a complete martial arts training for a thousand military conditions ~ ~ has the ability to take the enemy's first rank among thousands of horses and horses, according to this strength, if the enemy command camp is really there, He took a small team and was able to solve it after cutting in, and if it was a trap, according to his martial arts, he was also able to protect himself, and the casualties of the troops were also controlled to a minimum. "

"Well, it makes sense what you said."

The tiger gave up his hands silently.

"But you also said that Xiao Hao is still inexperienced, he is still young, and he has fought a few serious battles. He has fought several times? The commander on the opposite side, all the old tyrants, how do you expect him to play?"


This time, Zhao Pan did not speak again.

Indeed, he also knew that Hu Jie's words made sense.

Zhao Pan ’s military is strict, which is not a secret in the civilization of all realms. The soldiers convinced him because he was cruel to the soldiers, but even more ruthless to himself!

And now, the same thing is true of Zhao Hao.

As the son of Zhao Pan, Zhao Hao has received stricter training than anyone since he joined the army.

In other words, because Zhao Hao is his son, he will be strict to this point!

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