The fourth and fifth layers of "Dragon Elephant Pragmatic" are actually quite esoteric, but they are a group of powerful soldiers with a thousand military realms, and the martial arts realm is there.

For them, studying the fourth and fifth levels of "Dragon Elephant Pragma" is the same as that of senior three students, turning their heads to do the questions of senior one and senior two. It can't be said how simple, but it's basically not It's too hard to hold them.

However, when the sixth layer of exercises was studied, this difficulty undoubtedly came up at once.

Because it belongs to an area they have never been involved in before.

At this point, even Wang Kai, it is no longer possible to show the efficiency of breaking through the state like the original, and can only take one step at a time.

Even so, they also encountered difficulties in cultivation and could not make a breakthrough in a short time.

In order to find a breakthrough point, Wang Kai discussed with a few generals, and decided to practice the first five layers of "Dragon Elephant like Ruo Gong".

Although their realm has reached a thousand military realms, the levels and levels of the exercises they practiced before are different.

"Dragon Elephant Prajna", even if it is not the top-level exercise, it is definitely much higher than the practice they are practicing now.

Just like the same hundred battle realm, the warrior who practiced Sanyang Gong is basically stronger than the warrior who practiced basic internal skill.

This wave, even if they practice the first to fifth layers of "Dragon Elephant Pragmatic", the entire martial arts practice will definitely improve.

The first three levels of "Dragon Elephant Pragma", they can basically practice in a short period of time, and after training to the fourth level corresponding to the Thousand Military Regions, the efficiency of the entire practice has obviously started to decline.

For this, Luo Jisuan is mentally prepared.

Because according to the description of the fourth and fifth layer exercises, in the case of meeting the basic qualifications, it takes more than ten or twenty years to practice.

Wang Kai already has the martial arts cultivation practice of a thousand military realms, which should not take so long, but it is estimated that they have to practice for a while.

During this period, the individual generals, including Wang Kai, practiced the fourth layer of "Dragon Elephant Ban Ruo Gong". The more they practiced, the more they felt wrong.

Eventually stopped one by one, and then through Wang Kai, asked Luo Ji to respond to this situation.

In the gazebo of the imperial palace garden, listening to Wang Kai's instructions, Luo Ji frowned slightly.

"Not suitable?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

There was a bitter smile on Wang Kai's face.

"Your Majesty's" Dragon Elephant Pragma "is indeed unpredictable, but this exercise is a sturdy way, and the practice of the qi is also in line with this exercise, with his subordinates, and Yun Xi and General Bai Ze, they don't seem to fit, and even some rejection, and if I continue to practice, I am afraid that something will happen. "

"It turns out so."

In Luo Ji's mind, there are probably counts.

To give a simple example, "Dragon Elephant Pragma" is a kind of tough practice, and Bai Ze and Luo Yunxi's style of play has always been biased towards swift and fierce. It is difficult to match each other's types. .

This kind of situation has actually happened before. For example, the golden bell cover, the warrior with the earth attribute of the gas, the golden bell cover is practiced very quickly, and it is also more powerful. The hood is a bit uncomfortable.

Before Luo Ji simply thought that it was a question of the “compatibility” of martial arts. Now, it seems that there are also such situations in internal exercises.

The exercises previously given to him by the system did not appear to be the case, probably because the nature of those exercises tended to be 'moderate'.

Therefore, anyone can practice, and no one will appear to be in a state of disagreement with the exercises.

The "Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu" clarifies that it is a very obvious method of practice, which has caused some generals to be unable to fit this method.

"Rayong and Zhou Xian, should he practice well?"

Rayong and Zhou Xian are also in the capital. Judging from the current situation, "Dragon Elephant Praying" should be suitable for him.

For this, Wang Kai nodded quickly.

"Yes, Generals Yong Yong and Zhou Xian, the training efficiency is obviously faster than others. I am afraid that it will not be long before they can fully practice the fourth layer of exercises."

For this situation, Luo Ji nodded to understand.

But for this problem, if he can solve it in a short time, he really has to look at his luck.

Before the full-scale war, he temporarily brushed a martial arts point. As for whether it can be unlocked to a better system practice, this is really not easy to say.

After all, Luo Ji did not add any experience to this martial arts civilization, and basically did not know what this development route should be. He could only focus on the development route of upgrading the martial arts and martial arts. 'S internal skills.

After adding a few points, the relatively limited martial arts points in Luo Ji's hands were soon used.

Both eyes stared at the branch line that slowly extended out. The dark fog that enveloped the development panel spread out wherever the branch line passed.

Next second, a brand new project icon broke into Luo Ji's vision ...

Hunyuan Gong (Wu Xue) (level 0): A very special kind of practice, which is diametrically opposed to other internal exercises. The practice of Hunyuan Gong is from the outside to the inside. It is extremely time-consuming and effective to practice this method. Slow, but it is better to learn the exercises step by step, without risk, to practice well, and also have a chance to become a first-class strong man.

Warriors above ten squares can practice, and with diligence and hard work, the success rate of breaking through a hundred battles is increased by 15% ~ ~ The success rate of breaking through a thousand military boundaries is increased by 5% and breaking through 10,000 law Success rate increased by 1%.

After seeing the "Hui Yuan Gong" effect, he immediately waved his fist vigorously, and was not frustrated by the ultra-low success rate.

Because it is different from "Dragon Elephant Ban Ruo Gong", systematic exercises can increase the success rate by increasing the project level!

With this idea, Luo Ji quickly scored "Huan Yuan Gong" to the third level.

At this time, the success rate of practicing "Hundred Yuan Gong" to break through a hundred battles was increased to 30% at once, and the success rate to break through a thousand military realms was increased to 15%, and the success rate to break through 10,000 law realms , Rose to 3%.

Although it is still incomparable with "Dragon Elephant Pragma", if Luo Ji's judgment is correct, this is probably a kind of "medium" that does not require "picking people".

From this point of view, compared to practicing "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong", for Luo Ji, it might be better to practice "Hunyuan Gong".

It just happens to be the entry requirements for practicing Hun Yuan Gong, and it only takes ten squares. This cultivation condition meets him completely.

As for the slow progress, he originally practiced as a radio gymnastics. Whether it is slow or not, Luo Ji does not matter.

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