The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2595: , Are you interested?

It's like this, time is like Baiju passing, in a blink of an eye, years have passed ...

Over the past few years, the movements of the civilizations of all realms have been quite large.

In addition to the follow-up development missions on the New World side, on the east and north sides, Luo Ji also sent development teams to carry out development.

After all, the magic crystal ore vein that was smashed by the enemy's base weapon on the eastern grassland in the past also reminded him. Although these areas look barren, he may not have found any resources.

As this move was made, the other side of the northern border, the garrison troops, Luo Ji also made some moves.

After discussing with Hill, Luo Ji decided to transfer Zhao Pan and the Iron Wall Corps under his command to the Winter Fortress.

The original Hill's status in the Winter Province is equivalent to Ye Hua in the New World.

Although in the long run, the area and the future development of the Winter Province may not be comparable to the New World.

But from the perspective of power alone, Hill's power in the winter province is far more than that of Ye Hua.

As the governor, Ye Hua is only responsible for the handling and development of the New World ’s government affairs.

Since Hill is in the winter province, she is responsible for the handling of government affairs, development and construction, as well as military affairs.

In simple terms, the two largest powers of Winter Winter are in the hands of Hill alone.

The reason why it became like this at the beginning was because of Hill's special status in the northern tribes, and the 'Queen of the North' talent for the growth of the city's development efficiency and the combat strength of the army under the rule of BUFF, plus her own capabilities It was indeed excellent, so Luo Ji allowed Hill to monopolize power in the north.

However, over the years, the winter's population has become more and more crowded.

Although the urban area has been expanded many times, it can't withstand the faster population growth rate.

Therefore, the current situation, simply expanding the city area, has no way to solve the problem. They must build a new city in the bitter cold.

At the same time, it can also be fully expected. Next, the cities of Winter Winter Province will definitely become more and more, and then there will be a wave of large-scale construction.

When the time comes, Hill would like to deal with government affairs and military affairs at the same time. The difficulty of taking care of both sides will definitely rise significantly.

Under this premise, she laid down part of her military affairs, and transferred her garrison tasks to other generals. Then, she was able to concentrate her efforts on government affairs and the development of the winter province.

After a discussion on both sides, Hill apparently accepted the fact that Zhao Pan took over the garrison mission of the Winter Fortress.

After all, she is also very clear about Zhao Pan's ability.

It is no exaggeration to say that when it comes to playing defensive battles, Zhao Pan is the strongest general in all realms. Having him in the Winter Fortress can ensure the tranquility of the northern border to a large extent.

Hill unreasonably refused to hand over her garrison position unless she was unwilling ...

But in fact, as one of Luo Ji ’s veterans, Hill followed him for many years, and his loyalty has remained at ninety points. From this point of view, it is basically impossible for her to betray Luo Ji.

After sending this letter of appointment for military transfer.

Zhao Pan, who confirmed the order, soon took the Iron Wall Legion to take over the garrison mission of the Winter Fortress.

At the same time, the follow-up development of the Winter Winter Department in the next few years has also been gradually arranged.

After confirming the latest report, Luo Ji took a sip of the refreshing tea that was just brewed. Just when he was ready to re-enter his working state, a sound of 'Didi Didi' sounded in his Ears ring.

Hearing the movement of Luo Ji's fingertips, the system interface opened immediately.

His message reminders are basically blocked, so there will be message reminders, except for his friends, there are only two groups.

One group is the ‘Sky Dynasty Alliance’ group gathered by their celestial camp gangsters, but this group, after the start of the Fourth World War, the gangsters all entered the battlefield, and it has also been a long time without movement.

Now there is a reminder from the news, there is no doubt another group, that is the Tang and Song groups.

Operating with a fingertip, Luo Ji opened the message interface while drinking tea.

The person who is sending a message to the group at the moment is Ke Xiuwen.

"@All members, there are new players in the Europa and Fuso camps who have been promoted. Are you interested?"

Seeing the Luo Ji of this news, the action of drinking tea was a slight pause.

At the beginning of the silver war, before they were promoted to the gold rank, they slaughtered the powerful silver rank players of the Europa camp, and then the gold rank. After the start of the fourth world war, they took the Fusang camp. The players are all slaughtered.

At the same time, the silver ranks, Ke Xiuwen and Huo Qiguang, were also fighting the silver war, killing a lot of Europa players and Fuso players in the same rank.

It stands to reason that in a short period of time, the Europa camp and the Fuso camp should no longer have players rising to the golden rank.

But if you think about it, they seem to have been diving for farming for several years. Looking at this situation, the next batch of newcomers will already see this wave of opportunities and rush up.

Compared with those years, in these years, the promotion efficiency and frequency of the golden rank are really high enough.

In fact, this is the normal situation, and the original golden section is completely deformed.

In this situation, although they are inconvenient to fight players from other camps, the Europa camp and the Fuso camp are their hostile camps. They naturally have no pressure to fight.

Even looting a wave of resources, but more conducive to their subsequent development.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji immediately pulled out the virtual keyboard and sent a reply.

Luo Ji: Interested.

After he sent this message, I do n’t know if it was a coincidence ~ ~ within the group, one after another, the messages were sent quickly.

Tang Song: interested in +1

Hua Ye: interested +2

Song Hui: ...

Song Hui: +3

Ke Xiuwen: ...

Luo Ji: ...

Obviously, everyone is very interested in this group of newcomers.

Especially Tang Song. After that war, they have basically recovered their vitality. At the same time, their respective strengths have been further improved. At this point, if they can let them go and plunder a few batches of resources, then of course It couldn't be better.

Faced with this situation, Luo Ji did not slow down to get Ke Xiuwen in the group.

"@ 柯修文, do you have a list of newcomers from Europa camp and Fuso camp?"

According to Luo Ji's understanding of Ke Xiuwen, since he has all the people in the group, it must be ready.

And this is indeed the case, Ke Xiuwen quickly issued a sorted list.

Is really reliable as always.

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