Europa players who failed to surrender, turned their heads and sent the situation here to the group on the battlefield.

Instant frypot for an entire group.

Although compared with the previous batches of players, their qualifications are not high, and the foundation is very shallow, but no one is a fool.

Only through the limited text information, they have already felt the overwhelming strength gap.

The force of the original coalition was weak by seven points at once.

"Fuck! How do you fight this special?"

"The difference in strength is too great. The players on the opposite side of the Chao Dynasty may not have the need to connect with us to surrender, let alone our two camps and the Tianchao camp are still hostile."

"Damn it, is that guy named Luo Ji really just promoted some time earlier than us? How could the strength gap be so big ?!"

"Is it time to pull foreign aid?"

"It's all right. Before we came in, everyone's tasks had been assigned. Except for the five of us, everyone else went to support the other two battlefields."

The Europa player who sent the message had a bitter expression on his face.

Before this happened, no one would think that this gap in strength between rookie players and rookie players could be so exaggerated.

"Then what shall we do? Wait for death?"

At this moment, the mentality of some of the people was obviously exploded.

In this regard, one of the players with a calm mind said daringly ...

"To this day, we can only fight for the strength, directly send the strongest troops and the most troops, and then launch a joint attack!"

"Do you want to press all on one wave?"

"Otherwise? In the face of this gap in strength, what is the difference between slowly fighting and finding death? The only thing we can count on now is that the combined strength of all of us can overwhelm the opposite!"

Europa players and Fuso players who have almost no way to retreat, quickly reached a consensus, ready to grind their teeth, directly take out all the power, and fight Luo to fight.

At the same time, I received the battle report from the front. At that time, Luo Ji, who was in the capital, had a look on his face, and there was no unexpected look. It was a natural expression.

The gap in strength is there, and this efficiency is what it should be.

If this is not possible, either Liu Meng and Gao Wen were rowing, or the Europa player he underestimated. The strength of the new Europa player is far stronger than he expected.

However, judging from the battle report sent back, the performance on the opposite side is indeed a state of a newcomer in the golden band, which has not brought any trace of surprise or fright to Luo Ji.

The expeditionary army headed by Liu Meng and Gao Wen, after instantaneously breaking through the opposite border defense line, in order to speed up the offensive efficiency, he and the soldiers directly divided into two paths and launched their offensives respectively.

In just one month, he hit the second line of defense across the road.

The successive news of defeats made the Europa player more clearly aware that his territory could no longer be held.

Under this premise, he also showed enough decisiveness.

In fact, as soon as his border was breached and the news came back, he knew very well that his territory was over.

According to the offensive efficiency of the Celestial Army, he may have fallen completely before the joint army of five other players in the battlefield was killed.

Europa players who know this, of course, cannot sit there and wait to die.

So he made a huge determination.

That is to directly abandon the territory, start a large-scale transfer, bring all the heavy ministers, troops, resources, and population that they can bring, and then escape from the sea. According to this point of time, let alone Luo Ji, even those big gold Guys, it is impossible for him to outsmart him.

At the same time, before this, he has already contacted a Europa player who has a lot of friendship with him on the battlefield. The other party is willing to provide him with some cities to settle his population.

Of course, his purpose this time is definitely not as simple as taking refuge.

This comprehensive war will not end because of his refuge.

The reason why he took a huge shift in population and resources was that he wanted to keep his foundation.

After that, he will bring all his naval warfare troops and the forces of five other players together to form a larger joint army and fight against the Luo Ji forces.

As long as he can win, then the territory he had previously occupied can be snatched back, and with the population resources in his hands, he still has the capital to make a comeback!

During this period, Liu Meng and Gao Wen, who led the Eastern Front Legion along the front battlefield, did not notice that the main enemy forces and population had already begun mass transfer.

The fundamental reason is that regardless of the resistance on the opposite side or the retreat and transfer, they advance all the way and fight with the same ease.

Their current strength is too much stronger than that of the opposite, so that they can't feel the change of the opposing forces at all, and they can hardly feel whether the opposite is resisting.

It was not until they completely broke through the second line of defense on the opposite side and pushed forward for a while that this situation was faintly noticed.

"Has it been transferred on a large scale? It seems that the other side should be aware of the difference in strength with me and prepare to run to meet other players, and then find a chance to fight me."

Compared with Luo Ji, who has an overwhelming advantage, as a disadvantaged coalition army, the means they can use can only be said to be too limited.

Seen through, it is not a rare thing.

Drinking a sip of hot tea, Luo Ji's entire state at this time seems to be a bit leisurely.

For him now, what can threaten him is estimated to be only in the golden section. Those old monster level gangsters, players under it are basically not afraid.

In this battle, he also needs to pay a little attention, that is, how large a joint army will be sent across the side ~ ~ On this continent, only he and the Europa player declared by him, other players Overseas.

Therefore, if the coalition forces want to fight, they must rely on the fleet.

However, at the present stage, the sea fleet is one of the forces that best reflects the gap in strength on the technology side.

Today, under Luo Ji, the special fleet of the Dark Elf Fleet, the fleet on the technology side, are all composed of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines, and the fighters have been upgraded to the fourth generation.

In contrast, this group of newcomers in the golden band, under normal circumstances, it is good to have three or four second-generation aircraft carriers in hand, no more than five or six.

As for the fighters, it is estimated that they should all be first-generation or second-generation jet fighters ...

After comparing the two sides, this gap in strength is almost terrible. It can even be said that there is no need to fight at all. Just by looking at the configuration and lineup, you can know who will win.

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