The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 310: Guo Jia is very depressed

Facts have proved that with the help of Ye Qingyi, Luo Ji replaced himself with a full set of jade tea set and tableware, and put on a suet white jade finger, hung his own ink jade squid, put on a silk robes in the city of Der Spiegel. After a few days of inspection, there is no need to say more, the propaganda effect is already there. Who will let the emperor use the things that are used by the emperor by default, and the people will be labeled as 'best' by default? By the way, I haven't forgotten to promote the silk.

On the opening day of the jade shop, there was a long queue directly outside the store. However, for ordinary people, the price of jade is undoubtedly a sky-high price. Basically, they are not something they can afford. After five or six days of opening, outside the jade shop. It quickly cleared down.

But this does not mean that the heat of the jade shop has dropped. To be honest, now the street and the street are talking about the topic of jade, and caused a series of chain reactions...

Guo Jia was very melancholy and very melancholy. I saw him at the moment, holding the white jade cup in his hand carefully, and then squatting for a moment, the gentle touch of the sheep white jade made him I can't put it down until a sound comes up...

"That Guo Daren, you have already stood in our store for a morning, are you..." During the talk, the clerk of the jade shop smiled and reached out at the neck of the white jade cup in Guo Jia’s hand.

The set of teas with white jade and white jade, but one of the most expensive pieces of jade in their jade shop, in the words of His Majesty, it is called the treasure of the town shop, according to the rules, it is not allowed to touch, if not to take care of Guo As a friend of Jia, he had already called in the two security guards who arranged his majesty at the jade shop.

Looking at the hand that the clerk had reached, Guo Jia instinctively stepped back a half step, then looked at the clerk's slightly stiff smile, and his expression was awkward.

"Amount, cough..." Finally, after two dry coughs, I reluctantly handed over the white fat white jade cup in my hand, and left the jade shop one step back and forth under the smile of the clerk...

Hey, so depressed, Guo Jia, who walked out of the jade shop, couldn’t help but look up. After buying a good tea for two months and a set of exquisite ceramic tea sets, his wallet was a lot of money, although he was still quite rich. But he couldn't afford the set of tea set made of sheep fat white jade. After a long time of tangling, he finally went to see Luo.

I haven't seen Guo Jia's Luo series for a while. After seeing him, the whole person seems very enthusiastic. "How come suddenly there is time to come to Mingjing City? How is the development of Xiyuan City?"

"Because of your sorrow, everything in Xiyuan City is well."

"That's good." Luo wrote a voice, "Come, drink tea, a piece of alpine tea that I just sent this month."

As one of the few top ‘love tea people’ in Luo Ji’s civilization, when he heard the words “a product of high mountain tea”, Guo Jia’s expression was obviously shaken, and he raised his hand to pick up.

However, in the next second, I saw that Guo Jia’s eyes were decisive and a bit too big. The line of sight stared at the cup that Luo Ji handed over. “Hey, kneel, this is...”

"Oh, this?" Luo Ji's mouth was slightly tilted, and then said in a careless tone, "The sheep's fat white jade tea set that I just got some time ago, drinking tea with this set of tea sets, it seems that there are still strong bones... ”

"Live the muscles, strengthen the soul, revitalize the spirit, nourish the heart and lungs..." Luo Ji said that at the beginning, Guo Jia has already finished the whole set of words in the heart, the effect of this sheep fat white jade tea set, he early It has already fallen back.

However, Luo Ji still said there without hesitation, and finally did not forget to conclude, "There are two sets within the entire Wanfang civilization, one is here, and the other is in the jade shop."

"Wait! There are only two sets?!" Guo Jia was shocked. He didn't know about it before!

After watching this incident, Guo Jia, whose voice has obviously improved several decibels, laughed in Luo’s heart, and then on the surface, he continued to carelessly answer, “Yes, there are two sets, and I don’t know who’s so lucky. Ok, I can grab another set of tea sets before others."

"Only two sets, only two sets? I want to come too. With such a top tea set, two sets are already miraculous. In other words, once they are bought by others, then..." Thinking of this, Guo Jia decisively took the first one. Lift, and then use a dry and stiff tone to say, "Your Majesty, may I ask what is going to be ordered to the minister?"

"Things?" Luo Ji squinted and confused his head, "What?"

"Compared with, for example, crusade against the barbarian..."

"Hey, hahaha!!" Looking at Guo Jia’s face with a twisted expression, Luo Ji was already laughing in his heart, and quickly hid his own face that couldn’t stand by a tea-drinking action. Behind the sleeves.

After hiding behind the sleeves and laughing for a while, Luo Shi, who had finally regained his face, gently placed the white jade cup in his hand on the table, and then chatted with Guo Jia about the cruelty of the barbarian. Barbarian? It should not be used for the time being. We have just annexed Da Zhouguo some time ago. Now it is time to digest the population. At this time, it is really a good idea to attack the barbarians and increase the population."

"Say and say is also..." Guo Jia's face rose red, and then a sigh of relief, did not think I just made out of my selfishness, actually made that stupid proposal.

"What's wrong? Guo Jia, is it uncomfortable? Speaking, the unthinking proposal just now is not like your style. Is it too tired to manage Xiyuan City recently?" Full of sincere expressions.

Luo Ji’s concern can’t help but make Guo Jia’s heart more and more shameful. In the end, he suddenly got up and then crouched directly on the ground. “Your Majesty, Chen is guilty! Please drop the sin!”

"This..." This is a bit dumbfounded by Luo, mainly because he did not think that Guo Jia’s reaction would be so excited, and then he did not wait for Luo’s reaction. Guo Jia himself gave himself a blew. I completely burst out my own little selfishness, and I heard that Luo Ji was also a burst of laughter. Finally, I said, "It turned out that this is the case. Guo Jia, if you really like the tea set, I will help you to say it. How much can you pay, and the rest, you can pay in installments."

"Really, really? Your Majesty?" Guo Jia was moved.

"Little things." Luo set a wave.

“Guo Jia thanked him!” Guo Jia decisively rushed to Luo to make a big gift. At the same time, when he buried his head, the corner of his mouth slid a slight arc. “At the end, I finally succeeded in allowing my maid to pay in installments. Hey, self-destructive, tired, saying that my expression should be in place right now? Hahahahaha..."

The Luo Ji, which is supported by Guo Jia from the ground, is also slightly tilted. "The tea set of the white fat jade is intended to be sold to you at the beginning. The newly opened jade shop also needs someone to bring a head. Moreover, according to that price, installment payment is enough for you to spend a whole year, and in the next year, you don’t need to entangle what is for you, hahahahaha..."

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