The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3106: , Training place

     maintains the connection of praying magic. Guo Jia basically didn't have the time to practice magic, but considering some special circumstances, Luo Ji still asked some of his servants to have some faith in his body.

   Under this premise, there is no difficulty in practicing God Prayer Technique.

   Basically, as long as you have the power of faith, you can try to get in touch with Luo Ji who is the source of faith through the technique of praying.

  The usual battles are basically within the communication range of their civilizations of the world. Naturally, this prayer technique is rarely used, but now the situation is different.

   So now in the rear, many important ministers are required to master the **** praying technique.

   Maintaining the god-praying technique, after confirming the transfer of reserve soldiers, Guo Jia undoubtedly has to ask Luo Ji for instructions on the follow-up conscription.

"Your Majesty, in just a few years, more than four million people have been enlisted in the conscription. Coupled with the loss of a large number of troops over the years, if we continue to conscript on a large scale now, it is easy to cause panic, which is probably not good for the people. Stable..."

   Guo Jia’s concerns, why didn't Luo Ji know it? After pondering for a while, Luo Ji slowly spoke...

   "Then reduce the number of conscriptions, conduct multiple small-scale conscriptions, and avoid too many conscriptions at once, which will have too much impact on the people."

  Before changing, considering the efficiency of conscription, it is definitely not possible to do this.

   But things are different now.

On the one hand, on his side, the battle with the Zerg army has just come to an end, and the advantage has been established. In addition, there is an army of skeletons, and their army of civilizations in the world, in a short period of time, only needs a good training. There is no need for large-scale troop mobilization.

   On the other hand, naturally there are 1.3 million troops in the rear, and they will soon be sent to the front. In a short time, they will not be particularly short of troops.

   So, in order to reassure the people, it’s okay to slow down a little bit.

   After finishing all the arrangements and instructions, Luo Ji, who was tired for a day, let out a long sigh of relief. After a brief shower in his bedroom, he was also ready to rest.

After   , Luo Ji's days were still busy with various post-war tasks.

   In fact, just checking the identities of the fallen soldiers and disposing of their bodies are enough to make them consume a lot of time.

   The corpses of their soldiers who died in the civilization of the world, of course, could not be handed over to the skeleton army, but it is basically impractical to transport so many corpses back ship by ship.

Therefore, they had no choice. On the front line, they had to cremate these corpses first, and then find time to transport the boxes and military badges containing the ashes back to the civilization of Ten Thousand Realms in batches and hand them over to the soldiers who died in battle. Family members.

In addition, with two dwarven mobile bases as the core, the entire surrounding area, the large-scale defensive facilities that had been built, were basically scrapped after the battle on the secondary battlefield. Inseparable ten.

   Let the Dwarf Engineers, Goblin Engineers, and Terran Engineers responsible for the construction of this base have a feeling of returning to the pre-liberation period, which makes people feel the urge to die.

   After this, the same facilities, they have to toss again.

   This is a reality that cannot be avoided.

  Because after this, this area is basically their important stronghold on this planet.

   just like that, time goes by day by day,

   During this period of time, Huang Chen dispatched a fleet of ghosts as agreed to assist them in the transportation of supply troops and equipment for the civilization of the world.

   The 1.3 million troops also arrived on the front line one after another.

  Although, before arriving on the front line, this group of recruits had already experienced two years of voluntary service in the early years, and had just finished almost two years of regular military training before.

   From the basic conditions, it has completely reached the threshold of the regular army.

   But this new recruit has never been on the battlefield. There are relatively obvious deficiencies in combat experience and mentality.

   Not to mention those veterans who have survived a dozen or even more battlefields.

   Even the soldiers who have been on the battlefield two or three times are not comparable to these recruits.

   Once a war breaks out, these recruits don't know how much they will die.

   In order to improve their chances of survival as much as possible, these recruits did not stop their training after arriving at the front line, and even became more stringent than before.

   During the recent period, Luo Ji has been discussing with a group of generals under his command, thinking about finding an opportunity, getting some zergs, and accumulating some practical experience for these recruits.

   The skeleton army under Huang Chen's command has now officially pressed outside the Zerg's nest position on the planet.

   Those Zergs guarding their lair, judging from their current performance, they are fairly strong.

   However, in the face of the pressure brought by the Huang Chen skeleton army, it is not so easy for the opponent to accumulate troops comfortably.

   The next thing to do is to continuously consume the opposing forces while simultaneously capturing and destroying the Worm’s Nest.

   Within this planet, whether it is a worm nest located on the surface or under the ground, every time one destroys one, the enemy's Zerg army's ability to produce troops will drop by one point.

   As a veteran who has fought against the Zerg army for many years, General Huang Chen is also very proficient in doing these things. There is basically no need to say more.

   However, even so, this battlefield is definitely not a place where recruits can practice their hands.

   In fact, even if the regular army of their Ten Thousand Realms civilization presses up, they will have to endure a lot of pressure in the face of an army of Zerg who is defending their position.

   At this point, Luo Ji and his generals reached a clear consensus.

   Such and such, there is only one place they can think of, which is convenient for training recruits, and that is the insect nest in Zhang Peng's territory!

   "I don't know if that Zhang Peng is still alive."

   Logically speaking, with their side already hitting this point, the Zerg Commander on the opposite side should have no time to clean up that Zhang Peng.

   Even most of the troops have been invested in this battle with them.

   If he were Zhang Peng, UU Reading would definitely take the opportunity to gather forces and wipe out the zergs that have already taken root and nest in their own territory.

  While his thoughts flew, Luo Ji opened the system interface, and took that Zhang Peng out of the small black room with a calm expression, his name was lit, indicating that he was not dead.

   Luo Ji didn't get entangled, and directly sent a message.

   "How's your Zerg cleaning up?"

   At that moment, Zhang Peng, who was in his capital, couldn't help but let out a cold snort after receiving this news from Luo Ji...

   "When the matter is up, I still send a message, what is Luo Ji's idea?"

  As the thoughts flew around, a wave of resentment appeared on Zhang Peng's face again.

   Until Luo Ji’s second message comes...

   "If it's not clean, I'll help you."

   "Big guy! I know that big guy is like you, a perfect man with noble morals, literary and military skills, and he will never leave me alone (crying

   "Big brother, don't say anything, you will be my eldest brother from now on! Anyone who dares to be your enemy is my lifelong enemy of Zhang Peng!"


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