The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3249: , It's that simple

"What are your plans next?"

Compared with the fact that they don't do any infrastructure work themselves, the orc army, which basically takes the army and can leave directly, and the army of civilizations of the world, which has always attached importance to infrastructure work, obviously hates moving places.

As soon as this place was moved, the defensive facilities they had worked so hard to set up before were all in vain?

Zhao Heng is undoubtedly also aware of this, that's why he asked this question.

Facing this problem, Luo Ji had a headache at first, but after pondering for a while, he had other thoughts.

Why is the situation in that war zone over there so bad?

In addition to the sudden increase of the offensive force by the opposing magical civilization army, another main reason is that the golden players on the planet are not doing enough, and they cannot contain the foreign coalition army at the opposing golden rank.

As a result, the undead army in that war zone must face the three forces of the magic civilization army, the alien garrison at the border and the foreign coalition army at the same time!

Although the existence of the foreign coalition army is the weakest of the three forces, no one can deny that after reaching a certain scale, their existence is itself very annoying.

That force, if it enters the arena in a supporting posture, can at least attract two or three million troops from the undead army.

This finally led to the current situation.

But if you want to break this situation, it is not difficult to think about it carefully. They only need to help the undead army to solve the annoying foreign coalition army and the Zerg border army, and let the undead army concentrate on dealing with it. The army of magic civilization will do.

As long as they can do this, Zhong Mo certainly does not want his border war zone to be lost. At that time, he will inevitably let the border garrison spot the opportunity to exert force, so as to completely stabilize the precarious border defense line!

After I clearly understood my actual work, the difficulty of this whole thing dropped.

Although it is troublesome and at the same time has to bear a lot of risk, he does not need to dispatch the whole army directly.

He can completely use this planet as a frontline stronghold and send a support army to support the opponent. After the support is complete, can he withdraw back?

As for the reinforcement candidates...

If you want to easily solve the science and technology side of the foreign coalition army, it must be a little suppression from science and technology.

Xi Sen served as the commander-in-chief, sending Olette Thrall's Doomhammer fleet and Gao Yi's Hyperion fleet.

Later, considering that he might have to clean up the Zerg, Luo Ji planned to send an army of orcs as a combat force.

Avoid contact with the magical civilization army, as long as you only need to solve the foreign coalition army and the Zerg border garrison.

His Doomhammer fleet, Hyperion fleet and orc army, and then Zhao Heng's orc army, how can you think about it enough?

As for himself, he just stayed here to continue his infrastructure work. After all, Xi Sen was dispatched, and he always had to have someone sitting on his frontline base.

Luo Ji didn't hide Zhao Heng's plan about this idea, but directly told the other party.

He and Zhao Heng are now people on the same boat, and they are going to act together next time. There is no way to hide it. It would be better to make it clear from the beginning.

Zhao Heng, who understands Luo Ji's thoughts, agrees.

As the only two free men among the golden ranks of the heavenly dynasty, and they are still in the same alliance, the two of them must be on the same front. After this situation occurs, they will probably inevitably run back and forth.

Under this premise, it is better for them to have a stable frontline base as a backing.

Therefore, on this point, the two quickly reached a consensus.

After a little preparation, set off soon.

In the war zone over there, the state of the defense line of the undead army seems to be in a bad state. Now that they have already decided to leave, it is best to speed up the action.

Otherwise, when that line of defense collapses, the next thing will be even more troublesome.

Within the Styx civilization, between planets and planets, there are obviously space channels built. Under the leadership of the ghost fleet, the two interstellar fleets and the orc army that walked through the space channels quickly reached the war zone.

Zhao Heng has obtained a lot of intelligence information on the planet by getting in touch with the golden players on the planet.

At the same time, Luo Ji can also communicate directly with Xi Sen through the faith network.

Therefore, there is basically no need to worry about intelligence issues.

At this moment, within this planet, the army of magic civilization is launching a continuous storm towards the defense line of the undead army.

Probably the other side realized that they might send reinforcements here. Therefore, the commander-in-chief of the magical civilization army also wanted to break through the defense line as soon as possible to determine the victory.

Although the continuous combat capability of the magical civilization army is not strong, UU reading www.uukanshu. However, because of the previous outbreak, it has established a lot of advantages for them.

Therefore, at this stage, judging from the overall situation, the army of magic civilization still has a relatively obvious upper hand.

Xi Sen, with a clear goal, did not intend to intervene in this battle.

After entering the planet's atmosphere, the rapid scanning of the detection radar allowed them to lock the position of the foreign coalition army in a short time.

Subsequently, the electronic invasion war started. While depriving the opponent of all the electronic equipment working ability, one side of the armor on several of the magical firepower was opened, and a series of mushroom bombs flew out directly from it.

In an instant, the rear position of the foreign coalition army, in the mushroom cloud that rose up, completely turned into ruins.

This thing is as simple as that.

At that time, the foreign coalition army, which was on one side of the battlefield and launched a harassment attack on the undead army guarding the defense line, suddenly lost contact with the rear position.

After this, the army had not even had time to produce a commotion, Luo Ji's Hyperion fleet and Doomhammer fleet, under the command of Gao Yi and Olet Thrall, rushed into their faces.

In the next second, the firepower was fully activated, and the entire battle became a unilateral massacre.

Unlike the previous wars, Luo Ji is pursuing efficiency in this wave! But there is no time to spend time with the opposite side.

All kinds of missile weapons, as if they don't need money, are constantly flying out from a group of magical firepower ships.

In terms of strength, let’s not talk about the strength. From the perspective of scale alone, the formation of the foreign coalition army is still very sufficient. At a glance, the total force is at least millions of dollars. This firepower really cannot be saved!

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