The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3284: Guess a face

"Lord of Civilization (

The battle situation on the front line is not optimistic. At the same time, in the personal office of the dwarf mobile base, Luo Ji, who is leaning on his office chair, has a certain pattern on his fingertips. I was stunned, I don't know what I was thinking...

This state has been maintained for some time.

During this process, Serelia, the captain of the guard, stood quietly beside her, without making any sound, so as not to affect the thoughts of their Emperor.

In this way, after a while, Luo Ji who was sitting there paused with his fingertips.

"Serilia, guess what."

After hearing Luo Ji's inexplicable words, Cerelia spoke calmly.

"The opposite."

After speaking, Luo Ji took out a coin from nowhere, and with a flick of his thumb, it flipped and flew into the air, and then let the coin fall to the ground with a clear sound.

Luo Ji took a closer look.


Luo Ji, who leaned over and picked up the coin, stopped talking.

Cerelia, who stood by, was more used to it.

Every time their Majesty encountered a very tangled problem, he would directly ask the person closest to him to guess the coin.

As for what the front is and what the back is, only their Majesty knows in his heart.

As Luo Ji's bodyguard, Cerelia is obviously not involved in this project for the first time.

Although at the beginning, she would also wonder in her heart, is the way their Majesty decides things too casual?

But as the number of times accumulated, Cerelia also gradually realized.

This method of their majesty tossing a coin is just a form, in fact, long before the coin is thrown out, their majesty already has an answer in his heart.

Luo Ji, who had made a thorough decision now, quickly became firm in his eyes.

After a period of time passed, the battle on the front line was still stable, and the army of magical civilization that had not yet accumulated had erupted, and the offensive force was relatively limited, so the army of the undead could also be stable.

Of course, from the overall situation, the magical civilization army still has the upper hand at this stage.

However, this situation did not make Rowan Bolet show much happiness. Recently, he has been crazy about Rayong!

At that time, Luo Yong, who had entered the Wushuang mode, naturally increased his speed at the same time as his strength surged. After completely destroying the chasing troops, he just ran away.

This caused Rowan Bollett to re-launch the search.

But so far no news has come back, which made him feel very upset.

As for that, will Rayong threaten him?

This, he is not worried at all.

Leaving aside, Rayong is not on his planet at all, and even if he is, Rowan Bolett doesn't panic at all.

Generally, players like them can basically be divided into two categories in total war.

One type is players who have combat effectiveness and can play a significant role in frontline warfare.

One type is players who don't have any combat effectiveness, and their abilities are completely focused on the development of civilization.

Players of the former type, if they are courageous enough, will even go directly to the front line to participate in the battle to increase the combat power of their army.

For the latter type of players, it is natural to ensure their own safety in an all-out war as the top priority.

There are also two ways to ensure safety.

One type of people will choose to hide themselves in a place where they don’t even know about them. They will not show up until the end of the all-out war. All orders are issued through remote equipment to avoid danger.

And there is another type of people. He stays in his palace, and then places heavy soldiers to guard his position. He builds his position like a copper wall and iron wall, so that even if the enemy knows that you are here, there is no way to easily threaten him. Your safety.

Rowan Bolet is undoubtedly the latter.

The warning level of the palace where he is located is far from what can be described by the words ‘strongly guarded’.

In addition to the garrisoned troops, the more important thing is his palace. After many years of his layout, it has at least covered hundreds of spell barriers inside and out.

On the one hand, it was naturally to guard against the enemy, and on the other hand, it was to guard against the golden dragon Scarlett.

In his own civilization, there is such an unstable factor, Rowan Bolet naturally has to do a good job of protection in advance.

This is to guard against the golden dragon Scarlett, the magic enchantment created, is it necessary to talk about the intensity? It must be full.

Even if the enemy knew his location, and directly moved toward his palace, he would throw a series of strategic-level blows, he was sure and could withstand it.

So for Rowan Bolet, his palace is the safest place.

"Boom boom boom."

There was a knock on the door.

Rowan Bollet's personal guard came to open the door.

Sweeping his gaze over the waiter standing outside the door, and then falling on the coffee on the tray, Rowan Bollett’s guard took the tray calmly, then turned and closed the door. After confirming that there was no problem with the coffee, Before handing them to your majesty.

From the moment the battle started, the only person who could really come into contact with Rowan Bollet was basically the guard, except for a few henchmen. UU reading www.

Even the waiter who served tea and water couldn't walk into that room.

At the same time, although the door looks like a valuable mahogany door, in fact, the door is also covered with spells and spells. The ordinary method can't open it at all, let alone destroy it. Up.

Taking a sip of the coffee that the guard just brought in, Rowan Bolett took two deep breaths, and his mood calmed down a bit.

Although the space artifact made him feel bad, at least the frontline battle situation was not bad.

Thinking of this, Rowan Bolet's whole mood has improved.

However, who could have imagined that this thought of him had not even had time to fall. On the aisle outside, an attendant had a panic face, yelling "Your Majesty is not good", and ran over...

His room is full of spells, so many things can be adjusted.

For example, he can choose to completely block outside sounds or receive outside sounds.

However, his office location has always been very quiet, so Rowan Bolet basically didn't use this shielding function, and now naturally he heard the movement clearly.

Now, he couldn't sit still.

As the guard opened the door, he walked over quickly and asked the panicked attendant...

"What's the matter? What's wrong?!"

Facing the questioning, the attendant put his hands on his chest, breathing quickly.

When he took two breaths and was about to speak, the right hand of the attendant suddenly lifted towards Rowan Bollet, holding a pocket pistol in his hand!

PS: The code word is not easy, please support the genuine |

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