The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3289: , Completely bankrupt

Luo Ji didn't pay much attention to the names of the two planets, just a bit more straightforward.

Luo Ji was very trouble-free and gave them names casually, one called Venus and the other called Jupiter.

But I really think about these two names, they are really so appropriate...

Venus refers to the border planet of the Zerg civilization, and that border planet is currently focused on resource collection. A considerable number of collection fields have been built inside the planet.

Among the collected resources, metallic minerals account for the majority. From this point of view, it is called Venus without problems.

The remaining Jupiter, there is no need to guess, it must be the planet of magic civilization.

In general, the population of the magical civilization cannot be said to be small, but it is not too large. It belongs to a moderate level.

Under this premise, Rowan Bollet has many planets in his hands, so his people don't need to live in particularly crowded, so he never meant to fill every piece of the planet.

He basically only develops land with resources, and just leave them wherever they don't.

This led to the existence of a large number of wild areas inside other planets.

And these undeveloped wild areas, over time, some trees and vegetation will naturally grow. To be honest, in his planet, the greening is really good, and Jupiter is no problem.

Putting his hands on the two ends of the galaxy map, Luo Ji turned the map clockwise with both hands, turning the Venus and Jupiter, which had been placed in interstellar orbits, in front of him.

Then, reach out and tap Venus gently.

The map inside the planet unfolded suddenly.

Compared with Jupiter, where a large number of buildings have already appeared, Luo Ji is more inclined to Venus in the resettlement territory.

The reason is simple, because Jupiter itself has a large number of medieval-style urban buildings.

In all likelihood, these urban buildings will be demolished and rebuilt on a large scale after Luo Ji.

At this time, some people may be surprised. Since it is to be rebuilt, why not just cover these existing cities?

Although these golden cities appear to be quite backward compared with Luo Ji’s civilized cities of the world, how can they be better than medieval cities?

In theory, this is the case.

However, this medieval city on Jupiter is not a mere medieval city.

It's a medieval city built by a magical civilization!

After confirming this, in these cities, there will be buildings of magic civilization, factories of magic civilization, and even magic enchantment spells deployed in various cities. These are all for Luo Ji’s civilization of the world. There is great research value.

So he can't cover it easily.

For the sake of safety, he must keep it first, and then slowly conduct research and development.

In comparison, on the Venus side, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, the things of Zerg civilization have been wiped out by the system.

In this way, on this planet, except for the collection field and stronghold he built himself, it would be equivalent to the absence of any facilities, and it was completely possible for him to place the city at will.

Taking into account the resource situation of each city and the internal pattern of Venus, Luo Ji is still very particular about the layout now.

During the previous period, he did not study for nothing.

He has occupied a lot of cities in this wave. Even after careful selection, there are as many as 507 cities together. Basically, none of them are small cities.

Some of these cities also have spectacles ranging from one star to three stars.

However, Luo Ji knew most of the effects of ordinary civilization wonders at this level.

At the same time, on the matter of displaying spectacles, he said that he has rich experience, and no one should have an opinion.

One set of set, quickly placed on the various continents inside Venus.

The size of the planet of Venus is far incomparable to the main planet of other civilizations, but it is definitely not a small planet.

As long as Luo Ji was willing, it would be more than enough to place all these 507 cities inside Venus.

But he did not do so.

Inside Venus, he settled 416 cities in one go.

With less than a hundred cities left, Luo Ji is undoubtedly planning to settle in Jupiter.

The main reason for this is to bring some people directly to Jupiter.

The original inhabitants of Jupiter have all been transformed into undead units by the undead army, so there is no more population on this planet except Luo Ji's garrison.

This is actually a very troublesome situation.

As we all know, population is labor.

If there is no population in your planet, what about the construction and development in the future?

Of course, Luo Ji can also choose to transport people over from his main planet.

However, for them, the interstellar voyage at this stage will take a long time. After that, the population will be transported from the host planet to Jupiter one by one. The overall efficiency is too low. How can it be like now So fast?

After the deployment, Luo Ji remained the same, and out of caution, he checked all of them again.

After he thoroughly confirmed that there was no problem with this deployment, and it was foolproof, he clicked the OK button.

With this press, the remaining conquest points of Luo Ji from UU Reading are basically gone.

Because moving a planet, even under the effect of the ‘civilized conqueror’, would cost two thousand conquest points.

Two planets are four thousand, and Luo Ji is completely bankrupt now, and the conquest points in his hand are only 1,365 points left.

In comparison, the consumption of civilization points looks even more amazing, but because of the fact that Luo Ji has so many hands, he seems quite indifferent.

Afterwards, with the changes in the world, this battlefield of all-out war was quickly dispelled.

When Luo Ji came back to his senses, he had already returned to Der Spiegel City directly with the additional effect of "return to the city" after the system was released on the battlefield.

Although their all-out war has just ended, the rear of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization does not have the feeling of having just finished a tough battle. Instead, it looks like it has been peaceful for many years.

In this regard, it is naturally thanks to Lu Yang and An Lijie's two-pronged governance model.

On the other hand, it was because after Luo Ji entered the food abuse mode on the front line, the supplementary demand for troops and the consumption of financial funds were greatly reduced, and it would no longer cause too much pressure on the rear.

Coupled with the continuous return of transportation resources since then, this has made the civilization of the world enter a state of recovery before the total war is completely over.

At this point in time, a whole civilization has almost recovered.

Of course, this does not mean that they will be out of work afterwards. After this wave of frontline troops have been withdrawn, there will still be a lot of post-war work that needs them to toss...

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