The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3303: , Really ugly

   "For four people, can I sit in the lobby?"

   " there a box?"


   Wangyuelou is similar to most restaurants in this area, and is divided into two areas: the box and the lobby. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

In the case of    boxes, some of the boxes are reserved by appointment, while the other part of the boxes is on a first-come, first-served basis.

   At this point in time, just after lunch, many boxes were vacated. Therefore, there are some boxes. However, the boxes in the Mochizuki Tower generally have consumption requirements.

   Under the soft-spoken explanation of the beautiful waitress, Wall who understood the situation nodded.

   "Give me a box."

   "Okay, please follow me."

The overall style of    Wangyuelou is a classic and elegant style, and the boxes are of course no exception.

   After Wall took his seat in the box, about twenty minutes later, the door of the box was pushed open again, and what came in was a goblin wearing a sweater, it was Xu Ji.

   didn't need Wall to greet him, Xu Ji found a seat next to him.

   During this period, Wall also greeted the waiter and took the menu.

   "You order first."

  While talking, Wall pushed the menu to Xu Ji.

   Xu Ji did not be polite with the other party, and directly ordered two or three of his favorite dishes.

After   , Wall took the menu again and started to order the dishes.

   Compared with Xu Ji, Wall's ordering efficiency is much higher. When he turned his head, a dozen dishes went down.

   "Mei Choi Pork, Crab Rice Lion Head, Minced Meat Eggplant, Stir-fried Seasonal Vegetables, Oh, and this one, the signature roast suckling pig."

  The efficiency of this order is as fast as the name of the dish.

   It was fine at the beginning, but after checking in, even the waiter on the side could not help but remind...

   "Sir, you have ordered 20 dishes. We still have plenty of dishes in Wangyue Tower. For four people, I am afraid that we can't eat that much. Would you like to return some?"

  Wangyue Tower is Ye Qingxuan's property, but he really didn't rely on Ye Qingxuan's reputation to grow business.

   The taste of the meals at Wangyuelou is basically something that people cannot fault.

At the same time, there is another thing about Mochizuki Tower, which makes diners unanimously praised. That is, although his meals are expensive, but the quantity is sufficient, unlike other high-end restaurants, a large and terrible plate, just order so. After the lap, the plate is empty.

   The taste is good, and the quantity is sufficient. This is the main reason why Mochizuki Tower has been standing for so many years and still has a prosperous business.

   Among the 20 dishes that Wall ordered, there are even a lot of big dishes in them, let alone four people, this table is full, they are all enough.

   For the kind reminder of the waiter, Wall shook his head.

   "No need, that's it."

   "Well, excuse me, do you want to wait until everyone is there?"

   While talking, the waitress took a look at the two places that were still empty.

   Wall, who heard this, took a deep look at the two positions, and then shook his head.

   "No, let's just start serving."

   At this moment, Wall's voice was invisibly hoarse.

  Wangyuelou’s waiters have received professional training. They naturally heard the changes in Wall’s voice, but they were very clever and didn’t ask much, but continued to ask softly...

   "Do you need some drinks?"

   "Then add another freshly squeezed soy milk, what do you drink?"

   Wall turned his head and looked at Xu Ji who was sitting next to him.

   Xu Ji said directly...

   "Tomato juice, thank you."

   Their mecha pilots do not drink alcohol. Drinking alcohol is harmful to them and will affect their operation and response capabilities. As the ace pilots in the army, staying away from alcohol is something they must do.

   After ordering, the serving speed is quite fast.

   Mainly because it is not a meal now, there are few people eating, and a large table of dishes are quickly available. At a glance, it is still quite spectacular.

   As soon as the box door closed, Wall and Xu Ji moved their chopsticks.

   In the whole box, the atmosphere is slightly dull.

   The two of them are not the kind of people who can chat with each other. When they get together, most of the time they are either on each other or on the way to each other.

   This time, it is a miracle to be able to sit there and eat so peacefully.

   As an ace soldier in the army, Xu Ji's training volume is quite large on weekdays.

   Don’t think of mech pilots, you just need to practice how to drive mechs. In order to be able to withstand long battles, the physical requirements of a pilot in the mecha legion are also very high.

   Therefore, Xu Ji's appetite is far more than ordinary goblins, but even so, it is too difficult to eat all the food on this table.

   It’s almost the same. At that table, after one-third of the dishes he ate, he was a little bit stuck and drank a sip of tomato juice.

   Xu Ji can clearly feel that he has reached his limit. The full text of 噺⒏⑴The fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   Wangyuelou’s food is delicious. That’s right, but no matter how delicious it is, it’s impossible to eat it to death.

Now the two of them worked together and only ate a third. As a dwarf, although Wall's appetite obviously exceeded Xu Ji, but next, he wanted to eat the remaining two-thirds by himself, Xu Ji didn't think it was possible anyway. When the time comes, he should pack it back for dinner.

   With this thought, Xu Ji looked at Wall, but at this sight, he was stunned, and then sighed in his heart secretly, UU reading www. and turned his head aside.

   I saw that at this moment, the whole rough face of the old man Wall is already soaked with tears...

   "It's so ugly to cry..."

   Xu Ji said silently in his heart.

   At the same time, the lobby on the first floor of Wangyue Tower...

   It was close to two o'clock in the afternoon, and there were few people eating in the lobby. Among them, there was a family where the bear kids were running rampant in the lobby, running around, and at the same time it was noisy.

   The father of the child frowned when he saw him.

   "Yan Sheng, don't run around in the lobby, you have noisy others for dinner."

   However, the bear kid obviously didn't intend to be obedient, and was still tossing in the lobby, causing the waiters around him to be troubled.

   During this period, the child's father was undoubtedly a little angry.

   "Yan Sheng! Did you hear my father talking to you?!"

   At that moment, while the child's father's voice was raised by a few decibels, the hand that was nowhere to be placed also slapped the table severely.

   At the moment when the shot fell, a spark of spark suddenly appeared in the palm of the child's father!

   The slap was slapped down, and while the tablecloth was lit, a little spark was splashed on the high-concentration liquor, which directly caused the fire, and the whole table was suddenly alive!

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